Why did Jesus die? Part 6: Victory
In this 6th part of the series, ‘Why did Jesus die?’ we look at how Jesus defeated evil on the cross and what this means…
Why did Jesus die? Part 5: Suffering
In Part 5 of this series on ‘Why did Jesus die?’ Rev Gav explores a more modern perspective, that of God entering into our world…
Why did Jesus die? Part 4: Freedom
In this fourth part of Rev Gav’s series looking at ‘Why did Jesus die?’ he explores the theme of freedom and how through the life,…
Why did Jesus die? Part 3: Justice
In this third part of the series ‘Why did Jesus die?’ Rev Gav explores how, through Jesus, God is both just and the one who…
Why did Jesus die? Part 2: Sacrifice
In this second part of the series, Why did Jesus die? we consider the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as an act of sacrifice.
Why did Jesus die? Part 1: Reconciliation
In this first part of a series called Windows on the Cross – Why did Jesus die? Rev Gav looks at how God reconciles us…
Do we have God-given authority?
Jesus handed over the keys to kingdom to Peter, but what did this mean for him and for the church, and what does it mean…
How do we stand with the marginalised?
God calls us to welcome and include the marginalised, broken, and poor. Rev Gav reflects on the Pride events that took place in Bermuda and…
Should I just forget and move on?
When someone hurts us they do not deserve our forgiveness, and it is better to simply forget about it and move on with our lives,…
If there is a God, why does he allow suffering?
Rev Gav was recently asked why God allows suffering, and so he decided to gather his thoughts into one single Insight.
Is there such a thing as perfect love?
We all make mistakes. None of us love our friends, partners, or spouses with a perfect love. Does this matter and what does God think…
Is Jesus the Messiah?
Was and is Jesus the Messiah, the long-awaited Saviour of the World? Well, the proof of the pudding would only be in the tasting. Jesus…