Fab News

Jan 19 21:33pm

This week on Fab…

Hello Fabbers!

Yes, I know it’s only been a few days since the last Fab email but I was late with the last one and on time with this one!

Today has been a looooong day. I led two gatherings at one church and then covered for a dear colleague at another church, then back to the first church to take a funeral (typically they are not on Sundays), then re-recorded my podcast, edited the church video, sent out links and emails, and published this week’s Devotion, and now this quick email. Yep, done enough for one day!

The theme of this week’s Insight is ‘Gifts’ and I’ve been thinking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how these spiritual gifts complement our practical gifts, and how we are also inherently gifts to one another. This is certainly true as my closest friends are not just gifted listeners but gifted in ‘spiritually’ listening. This week, I have been blessed to have had long conversations with several friends where I have sensed God speaking through them to me, and that is how it works isn’t it? The Spirit in them reaches out to me, and the Spirit in me reaches out to them — us and God working together. Anyway, I’m prattling on. You can read or listen to this week’s message here:


Writing this week’s Insight I was reminded of how Jesus needed quiet times to refocus and hear from God, and low and behold, this week’s Devotion is on that very theme. It’s called ‘Quiet’ and you can engage with it here:


Sending you all heaps of love in Jesus

Me. (Gav)


© fab.church


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