How much does God love us?
The image we have of God can be like baggage and weigh us down, preventing us from knowing the radical, inclusive, and all-embracing nature of…
What does stewardship mean?
There is a difference between conservation and the more embracing biblical view of stewardship of all creation — something to which we are all called…
What will love look like in the future?
Jesus commanded his disciples to “love one another” but why is this perhaps the most important command of all?
What does it mean to live?
Paul in his letter to the church in Rome describes the atonement and Rev Gav explains it by telling a story.
What does it mean to call God Father?
Christians believe in a creator God that takes risks with us, allows us to make mistakes, and embraces us with love.
How can I be spiritually healthy?
In our modern world we are often concerned about our physical or mental health but give little time to the importance of our spiritual health…
What is the nature of God?
The paradoxical nature of The Holy Trinity is important for understanding how God can be love and also draw us into a divine relationship.
How can I receive God’s gifts?
The Holy Spirit wants to bestow and anoint you with spiritual gifts to empower you as you work within your wheelhouse.
What is the Power of the Incarnation?
Rev Gav reflects on the incarnation of the second person of the Holy Trinity in Jesus Christ and the difference it makes to all creation…
Is God is on our side?
Gaining a perspective as a mother who bears us, holds us, and protects us is vital to our understanding of the the nature of God.
What do we do in times of trouble?
What do we do when we are either ‘in trouble’ or ‘troubled’? Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe…
How can we reach this generation?
The Church (capital C) struggles to engage with those in Gen-Z and Gen-A. Does it mean we might need to do things a little differently?