Fab News

Dec 8 23:59pm

This week on Fab…

Hello Fabbers!

Helen and I returned from the UK last Thursday evening and we are now back into the thick of work and ministry.

It was a great pleasure to host our first online Fab worship today. I wondered if it might feel a bit weird, but I actually found it to be quite moving and I loved connecting with others from across the globe who ‘get it’ (if you know what I mean). Thank you to all of you who joined in.

Notifications on your mobile device!

I have just turned on notifications again! So… if you have Fab Church on your mobile home screen, do accept notifications, and it should work – i.e. you should get a mobile notification when there is a new post to the website! It worked for me! I’m still fiddling with the technology so let me know how you get on.

A call for prayer…

Last night a 19-year old boy had a terrible motorcycle accident on the road near our church. He is the nephew of a colleague of mine and the son of on of Helen’s school colleagues. He is currently in an induced coma in hospital. Please hold him in prayer. His name is Jonah.

This week…

Back to Fab this week and you will see this week’s Insight is about how all of us bear scars that others cannot see, but the process of healing can take place within a loving and accepting community of God’s people. You can read and/or listen to the Podcast here:


Our weekly devotions continue in Luke’s gospel and this week’s called ‘Poverty’ is based on Luke 4:16-18. Jesus’ message was that if we want to be spiritually wealthy, then we need to hear and respond to him. You can engage here:


Have a fab week!

Heaps of Peace

Rev Gav



© fab.church


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