Fab News

Oct 27 15:54pm

This week on Fab…

Hello Fabbers!

This week, I have struggled with mild anxiety. For me, it is typically caused by a combination of things coming together, any one of which I could probably cope with, but together, they lead to the sleepless nights, hijacked thoughts, and the feeling like I could cry at any moment. Not fun, and if it were not for Helen and loving friends keeping me ‘afloat’, I could have easily spiralled downward. It is a reminder than many of us live with mental health issues, and for whom every day can be a struggle.

In this week’s Bible Reading, Mark 10.46–52 we read about the beggar called Bartimaeus who was blind, and in my weekly insight and podcast, we discover that the invitation from Jesus is for us and for everyone.


In this week’s Devotion, as we go through Luke’s gospel, we reach Chapter 4 where Jesus is in the wilderness being tempted by the devil.


And finally, Helen shares a funny story about two boys and a priest!


Heaps of Peace

Rev Gav


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