How do we drink the cup God gives us?
To drink of God’s cup is to be willing to go where God would have you to go, and be willing to do what God…
How can we be brave?
We must never stop loving and showing mercy when we encounter injustice and oppression.
What does it mean that The Word became flesh?
The whole gospel of John itself is the prologue to a much bigger story — one being written by ourselves in the world.
What then should we do?
John explains to those coming for baptism what they need to ‘do’ and it’s not rocket science.
The Bible and Sexuality
This article is a re-working of an article written by Walter Brueggemann, one of the world’s most renowned biblical scholars with some additional content from…
Why do I love the Bible?
The Bible, wonderful and inspirational as it is, ultimately points to the good news of Jesus Christ, and in him our hope is found.
Is it okay to doubt?
You may well have heard of ‘doubting Thomas’ but there is a deeper meaning to this story of a disciple who felt left out and…
What is God calling us to do?
The over-arching story of God in the world to which we subscribe affects how we ‘do’ and ‘be’ church, and it matters.
Luke 1:1-4 Luke wrote his gospel (good news) to his friend Theophilus and he began with this introduction that sets the stage for the rest…
Do we have God-given authority?
Jesus handed over the keys to kingdom to Peter, but what did this mean for him and for the church, and what does it mean…
How can we reach this generation?
The Church (capital C) struggles to engage with those in Gen-Z and Gen-A. Does it mean we might need to do things a little differently?