
Rubber Ducks

From Lisa-Dawn Johnston

Jan 2 11:48am

This story reminded me of the Parable of the Vineyard workers (Matthew 20:1-16) No matter when you start with, or come to, or open your heart to God, the welcome is the same!

I love where you wrote that even during tough times,  God’s river still flows and we can be still and let God’s love flow around us. I imagine God’s love carrying us during those times, and in all times.

I also love that the ducks simply float… no effort is required on their part, just as God doesn’t require us to “do good works” to be his child. Just enter the river of his love!

I saw myself (and everyone else) in the diversity of the ducks … no matter our scars, our colours, or our sizes, God’s love – the river – accepted us all the same…🙏🏾

And what welled the tears in my eyes was the search and gathering of the lost ducks…each numbered and recorded, and none left behind. Lovingly gathered and taken home. God bless you… Each time I look at my Rubber Duck, I hope it reminds me of this story, and of God’s love xxx

BTW- we used to have Rubber Duck races in St George’s!

