Weekly messages of hope and encouragement.
What happens when God is merciful?
The story of Jesus’ presentation at the temple, was the equivalent of pushing the button at a pedestrian crossing. Simeon and Anna heralded the countdown that would stop the traffic as they waited for Jesus to grow up and begin his salvific ministry to Israel and to the world.
How can we be brave?
We must never stop loving and showing mercy when we encounter injustice and oppression.
How do we use our spiritual gifts?
May you be filled with the Holy Spirit, may your life be supercharged, and may you be a blessing to your family, to the church, and to the world.
What was going on at Jesus’ baptism?
The way of Christ is a way of the poor, the marginalised, the hurting and the broken. It is the way of the common and the ordinary, and a humble and lowly path.
What does it mean that The Word became flesh?
The whole gospel of John itself is the prologue to a much bigger story — one being written by ourselves in the world.
Why was Christ born 2000 years ago?
The reason why God chose to become incarnate was about time, place, context, and before it became too late for humanity.
What can we learn from Elizabeth?
We all need an Elizabeth in our lives, and Like Mary, may you know God’s blessing upon you, may you be honoured, and may you know the love, peace, and joy of Christ.
What then should we do?
John explains to those coming for baptism what they need to ‘do’ and it’s not rocket science.
What does it mean to be an overcomer?
All of us bear scars that others cannot see, but the process of healing can take place within a loving and accepting community of God’s people.
How can I have faith when my world is falling apart?
When God seems silent or absent and you continually face the brokenness and barrenness of your own landscapes, may the poppy of faith once again flower in your heart.
Do science and religion agree?
Some Christians believe in a literal six-day creation. Should the account in Genesis be treated like a modern scientific account or is there another way?
How is Mark 13 a message to humanity?
The message of Mark 13 is a way of saying God understands, is with us, and everything will be okay. Today, if you are struggling or suffering, then read Mark 13, because it is for you.
How do we grasp who Jesus is?
We must put our trust in God and lean deeper into Jesus, and like Simon, Andrew, James, and John, recognise who Jesus is, be ready to drop everything, and follow.
As Christians, what laws are we under?
If you are struggling to know what to do in any given situation, and are concerned with doing the ‘right’ thing, then simply go back to the two greatest commandments, for no religious, political, or social law can ever override them.
The Bible and Sexuality
This article is a re-working of an article written by Walter Brueggemann, one of the world’s most renowned biblical scholars with some additional content from Rev Gav.
What does it mean to be seen?
Whether we need to be seen or enable others to be seen, the invitation from Jesus is for us and for everyone.
How can I be the greatest?
We must be ambitious to serve and to love, and to be Jesus to all we meet. If we make love our focus and our goal then truly, we shall be great.
How do I receive God’s mercy?
When we mess up and make mistakes, we fear punishment or rejection, but God will never turn us away and will never reject us.
How does mercy trump judgment?
There is an important ‘Godly’ principal found in the book of James — ‘Mercy triumphs over Judgment’ — which is vital for us to embrace as we navigate our contemporary lives.
Who was Nathanael?
The story of Nathanael is hugely symbolic but is also an important part of John’s invitation for us to meet Jesus.
What does it mean to be wise?
James, drawing on ancient Hebrew metaphor, encourages us to stop looking towards earthly wisdom, but to the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.
How do we tame the tongue?
Becoming a ‘better’ Christian is not an arduous work, but the result of simply spending time hanging out with the biggest influencer of all time — Jesus.
What is faith without action?
The book of James is an interesting little book at the back of your Bible and takes about ten minutes or so to read. Hopefully this Insight will unpack some of the broader themes from the book and how they apply to our lives.
What is love?
God wants us to be the best version of ourselves and be filled with God’s Holy Spirit, the Spirit of love — to be the wonderfully diverse, inclusive, accepting, welcoming, and loving people God has called us to be.