A different kind of church

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I once was lost…

“Today, if you are reading this and you have been marginalised, belittled, ostracised, or left out in the cold; if you have made mistakes, hurt others, or hurt yourself; if you have walked away from relationships, said harsh words, or behaved badly; if you are continually hijacked by inappropriate or disturbing thoughts, desires, or feelings; if you feel undeserving, a lack of self-worth, or that you are unlovable; then hear the message of Jesus — that God loves you, has come to you, and wants you to find your home in them.” Rev Gav, 2022

Our weekly Insights and Devotions plus Member Creativity.


Rev Gav | Jan 13

What was going on at Jesus’ baptism?

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The way of Christ is a way of the poor, the marginalised, the hurting and the broken. It is the way of the common and the ordinary, and a humble and lowly path.
A man, standing in the snow, holds a Bible towards the camera.
Jan 8

What does it mean that The Word became flesh?

The whole gospel of John itself is the prologue to a much bigger story — one being written by ourselves in the world.
A male and female pair of hands form a cradle around a baby.
Dec 29

Why was Christ born 2000 years ago?

The reason why God chose to become incarnate was about time, place, context, and before it became too late for humanity.
A heavily pregnant woman stands in room holding back two curtains with her hands, her belly exposed, whilst smiling and looking up with joy.
Dec 23

What can we learn from Elizabeth?

We all need an Elizabeth in our lives, and Like Mary, may you know God’s blessing upon you, may you be honoured, and may you know the love, peace, and joy of Christ.


Rev Gav | Jan 13


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash. Two people stand facing each other with eyes closed, forehead to forehead as the taller person rests their head on the shorted.
Luke 4:38-41. We need to be aware of touch and how we can use it to communicate to others something of the love of God.
A person stands on the other side of a metal wire fence, their hands and fingers holding onto the wire.
Jan 8


Luke 4:31-37. Sometimes we come across things in our life that we want rid of — stuff that torments us or hurts us — and when we do, we need to trust, and simply ask, “Come, Lord Jesus.”
A bearded man wearing a red beanie hat frowns and glares directly at the camera looking foreboding and threatening.
Dec 29


Luke 4:22-30. Jesus, and those that follow him, still encounter hostility today that might manifest itself as ridicule, insults, or criticism.
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Dec 23


Luke 4:20-21. If Jesus was the Messiah then it had unbelievable implications, not just for his listeners, but for the whole world, forever.


Jan 12


An image showing a pigeon on the ground.
Gav explained that the Holy Spirit descended like a dove or more accurately, a pigeon and it reminded me of a story that still makes my parents laugh. One day, when my brother and I were little, two pigeons landed in our garden. They were exhausted and we were able…
Presents lie underneath a Christmas tree.
Dec 29

The greatest gift of all

Rev Gav
Over the Christmas break I decided to write some words to a melody I had written and here is the…
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Dec 23


Rev Gav
I had a dream where I played this folk tune!
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Dec 16

A FAB Creed

Rev Gav
My first attempt at a FAB creed.
An underwater photograph of a woman being baptised. She is being held by someone and is lying backwards underwater with bubbles.
Dec 15


Helen Tyte
In our church worship today Rev Gav was talking about John the Baptist, and this reminded me of a true…
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Dec 11


Rev Gav
My most recent addition to the album Pieces for Piano
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