
Co-Missional Church

From Tim Rogers

Mar 4 11:47am

Food for thought indeed.
The traditions of Anglican worship both mystify me and unsettle me at the same time. I didnt attend worship for over 30 years and yet i identified as a Christian and within that, trying to be a decent , caring human .( I’m not sure the two have to go together). What i identify now is something was missing for me. As to a locus, i enjoy taking communion and so without the building i dont know how that could be achieved. I also spend much of my free time here and away admiring , glorying in the structures that man has built for worship. So as usual, i am confused. I want and need community and fellowship and at the same time am progressive enough as an older person to see merit abd indeed need for change. Its certainly hard for me to accept the rigidity of traditional worship. The great thing about FAB is that one can explore and with kindness and courtesy have an open dialog without feeling as if im criticizing or in any way judging those that have profound , unswerving and unwavering belief.



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