16 Dec 24

Rev Gav

A FAB Creed

My first attempt at a FAB creed.

We believe that God is both one and Holy Community,
without gender and embracing of all genders,
expressing eternal love in three persons and through creation.

We believe and trust in God the Mother, Father, and heavenly Guardian,
through whom all things are formed and maintained;
who invites humanity to bring heaven to earth
and be creative stewards in the world.

We believe and trust in Jesus Christ,
who was born, lived, died, resurrected, and ascended,
that we might be sanctified and made holy;
who overcame sin and death for all peoples and for all time.

We believe and trust in the Holy Spirit,
who, through Christ, fills us and makes home in us,
whose power transforms us into the likeness of Christ,
who enables us to be Christ’s love in and for the world.

We trust that one day heaven and earth will fully overlap,
and all will be fully redeemed, restored, and renewed.
Until the day of our resurrection in and through Christ,
we are called to live humble and holy lives,
in peace and joy with God, others, and the natural world.

To God be all glory, honour, and praise now and always.

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