Apr 8

Rev Gav


Luke 1:46-49. God is worthy of praise, not just because of what God has done, but because of who God is.

Luke 1:46-49

The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise

46 Mary responded,

“Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
47     How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
48 For he took notice of his lowly servant girl,
    and from now on all generations will call me blessed.
49 For the Mighty One is holy,
    and he has done great things for me.


Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth who was also pregnant, and after they shared each other’s news about what the angels had told them, Liz pronounced a blessing upon Mary and her unborn baby. In response, Mary could not contain herself and burst into the most wonderful song of praise to God. You can imagine her looking up, raising her arms, and with the biggest smile on her face singing out loud to God.

Did you know that Mary’s song is sometimes called ‘The Magnificat’. No, a magnificat is not a feline super hero! Get it, ‘Magnifi-cat’? Oh never mind… Anyway, it is called the Magnificat because in Latin (the Roman language the Bible was translated into by the early church) the first word of Mary’s song was ‘magnificat’ meaning ‘magnifies’ or ‘praises’.

The Magnificat hasbeen used in Christian worship for centuries and is often included in the words that people say together when they gather for church worship.

You see, Mary’s song is not just her own thoughts for herself, but it is for everyone for all time, and that means it is for you. When Christians gather, they often gather to worship — to offer praises to God — not just because of what God has done, but because of who God is. In other words, God is worthy of praise whether we praise him or not.


Today, say some words that give God praise — for who God is and for what God has done.


Holy God
I lift my eyes to you and give you all my praise.
May my words honour you
and my actions speak of your greatness.
I worship you, Lord God;
Father, Son and Holy Spirt.
This day and for ever.


Why do you think Christians use Mary’s Song (The Magnificat) as part of their own worship?

Which bits of Mary’s Song connect with our lives and the world we live in today?

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