Luke 4:20-21. If Jesus was the Messiah then it had unbelievable implications, not just for his listeners, but for the whole world, forever.
Luke 3:23-28. Jesus was a king, born through the nation of Israel, who had come for the sake of the whole world, and that means…
Luke 3:18-20. Sometimes, as Christians, we are called to stand up for what is right and speak out against injustice.
Luke 2:17-21. Jesus means saviour of the world, and that means he is my saviour and he is your saviour too!
Luke 2:15-16. Our status as God’s children does not come from what we own, where we live, who our parents are, what job we do,…
Luke 2:8-14. First Jesus is born in an animal pen and now angels appear to shepherds?! What on earth is going on here?!
How does Holy Week change us?
Holy Week is a reminder to reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, that it may affect and transform us, and that we…
Luke 1:32-33. In our Western culture, we are very blessed to be able to call Jesus King — even though it may be socially or…
Am I a sheep or a goat?
The annual telling of the story of Jesus ends with Christ the King, where we think about Christ on his throne judging the world.
Will we follow the star of Bethlehem?
What is the truth about the Magi and why does their inclusion in the Christmas story matter to us?
How can we be ready to meet King Jesus?
Rev Gav reflects on the simple message of John the Baptist to repent, be baptised, and live our lives in a new God-facing direction.