Fab News

Nov 18 11:55am

This week on Fab

Happy Monday Fabbers!

Are you ready to start the week? I know that every Monday morning I wake with a mixed sense of expectation that a new week has started along with a sense of dread that I have a whole ‘nother week to get through! It is good to spend just a moment or two reflecting on the fact that, although there are lots of constants in our week — jobs to complete, meetings to attend, admin to file, and so on — the future has not yet been written! Through teaming up with God, we can face this week together. God is right there with with you, your companion and guide, your strength and shield. You guys have got this!!

If you get a chance, do spend time delving into the Word of God. This week’s reading is the pretty heavy Mark 13. You can read it on Bible Gateway. To make sense of it, you can read or listen to my podcast — remember you can do this directly on Fab, or on Spotify, Apple, or Amazon! The choice is yours. The message of Mark 13 is a way of saying God understands, is with us, and everything will be okay. Today, if you are struggling or suffering, then read Mark 13, because it’s for you!


Every week we also produce a devotion. It contains a very short Bible passage, something to think about, and something to chew on. It also contains a lovely prayer just for you! We are slowly making our way through Luke’s gospel, bit by bit, and this week we are in Luke 4:5-8. In the same way that Jesus clung to the command of God to worship only him, we are to do the same thing. We are to let go of everything and to keep our eyes fixed on God.


I know FAB won’t come into its own until we start to have online gatherings. We’re thinking 6pm GMT would be a good time (as most of the rest of us on Fab are behind GMT – 4 to 8 hours!) so… to this end we are going to schedule a social (Sat 23rd Nov) and a Sunday worship (Sun 8th Dec)! Hoorah! Login to FAB and let’s test it all works as planned.

In other news, The Hip-hop Gospel is now available as a podcast on Spotify/Amazon/Apple – so you can now listen in your favourite app! You can find the links on the Hip-hop Gospel page on FAB:


Heaps of Peace

Rev Gav n’ Helz


© fab.church


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