Encountering God
Long Read. During Hurricane Ernesto, Rev Gav reflected on how we encounter God in and through each other.
A woman’s son set out on the adventure of a lifetime, but was soon feared missing as nothing had been seen or heard of him…
In a supermarket car park a priest, dressed in his black shirt and dog collar, found himself in a spot of trouble. He had rushed…
How do we know that God has a sense of humour? Well, I am a teacher and I think I know…
Father God, We thank you for fathers who balance the demands of their jobs and family life with joy and sacrifice, and those new to…
Psalm 23
I was thinking about which Bible verse was the most used, or remembered. You must have your own favourite? In Junior Church we often use…
Tree Frogs
In the Rectory garden there lived a group of tree frogs. They spent their daytimes sleeping, but were very active once the sun went down….
An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and, upon returning to her car, found four young men in the act of getting into her vehicle,…
This is not my work but wanted to share. I believe it can be interpreted in so many ways – seeing a door opening to…
What a Mess!
Once, I was in a small family run supermarket and overheard the lady at the front desk on her radio asking a colleague for help…
Nobody really knows the true origin of pretzels, and there are many theories lurking on the internet. One theory is that they were created in…