Feb 19

Rev Gav


Luke 1:23-25. There is something powerful about saying ‘thank you’ out loud to God.

Luke 1:23-25

23 When Zechariah’s week of service in the Temple was over, he returned home. 24 Soon afterward his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and went into seclusion for five months. 25 “How kind the Lord is!” she exclaimed. “He has taken away my disgrace of having no children.”


Zechariah had encountered an angel in the temple who had told him that he and his wife Liz were going to have a baby. Zechariah headed home, and within a few weeks, he and his wife Liz had conceived a child. Liz then chose to hide away in her home for five months. I wonder why? Luke does not tell us her reasons. She would have known what had happened to Zechariah in the temple – the visit of the angel, the coming Messiah, and her baby who was to be the great prophet. There is no reason to doubt that she believed her husband — and of course, there was the sign that he couldn’t speak — and he was not faking that!

The chapter finishes with a wonderful quote from Elizabeth. God had answered her prayers at long last, and more than that, he had answered the prayers of the nation. She could not help but vocalise her gratitude.

Like Liz, there is something powerful about us saying ‘thank you’ out loud to God. It is one thing to think it but another to confess it with your mouth.


Think of something you could be thankful for today. When you’ve got something, find a quiet place and say thank-you to God out loud for that thing.


Holy God
Help me to be thankful each and every day
for the good gifts you’ve given to me.
Although I don’t deserve it,
you’ve handed me a waiver and shown me favour.
You, Lord God, are a holy life-saver!


1. How can we express our gratitude to God for the good things given to us?

2. Why do you think Liz spent five months hiding away?

Lisa-Dawn Johnston Mar 9 10:01am

I think Elizabeth went into seclusion to avoid distractions and focus on her health and the miracle of her pregnancy. She understood the assignment. She understood what a precious gift her pregnancy was….after longing for a child for so long….

Lisa-Dawn Johnston Mar 9 10:04am

We can express our gratitude to God for the good things he has given to us….by sharing them…. Whatever they are… talents, peace, “things”…. Love…
Share them.

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