A different kind of church

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I once was lost…

“Today, if you are reading this and you have been marginalised, belittled, ostracised, or left out in the cold; if you have made mistakes, hurt others, or hurt yourself; if you have walked away from relationships, said harsh words, or behaved badly; if you are continually hijacked by inappropriate or disturbing thoughts, desires, or feelings; if you feel undeserving, a lack of self-worth, or that you are unlovable; then hear the message of Jesus — that God loves you, has come to you, and wants you to find your home in him.” Rev Gav, 2022

Our weekly Insights and Devotions plus Member Creativity.


Rev Gav | Jul 21

What does it mean to love your neighbour?

In a previous message, I focused on the first of Jesus’ commandments — how we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and in this message I would like to explore the second commandment which is to love our neighbours as ourselves.

What does it mean to love God?

Jesus agreed that the law could be summarised as loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving our neighbour as ourself. In this message, Rev Gav explores the first of these greatest commandments.

What is the point in praying?

Do you find prayer difficult? I do. So what does it mean to pray and is there a best way of doing it?

Why do I love the Bible?

The Bible, wonderful and inspirational as it is, ultimately points to the good news of Jesus Christ, and in him our hope is found.


Rev Gav | Jul 21


Luke 2:33-35. Christians go through pain and suffering, and even Mary, the mother of Jesus was not spared. Did she give up and throw in the towel? No!


Luke 2:29-31. Despite our busy and fast-paced culture, the peace of Jesus is available to us.


Luke 2:25-28. It is important to learn how to trust in God’s timing without being impatient or losing hope.


Luke 2:22-24. Private or public rituals and ceremonies demonstrate that we are serious about our relationship with God.
From our community…


Jul 8 20:49pm


Sometimes all we can do is pray ‘help’.


Helen Tyte
In a supermarket car park a priest, dressed in his black shirt and dog collar, found himself in a spot…


Helen Tyte
How do we know that God has a sense of humour? Well, I am a teacher and I think I…


Helen Tyte
Father God, We thank you for fathers who balance the demands of their jobs and family life with joy and…

Psalm 23

Helen Tyte
I was thinking about which Bible verse was the most used, or remembered. You must have your own favourite? In…

Beautiful Broken

Rev Gav
A short poem by Rev Gav.
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