10 Feb 25

Rev Gav


Luke 5:6-7. We have a superabundant God, a God who loves us and wants the best for us.

Luke 5:6-7

And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.


Jesus had just finished preaching from a boat, when he asked the fishermen he was with to push out into deep water and drop their nets. The fishermen dropped their nets and they did not just catch one or two, but got a netful so big that they were in danger of sinking! They had to call another boat over to help them out.

Of course, it was pretty awesome that Jesus was somehow able to know where the fish were or could control nature, but by doing so he demonstrated that he was the Lord of all creation. The fishermen did not get time to Reflect because it was literally all hands on deck! I can imagine Jesus standing on deck laughing and helping the fishermen pull in their nets.

Jesus often backed up his teaching with a sign — and this miracle is a sign of what we call ‘superabundance’. It was this superabundance that backed up the message that Jesus had been preaching about.

We have a superabundant God, a God who loves us and wants the best for us. Life is not always going to be huge net-hauls of fish, but perhaps we can stop and look around at our possessions and relationships, and be grateful for all that God has given us.


What good things has God given you? Spend a moment saying thank-you to God for those things.


Holy God
Thank you for all that you have given me.
When I look around me
I realise I have so much to be grateful for.
Through good times and bad,
let me not take my life or relationships for granted.
This day and for ever.


The huge catch of fish was a superabundant sign, but what did it point to?

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Rev Gav Feb 14 8:55am

God has given me so many good things and I am so very blessed. I have always wanted to (and for the most part tried to) use my gifts and talents to give back to God.

Rev Gav Feb 14 8:59am

I guess the fish points to the superabundance of God's love. I imagine Jesus laughing and smiling and cheering them on, helping grab the nets, and hauling in the fish, high fiving James and John, and Zebedee slapping Jesus on the back. The mayhem. The joy.

Lisa-Dawn Johnston Feb 20 16:23pm

Yes! And the awe and humility from Simon Peter, who saw Jesus as the Messiah, and felt unworthy- until Jesus reassured him. I like to think of those overflowing nets of fish as a prophetic, superabundant sign of the people that Simon-Peter, James and John will “catch” as they become fishers of men… their nets will overflow with their success… and they will require others to joyfully help them! (Never thought about any of this until I read your message!)

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