Feb 5

Rev Gav


Would you challenge an angel? Zechariah did. Check out Luke 1:18.

Luke 1:18

18 Zechariah said to the angel, “How can I be sure this will happen? I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years.”


Liz and Zechariah were too old to have children and yet an angel had just told Zechariah that they were going to have a baby, that the long-awaited Messiah and rescuer of the world was coming, and that their baby would grow up to be the greatest prophet that had ever lived, but then Zechariah did a crazy thing; he pretty much interrupted the angel to tell him that he had got it wrong. If there was one thing you did not tell a frightening messenger from God, it was that he had made a boo boo, but Zechariah did.

I do not know whether I find this part of the story encouraging or not! Despite all the great and wonderful words the angel had used, Zechariah was locked into the physical reality of himself and his situation. It was as if he was looking down rather than up, was not seeing the possibilities, and was unable to see himself as being part of this amazing story. It is pretty discouraging, however, on the other hand it is immensely encouraging because Zechariah was acting so very human! This ordinary man who was open to God got chosen by God, and rather than being all religious and self-congratulatory, said, “Me? Yeah, right?” He was normal, and it gives me great encouragement because it means that God uses normal people, like me, and like you.

Do you think that God might use you? Would you doubt like Zechariah? Well, be encouraged. When you open your life to God and when you say, “Come in and use me,” God does.


Today, open yourself to serving God. Be honest about your doubts, but also tell God that you are available for his mission in the world.


Holy God
Right now I’m open to you.
Forgive me for doubting
that you would pick me for your team,
but come into my life and use me;
my skills, my time and my talents,
to further your mission in the world.
This day and for ever.


1. Do you think it’s okay to find bits of the Bible amusing or funny?

2. Why does it surprise you that the first character we meet in Luke’s gospel has doubts?

Lisa-Dawn Johnston Feb 13 15:53pm

I loved reading this scripture through your lens. When I read this before, I commented that it was nice to see that we don’t age out of God’s purpose (or something like that). But your insight reminded me that God uses ordinary, doubting HUMANS…. US! And that is reassuring on many levels… because he deems us worthy, because he sees us, because we see that he is real!
And as for humour in the Bible? Absolutely it’s ok! It’s important! Humour is one of our many emotions- and since the others are certainly present in the Bible. So should humour! It should also be present because there is some heavy reading in the Bible, and the humour gives us comic relief and respite. Humour is also an effective teacher. Three of my Favourite laugh out loud moments in the Bible:

1. When Moses comes down from the mountain with the 10 commandments and sees the Israelites partying and worshipping the golden calf… Moses- “Aaron! WTF is going on (Moses flings down the tablets in anger) Aaron - “they gave me the gold…I threw it in the fire- and out came this bull calf ! 🐂 🤷🏽‍♂️

2. Jonah tried his best to outrun God- and after enduring all sorts of ordeals, he grudgingly delivers the prophecy- in 7 words!!! The equivalent of- “You wicked people are going to die!” Mic drop 🎤! I can see him strolling off stage left now 😅

3. The  disciples/brothers swindling people to do an exorcism…then being chased out of the house by the demon possessed man who gave all of them a beat down they wouldn’t soon forget! - they escaped buck naked, terrified, running for their lives… that demon tore their a&@$$ up!🤣

bottom line… I remember those stories and their messages because of the humour.
Thanks for making me laugh today! 🤭

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