Dec 18

Rev Gav


Luke 1:1-4

Luke wrote his gospel (good news) to his friend Theophilus and he began with this introduction that sets the stage for the rest of his gospel.

Luke 1:1-4


1 Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us. They used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honourable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth of everything you were taught.


Did you know that gospel means ‘good news’? We’re not sure if the original manuscripts of Luke’s gospel had titles, but copies from about 200AD did, and the message of Jesus had certainly been referred to as ‘the gospel’ since Roman Times. It’s also known that Caesar, the Roman emperor at the time, called himself the ‘good news’ and so, right at the very beginning, Luke might have been making a very political and revolutionary statement about Jesus.

The Gospel of Luke is the longest biblical account about Jesus Christ – his birth, life, death, and resurrection. It’s the first of two books written by Luke. The second book called ‘Acts’ is an account of the early Christian church. The two books go together and outline how God’s plans and purposes for the world were put into action.

We know that Luke wasn’t an eye-witness but drew together eye-witness and other written accounts about Jesus. We’re pretty sure he was a friend or companion of the Apostle Paul – a famous follower of Jesus who wrote lots of the letters that are collected together in the Bible. We’re also pretty sure that Luke wasn’t Jewish but had a good working knowledge of Jewish culture. And we think that Luke was also a doctor. This is because some of the early Christians called him ‘Luke the doctor’ and there’s also a reference to ‘doctor Luke’ in one of Paul’s own letters.

Anyway, this whole introduction to Luke’s gospel is like the porch on the front of a big house. It’s the entranceway. In the same way that you have to pass through a porch to get to the rest of the house, you have to pass through this introduction to get to the rest of the gospel. But, like a porch, it also gives you the first impression of the house.


In your life, are you ready for Jesus to be good news to you? Right now, open your heart and mind to God; draw a deep breath and say, “Today, Lord Jesus, be good news to me.”


Holy God
As I start on this journey with you,
help me learn more about you.
I open my heart and my mind to your message.
Speak to me through the words of Luke’s gospel
that you may be good news to me.
This day and for ever.


When you read, watch or listen to the whole introduction, what’s your first impression about the author?

Do you think it matters that we don’t know for certain that Luke wrote this gospel? Why?

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