13 Apr 24

Helen Tyte

What a Mess!

Once, I was in a small family run supermarket and overheard the lady at the front desk on her radio asking a colleague for help with a clean up on the second aisle. As I turned the corner onto the aisle I could see an elderly gentleman wringing his hands and watching in horror as tomato sauce spread across the floor from a few broken jars around his feet. He was explaining to an assistant how he had turned around and caught the jars with the corner of his shopping basket.

The elderly chap, clearly distressed by the situation, repeatedly apologised and said that he would pay for the damaged goods. The assistant kept trying to reassure him that it was okay, that nobody was hurt, that the spill could easily be cleaned up, and that he certainly did not have to pay for the wasted pasta sauce. The assistant gave the man a quick hug and ushered him gently out of the way to allow the clean up to begin.

As the cleaner appeared with a mop and bucket the elderly man asked if he could help, and the reply was, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this. You just have a great day sir,” accompanied by a huge smile.

We all mess up. We make mistakes and sometimes create more chaos than we can sort out, but God is just like the cleaner in the store. No mess is too big for God to clean up, so, today, if you feel like your life is in disarray, you are confused or surrounded by disorder, stop and ask God for help and God will say, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

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Andrew Radley Apr 15 23:52pm

I hope and believe this is true! Wonderful! X

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