
Why did Jesus die? Part 3: Justice

From Lisa-Dawn Johnston

Sep 22 9:42am

That word Justified, has puzzled me since I joined the church. I felt that I didn’t quite grasp the full meaning. I have researched the definition many times…. And still felt that the meaning when associated with Jesus was just out of reach.

With your metaphor of the courtroom, I finally get it! Especially when considering the Judge as both merciful and just! We all hurt God, we are all broken and marginalised… making us candidates for both judgment and mercy…Thinking of God as perfectly Just and Merciful is comforting and reassuring. Knowing God does not vacillate between them, but offers both, is something I am thankful for, and something I can lean on.

Whoa!!!! Having read the New Testament last year, and of course Luke, where Jesus was handed the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, and selected his reading…. The significance of that scripture escaped me!!! Even recently, having just finished the Book of Isaiah, I didn’t remember that Jesus read the prophecy about himself!!! Then casually sat and declared, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:21) MIC. DROP…!!! And WOW…. To learn that Jesus stopped mid-sentence…..?!?! Because that vengeance part of the prophecy was not yet fulfilled…. Mind blown once again!

Thank you for your teachings that are revealing how these threads of the Old and New Testament are so beautifully, and perfectly interwoven, revealing such an incredibly loving, fascinating, captivating divine tapestry!—- revealing the promise of Jesus from 700 years before he was born! (740-700 BC?)
I had tears and a lump in my throat envisioning the scenario you shared, of Jesus opening the door to the dock, gently leading us out, and taking our place…. Sentenced to death for our sins….dying…. and then when we tearfully walk outside of the courtroom, our sins forgiven, justified through Jesus’ sacrifice, we see Jesus, standing there, welcoming us with open arms!! I’m sobbing! Who else loves me, or us, like that?

“Self-sacrificing, Reconciling, Justified..”

I can’t wait to see what you share next….🙏🏾✝️ The next window, the next perspective, the next threads in the tapestry…..

Thank you.

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