How do we reach perfection?
If you are trying to follow Jesus and you are being told you are a ‘sinner’ and you are being made to feel guilty or…
What happens when God is merciful?
The story of Jesus’ presentation at the temple, was the equivalent of pushing the button at a pedestrian crossing. Simeon and Anna heralded the countdown…
As Christians, what laws are we under?
If you are struggling to know what to do in any given situation, and are concerned with doing the ‘right’ thing, then simply go back…
How do I receive God’s mercy?
When we mess up and make mistakes, we fear punishment or rejection, but God will never turn us away and will never reject us.
How does mercy trump judgment?
There is an important ‘Godly’ principal found in the book of James — ‘Mercy triumphs over Judgment’ — which is vital for us to embrace…
What does it mean to live under God’s promise?
If we live under the promise of God, then we might ask what role God’s law plays in our lives. Does it matter if we…
Why did Jesus die? Part 3: Justice
In this third part of the series ‘Why did Jesus die?’ Rev Gav explores how, through Jesus, God is both just and the one who…
How can the poor in spirit be blessed?
Jesus says some radical and baffling things in his opening words on The Sermon on the Mount. In this Insight, Rev Gav explores the big…
Why is grace better than the law?
Why are we unable to live according to the law and how are we saved by the gift of grace?
How can we become clean?
The Scribes and Pharisees were obsessed with spiritual cleanliness yet Jesus had some strong words for them.