From C.S.I.
I find my best time with God to be in nature. In the winter time, this is difficult because so much of life is dormant. This is why I have an odd relationship with the Halyomorpha halys, or as more commonly known, the stink bug. I’m sure that you are wondering why!? Well let me explain.
To earn a living, I prepare taxes. During tax season I am often up into the wee hours of the night, when even my cats are deep asleep, working on taxes. There is a stillness in the air at that time of morning and I often feel like I must be the only thing awake in the world. But then I see that stink bug crawling over my keyboard reminding me that even then God’s creation is moving and breathing and having its being, and for a few seconds I feel a special closeness to God who sent that stink bug to remind me that He never sleeps!