How can we become clean?
The Scribes and Pharisees were obsessed with spiritual cleanliness yet Jesus had some strong words for them.
How can we be spiritually fed?
Rev Gav shares his love of food, both in the physical and spiritual sense. When you are spiritually fed you experience life in all its…
How can I remain humble?
Out-of-control pride can lead to devastating consequences so we must learn to stay humble.
What are God’s hopes for the world?
Does God have a plan for the world and how do we discern what that plan is?
Where should we place our hope?
In this message, Rev Gav encourages us to see hope as joining in with God’s acts of creativity in the world.
How can we be born again?
Jesus tells us we need to be born both of water and the Holy Spirit – that we have a physical birth but also need…
How can God be three and one?
There is one God but this one God is also community, and welcomes us into the eternal heavenly dance.
How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
As the Holy Spirit is always outward-looking and looking to the interest of others, and when we are filled with Spirit we too become outward-looking…
Why are we an Easter people?
In the midst of pain, suffering, and brokenness, we can proclaim, “Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”
How can we extend God’s grace?
In the same way that we are recipients of God’s grace, we are called to extend that grace to others.
How can I pursue wisdom?
The writer of the book of Proverbs says that to have integrity, justice, honesty, and make good life decisions, we need to pursue wisdom. But…