12 Nov 24

Rev Gav


Luke 4:3-4. In our ‘me-oriented’ culture, we often think that we do not need God and that we can do this thing called life on our own, but that is not God’s way. God wants us to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit and remain in a close relationship.

Luke 4:3-4

Then the devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become a loaf of bread.”

But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone.’”


When Jesus faced his first temptation from the devil he was in the wilderness and was ‘fasting’.  Fasting meant he was going without food to help focus his mind on God and he was hungry. This seemingly harmless temptation was for Jesus to use his power independently from God and be self-sufficient — to separate Jesus from his father God — and to break their relationship.

I wonder how many of our temptations appeal to our egos or self-importance? It is tempting to use our gifts, talents, or wealth for ourselves and forget God. There is nothing wrong with being gifted or talented, having good things, or receiving the wonderful gifts that God gives us, however, we are often tempted to do things without recognising that we need the ongoing presence of God in our lives. The temptation is to live in our own strength, without God, and if the devil is successful in convincing us that we do not need God, then the devil has managed to break our relationship with God.

Jesus replied, quoting a verse from the religious Hebrew writings called ‘scripture’, that you cannot live life without God. It was not that there was magical power in the words themselves, but by reminding himself of God’s promise, Jesus chose to cling to God and not break his relationship with his Father.

In our ‘me-oriented’ culture, we often think that we do not need God and that we can do this thing called life on our own, but that is not God’s way. God wants us to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit and remain in a close relationship.


God has given you amazing gifts and talents that are unique to you. Today, dedicate your time and talents to God.


Holy God
Forgive me when I think I do not need you
and do things in my own strength.
I recognise my need for you
and for your continual presence in my life.
I dedicate my time and my talents to your service,
this day and for ever.


In our culture, people claim to get along without God just fine. Why then, do Christians suggest that we need the presence of God in our lives?

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