
What is the point in praying?

From Lisa-Dawn Johnston

Jul 25 15:37pm

I love this.
Praying as an agreement to align ourselves with God’s purpose. 💖🙏🏾
I wonder if I sometimes shock God… sometimes my prayers are thanking God, sometimes asking for intervention, forgiveness, healing for everyone, peace for everyone, …. Then. Sometimes I’m cussing God out! Not sure if he thinks I’m agreeing to alignment then…! 🫣 I hope that God knows my heart…. Because there I want us all to be happy, healthy, at peace and loved. And that is a prayer I will offer right now. For God to know my heart…. And help me to do his will on earth… and be… as you wrote… and as I love to sing… “be Jesus to the world”
Wow…. You just led me to prayer! Thank you ☺️



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