Will we behold the Lamb of God?
John the Baptist calls Jesus The Lamb of God but where did this expression come from and what does it mean?
Will we follow the star of Bethlehem?
What is the truth about the Magi and why does their inclusion in the Christmas story matter to us?
Is it okay to doubt when things go wrong?
What do you do when you give your life to a cause and everything seems to go inexplicably wrong? Can we hold onto hope? Rev…
How can we be ready to meet King Jesus?
Rev Gav reflects on the simple message of John the Baptist to repent, be baptised, and live our lives in a new God-facing direction.
What happens when the King comes?
Rev Gav explores the parable of the vineyard workers found in Matthew 20:1-16 and its implications for how we do and be church.
Why is remembrance important?
Remembering acts of self-sacrifice during times of abhorrent war, can ultimately point us to a God who loves us and who has given himself for…
What can outsiders teach us about God?
Rev Gav reflects on the story of the healing of ten Samaritan lepers and draws out three faith lessons for us today.
Why is Jesus more than a shepherd?
When Jesus is criticised for hanging out with sinners, he tells his listeners a shocking parable.
How do we gain a right perspective?
How can we focus on Jesus in a world filled with distractions and anxieties?
What does it mean to believe in God?
Belief is a wonderful gift — a miracle. It is mysterious, yet life-giving. It cannot be contained and it cannot be quantified.
Why is grace better than the law?
Why are we unable to live according to the law and how are we saved by the gift of grace?