19 Jan 25

Rev Gav


Luke 4:42-44. Quiet times and retreats are places to hear clearly from God, especially if you are at a crossroads in your life or struggling with difficult decisions.

Luke 4:42-44

42 Early the next morning Jesus went out to an isolated place. The crowds searched everywhere for him, and when they finally found him, they begged him not to leave them. 43 But he replied, “I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God in other towns, too, because that is why I was sent.” 44 So he continued to travel around, preaching in synagogues throughout Judea.


Jesus had been healing many people of demons and diseases, and we read in Luke’s gospel, that Jesus went away to find time and space to be alone. Yet, even though he did this, people found him and hounded him to help them, however, the miracles were not the reason that that Jesus came. Jesus came to share the message of the availability of the king, and God’s kingdom, to the world.

Like Jesus, lots of Christians try and find quiet spaces in their lives. Many have a daily ‘quiet time’ where they pray, read the Bible and reflect using notes or guides. Some go on spiritual retreats — either a day each month, or for one or two weekends per year. You might be surprised to know that for years I (Rev Gav) went on at least two retreats per year — sometimes staying in places like convents!

Importantly, quiet times and retreats are places to hear clearly from God, especially if you are at a crossroads in your life or struggling with difficult decisions.


Today, choose, in the pattern of your day, week, month or year, when you will make space to have a quiet time alone with God.


Holy God
You want a relationship with me,
and I want to draw closer to you.
Help me find time to be alone with you,
to pray, Reflect, and hear your voice.
This day and for ever.


Why do you think Jesus needed these times by himself, and what do you think he was doing in these times?

C.S.I. Jan 20 16:21pm

I find my best time with God to be in nature. In the winter time, this is difficult because so much of life is dormant. This is why I have an odd relationship with the Halyomorpha halys, or as more commonly known, the stink bug. I'm sure that you are wondering why!? Well let me explain.

To earn a living, I prepare taxes. During tax season I am often up into the wee hours of the night, when even my cats are deep asleep, working on taxes. There is a stillness in the air at that time of morning and I often feel like I must be the only thing awake in the world. But then I see that stink bug crawling over my keyboard reminding me that even then God's creation is moving and breathing and having its being, and for a few seconds I feel a special closeness to God who sent that stink bug to remind me that He never sleeps!

Helen Tyte Jan 23 21:01pm

You too are God’s wonderful creation! It’s wonderful to think of all of nature’s hope and possibility just lying dormant over the winter months, waiting for the right time to surprise us. Xx

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