3 Feb 25


If the Son sets you free

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. (NLT- John 8:36)

Some time ago, I watched a cop show. In it, an innocent man, unjustly accused, spent over a decade in prison. In a courtroom, he was exonerated and his handcuffs and shackles removed. He was free, yet as he moved towards those who had fought for him, to thank them, he remained bent over and shuffling. “Stand up, man! You are free!” exclaimed his friend. “Walk like it!”

It was a touching moment in the drama. It echoed in my mind for some time after. I wondered how often we are like this man. We have been set free, healed, offered new life in Christ. Yet, we have lived so long shackled by guilt or regret or wounding or hopelessness, that we still walk bent and shuffling.

I heard the Spirit say”You are free. Walk like it – even dance!”

Tim Rogers Feb 4 10:59am

A wonderful message which promotes reflection. We are so often prisoners simply within our minds.Thank you

Lisa-Dawn Johnston Feb 7 8:50am

Thanks for sharing! Dancing is even more fun with others dancing too! 🥰
A message from the spirit is always welcome! 🤗

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