

We live in an age where social media means ‘my’ media, and where the focus is on the individual, what they post, create, and share on their own social profiles. At we believe that community is as important as the individual and seek to bless each other and the community, putting the needs of others and the community before our own.


Authenticity matters. It is important that we can be our true selves before God and with each other — our highs and lows, our joys and pains, our past and present, and our successes and failures — in a safe, accepting, non-judgmental, and affirming space.


We welcome and embrace everyone – especially those that feel as if they are different, don’t have label that adequately describes them, or fit neatly into a box. All that is required is a genuine desire to connect with God and with others as we journey in our Spirituality together.


We are created in the image of a creative God, and to be creative is to be human. We welcome and encourage expressions of digital creativity in worship and prayer — through text, graphics, video, music, and sound.
