Mar 10

Helen Tyte

Women and Mothers

Today in Bermuda we are celebrating two special days. On Friday it was International Women’s Day, when we think about all of the women who have made a difference in our lives and to the world around us, celebrating and giving thanks for the achievements of women.

Those who have:
nurtured us,
taught us,
inspired us,
loved us.

Forgive us when we have limited women through:
lack of opportunity.

We pray that all women may know equality of:

We pray that all women may feel:

We ask these things in the name of Jesus in whom there is neither male nor female.

We also celebrate today as the fourth Sunday in Lent: Simnel Sunday. The day is also known in the church calendar as Mothering Sunday, as it was the one day in the year that people were historically encouraged to return to their ‘mother church’ to worship.

This Mothering Sunday we give thanks for all those who have nurtured us:
Mothers who carried us.
Surrogates who carry children for others.
Families who adopt and foster.
Fathers and relatives who assume a caring role.
Special friends who mother us.
May God bring them joy.

Compassionate God, we remember those for whom today will be a sad day:
Children who have lost mothers.
Nurturers who have lost children.
Those who wish to be mothers.
May God bring them peace.

Nurturing God, we thank you for the gift of life. Remind us daily of your love for each and every one of your children, and guide us as we show our love to others and to your world around us.


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