What then should we do?
John explains to those coming for baptism what they need to ‘do’ and it’s not rocket science.
Luke 4:18-19. Every aspect of Jesus’ message and ministry is an invitation for to us to join in with his mission in the world.
Luke 4:16-18. Jesus’ message was that if we want to be spiritually wealthy, then we need to hear and respond to him.
How can I have faith when my world is falling apart?
When God seems silent or absent and you continually face the brokenness and barrenness of your own landscapes, may the poppy of faith once again…
Luke 4:14-16. If we want to influence a system or way of thinking then we, like Jesus, have to be ‘in it to win it’.
Luke 4:9-13. God, through Jesus, has come to rescue you — continually — no matter how many times you mess up.
How is Mark 13 a message to humanity?
The message of Mark 13 is a way of saying God understands, is with us, and everything will be okay. Today, if you are struggling…
How do we grasp who Jesus is?
We must put our trust in God and lean deeper into Jesus, and like Simon, Andrew, James, and John, recognise who Jesus is, be ready…
As Christians, what laws are we under?
If you are struggling to know what to do in any given situation, and are concerned with doing the ‘right’ thing, then simply go back…
The Bible and Sexuality
This article is a re-working of an article written by Walter Brueggemann, one of the world’s most renowned biblical scholars with some additional content from…
What does it mean to be seen?
Whether we need to be seen or enable others to be seen, the invitation from Jesus is for us and for everyone.
How can I be the greatest?
We must be ambitious to serve and to love, and to be Jesus to all we meet. If we make love our focus and our…