How can the poor in spirit be blessed?
Jesus says some radical and baffling things in his opening words on The Sermon on the Mount. In this Insight, Rev Gav explores the big…
How do we find rest for our souls?
Rest, or a holistic inner-peace is that for which our soul longs. But how do we find rest from our weariness and the burdens that…
How can we be a united church?
What makes a good church community? How can a church hold and differences and remain united? Rev Gav explores what it means to be united…
Will we behold the Lamb of God?
John the Baptist calls Jesus The Lamb of God but where did this expression come from and what does it mean?
Is there a time for everything?
In this reflection on bereavement, Rev Gav reflects on what the writer of Ecclesiastes means when writing that there is a time or season for…
Why is baptism all about water?
Rev Gav explores why water is an important symbol in creation, history, and why it is used in the ceremony of baptism.
Will we follow the star of Bethlehem?
What is the truth about the Magi and why does their inclusion in the Christmas story matter to us?
What might the message of Christmas mean to you?
There are many different take-aways from the Christmas message, and here are seven of them as we reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ —…
What is the secret message of Christmas?
Rev Gav explores whether, behind all the noise and commercialism of Christmas, there is a message waiting to be heard.
Does God speak to us in dreams?
Joseph encountered an angel in a dream and it impacted the lives of Mary, Jesus, and all of us forever.
Is it okay to doubt when things go wrong?
What do you do when you give your life to a cause and everything seems to go inexplicably wrong? Can we hold onto hope? Rev…
Why do we have a problem with waiting?
Rev Gav explores why waiting, for many of us, seems to cause so many negative emotions and what we can do about it