John the Baptist
What was going on at Jesus’ baptism?
The way of Christ is a way of the poor, the marginalised, the hurting and the broken. It is the way of the common and…
What then should we do?
John explains to those coming for baptism what they need to ‘do’ and it’s not rocket science.
Luke 3:21-22. When you become a Christian you become a beloved child of God. You also become part of a community called to join in…
Luke 3:18-20. Sometimes, as Christians, we are called to stand up for what is right and speak out against injustice.
Luke 3:10-17. John’s advice two thousand years ago is as relevant today as it was back then — for us to have compassion and to…
Luke 3:4-6. Christians are followers of Jesus and they expect Christ to be involved in every part of their daily lives.
Luke 3:3. Christians get baptised as a sign that they are identifying themselves with the Jesus movement, and showing that they are turning back to…
Luke 3:2b. There are many ways in which God speaks and God wants to speak to you and into your life.
Luke 3:1-2a. We might look for answers from a minister, religious figure, or an organisation, but God is not constrained by us or our systems…
Luke 1:76-80. One of the greatest metaphors for Christ is as a light in the darkness — the darkness in the world, and the darkness…
Luke 1:69-75. Trusting in the promises of God, especially when life is tough, is no easy thing to do, but trust is a decision of…
Luke 1:65-68. Worship is a way of establishing a right perspective or relationship with God. We are saying, “God, you are king, and we are…