Fab News

Dec 15 16:55pm

This week on Fab…

G’Day Fabbers!

I hope you’ve had a good week. No long missive from me as I’m pretty wiped! I know some of you are out and about on your travels and it’s been fun getting updates about your shenanigans! Talking of shenanigans, we have a ZOOM social set for Saturday 21st! Do check out our Gathering on the site!

Today is the third Sunday in Advent, sometimes called Gaudete Sunday (which is latin for Rejoice). It’s the Sunday in Advent when typically we focus on the joy of the shepherds and it has a liturgical colour of rose. So there you go, now you know! However, the gospel reading set for today is from Luke Chapter 3 and this is all about John the Baptist. This week’s Insight and Podcast is called ‘What then shall we do?’ where John explains to those coming for baptism what they must do and how it isn’t rocket science:


This week’s Devotion is called Manifesto and based on Luke 4:18-19 we reflect on how every aspect of Jesus’ message and ministry is an invitation for to us to join in with his mission in the world:


Heaps of Advent joy and peace

Rev Gav


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