Should I keep the Sabbath on a Saturday or a Sunday?
What does it mean to keep a Sabbath and how can we achieve this in contemporary culture?
Why did Jesus call himself ‘the Good Shepherd’?
There is only one ‘good’ shepherd, right, and that is God? Yet, Jesus called himself the ‘Good Shepherd’.
How can we minister in the presence, prophecy, and power of the Holy Spirit?
Every Christian is called to minister in the presence, prophecy, and power of the Holy Spirit.
How does Holy Week change us?
Holy Week is a reminder to reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, that it may affect and transform us, and that we…
What is God calling us to do?
The over-arching story of God in the world to which we subscribe affects how we ‘do’ and ‘be’ church, and it matters.
What are spiritual disciplines?
We all want to become more like Jesus, right? Who doesn’t want to become more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, generous, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled?…
What barriers prevent us from coming to Jesus?
Rev Gav connects two gospel stories that are all about removing the barriers between us and God.
Co-Missional Church
FAB.church is a co-missional church and this article is a continual challenge and reminder for us all to think ‘out of the box’ and seek…
Are we ready to get married?
In this short Insight, Rev Gav ponders what it means for us to be the bride of Christ.