Bible Studies
Luke 2:17-21. Jesus means saviour of the world, and that means he is my saviour and he is your saviour too!
Luke 2:15-16. Our status as God’s children does not come from what we own, where we live, who our parents are, what job we do,…
Luke 2:8-14. First Jesus is born in an animal pen and now angels appear to shepherds?! What on earth is going on here?!
Luke 2:1-7. Jesus was born at night — into darkness, away from his home town, and into the discomfort of an animal shelter. What does…
Luke 1:76-80. One of the greatest metaphors for Christ is as a light in the darkness — the darkness in the world, and the darkness…
Luke 1:69-75. Trusting in the promises of God, especially when life is tough, is no easy thing to do, but trust is a decision of…
Luke 1:65-68. Worship is a way of establishing a right perspective or relationship with God. We are saying, “God, you are king, and we are…
Luke 1:57-64. Zechariah being made mute was a sign, but towards what did it point?
Luke 1:54-56. When something good happens to us, we want to celebrate, usually with some sort of party. We want to share with the world…
Luke 1:51-53. What does it mean to be humble and is it a strength or a weakness?
Luke 1:50. Veneration means to do some self-examination and to humbly, respect, honour and praise our God.
Luke 1:46-49. God is worthy of praise, not just because of what God has done, but because of who God is.