From Tim Rogers
Its interesting , because for decades i stayed away from attending a church , or worshipping in any way, except for trying to live as a Christian. Why ? Because i was sure the ” church” wasnt relevant to me. Maybe age and circumstances played a role but a door opened and i ” came back”. Both in a physical and our online church i see that there is relevancy for me and for the community that i am part of. But what i have come to realize is that being a part of God’s family is better than being an outcast. Those words ..”Come to me all that are heavily laden” come to my mind.
Do i struggle with the teachings of the bible, with the relevancy of the church to today , an emphatic yes !. But now, proudly a member of ” the church” , a willing student and a , pseudoactive torchbearer , i feel im better in it , than outside of it. My prayer is that the church listens to everyones voice and that everyone feels included.
Win or lose ? Well, they say if you don’t bet , you don’t have a chance of winning.