2 Nov 24

Rev Gav


Luke 4:1-2. Christians know that to hide from God does not make sense, that Jesus loves them 100%, came to save them, and his name even means Saviour or Rescuer!

Luke 4:1-2

The Temptation of Jesus

4 Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. He was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. Jesus ate nothing all that time and became very hungry.


Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness where he chose to starve himself, and this self-deprivation is called ‘fasting’. Fasting helps people focus their minds and attention on God, and it was important that Jesus stayed focussed during his ordeal.

Now, when someone is led by the Spirit, it does not mean that they are not in control. We cannot control the Spirit, but neither does the Spirit ride rough-shod over our wills. In other words, we can choose to be led, guided or compelled by the Spirit. This is important to know because, although there were three temptations that Jesus faced in the wilderness, there was a temptation he faced even before he left — and this would have been to stay where he was and not be guided by the Spirit of God into the wilderness. In other words, the first temptation would have been to hide.

When we are tempted, often, the very first thing that happens is we feel guilt or shame — even if we have not caved in to the temptation itself. We can also feel guilt or shame for things we have thought, said and done on a daily basis. We can carry a sense of guilt for years, allowing the burden of it to slowly buckle us. When I was a young child and did something naughty, I would go and hide in my treehouse in the garden or under the duvet on my bed! My first instinct was to hide.

Christians, for the most part, know that they think, say, and do wrong things. Often, when they gather at church meetings, they say some sort of confession and say sorry to God. They know that to hide from God does not make sense, that Jesus loves them 100%, came to save them, and His name even means Saviour or Rescuer!


If you are currently hiding from or avoiding God because of something you have thought, said, or done, remind yourself of Jesus’ promise never to leave you or turn his back on you. He lived, died and rose again for you, and nothing can separate you from him. Today, come out from under the duvet.


Holy God
May I never be tempted to hide from you.
Remind me of your outstretched hand,
and that you love me more than I can imagine.
I turn to you again,
this day and for ever.


What is it that makes us hide from God when we do something wrong? What can we do to come out from under the duvet?

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Lisa-Dawn Johnston Nov 5 14:54pm

Love this. For 5 decades I chose to “stay away” from God, because I knew I couldn’t be perfect… no matter how hard I tried. The clobber scriptures were part of the problem , and so were the punitive scriptures that threatened punishment and suffering for not “being a Christian”. Now, through teachings and readings, and discussions, I feel more trust in Jesus, more confident in the love of God… more faith in the Holy Spirit, to always be with me, love and forgive me. So when I “eff up” I do eventually turn to prayer and say, “You know what I did… and I’m sorry. Pls forgive me, and help me to do better. Amen.”
It helps. Before finding my way back to God, I would have ruminated for DAYS… over things I did imperfectly. How stressful is that?! Thank God, for his steadfast love… from which everything else flows.

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Rev Gav Nov 5 15:26pm

Lisa-Dawn Johnston wrote:

Love this. For 5 decades I chose to “stay away” from God, because I knew I couldn’t be perfect… no matter how hard I tried. The clobber scriptures were part of the problem , and so were the punitive scriptures…


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