Fab News

Sep 26 13:19pm

Fab News!

Hi Fabbers!

Is it fall or autumn? Perhaps it is both?? I wrongly assumed the word ’fall’ was a more recent word, and in a sense it is, as it has only really been around for 400 years or so… Those ’modern’ Americans eh?

Anyhow, I hope you are all doing well. I have just implemented this Newsletter on Fab which can be sent from Helen and I to Guests and Members. You are getting this email because you have a new toggle on your My Account page which has Email Notifications set to ’yes’. You can, of course, turn these emails off. But why would you?

Guests and Members

Now, on the topic of Guests and Members, you will see that Fab Church now has two roles – Guests and Members. The idea behind Fab is that, eventually, some of us will make it ’their’ church (even if they belong to another offline or online community). Members are those that are committed to the vision and values of Fab Church, and make some gentle community promises. Yep, it is that dreaded word ’commitment’.

Guests are people who want to join Fab Church and ’test the waters’ so to speak. They can journey with the church, participate in our online worship (when it launches), comment and like content, but they cannot post their own content, they cannot see the private FabChats, private message other members, or volunteer for worship roles, etc. Guest roles are also ideal for those that want to stay in touch with Fab but nothing more.

To this end, because I could not ’assume’ the current cohort wanted to become Members, and because there is a level of commitment required, all existing ’members’ are now Guests. BUT… you are all welcome to consider becoming a Member! Typically, Guests need to have been journeying with us for a few months and we get to know them a bit before we allow them to become Members.

You might think this all sounds rather draconian but it is essential that Fab is a safe place for its members to share and be themselves without fear of judgment.

This week on Fab…

What does it mean to be wise?

An owl perched on a branch looking inquisitively at the camera.

James, drawing on ancient Hebrew metaphor, encourages his readers to stop looking towards earthly wisdom, but to the Holy Spirit that dwells within us — the law implanted in our hearts. Rev Gav’s insight and podcast this week is ”What does it mean to be wise?” and is based on James 3.13 – 4.8.


A line of all sorts of different people queuing up.

Baptism without action was worthless and this is why when people came to John the Baptiser, he gave them practical advice on how to live their lives. This week’s Devotion called ’Willingness’ is based on Luke 3:7-9.

Development News

We have spent another few days crossing Ts and dotting Is on the website, doing things like ensuring Private Messages really are private, and fixing bugs. If you are really boring and techie (like me), you can view Site Updates in our Fab News section or click on the little speaker icon on the footer of the website. Exciting huh?

And Finally…

Please do, if you have not done so already, join our WhatsApp community. We have two groups on there, one for Guests (including Members) and one just for Members. You can request to join the Community Announcements here or the Guest group here.

Heaps of Peace

Rev Gav

© fab.church