What happens when God is merciful?
The story of Jesus’ presentation at the temple, was the equivalent of pushing the button at a pedestrian crossing. Simeon and Anna heralded the countdown…
What can we learn from Elizabeth?
We all need an Elizabeth in our lives, and Like Mary, may you know God’s blessing upon you, may you be honoured, and may you…
Luke 2:48-52. To be a Christian is a way of life and Christians try to put God first — above everything else — and it…
Luke 2:46-48. It is possible carry on with our lives but leave Jesus behind. Therefore, we constantly need to check, not that he is with…
Luke 2:41-45. It was not until I became a parent that I discovered just how much my parents must love me — even when I…
Luke 2:33-35. Christians go through pain and suffering, and even Mary, the mother of Jesus was not spared. Did she give up and throw in…
Luke 2:22-24. Private or public rituals and ceremonies demonstrate that we are serious about our relationship with God.
Luke 2:1-7. Jesus was born at night — into darkness, away from his home town, and into the discomfort of an animal shelter. What does…
Luke 1:54-56. When something good happens to us, we want to celebrate, usually with some sort of party. We want to share with the world…
Luke 1:51-53. What does it mean to be humble and is it a strength or a weakness?
Luke 1:46-49. God is worthy of praise, not just because of what God has done, but because of who God is.
Luke 1:39-45. Have you ever considered that you might be blessed by God, purely on the basis of the choices you make?