How do I receive God’s mercy?
When we mess up and make mistakes, we fear punishment or rejection, but God will never turn us away and will never reject us.
How can broken family relationships be restored?
If you have experienced angst in your family relationships then you are not alone. Jesus experienced angst in his family too.
What barriers prevent us from coming to Jesus?
Rev Gav connects two gospel stories that are all about removing the barriers between us and God.
What is the real purpose of temptation?
Us ‘mature’ Christians do not struggle with temptation at all do we? We are all so holy that we are way beyond such things aren’t…
Why did Jesus die? Part 6: Victory
In this 6th part of the series, ‘Why did Jesus die?’ we look at how Jesus defeated evil on the cross and what this means…
Why did Jesus die? Part 4: Freedom
In this fourth part of Rev Gav’s series looking at ‘Why did Jesus die?’ he explores the theme of freedom and how through the life,…
Why did Jesus die? Part 3: Justice
In this third part of the series ‘Why did Jesus die?’ Rev Gav explores how, through Jesus, God is both just and the one who…
Why did Jesus die? Part 1: Reconciliation
In this first part of a series called Windows on the Cross – Why did Jesus die? Rev Gav looks at how God reconciles us…
How can I be spiritually healthy?
In our modern world we are often concerned about our physical or mental health but give little time to the importance of our spiritual health…
What is the purpose of temptation?
Why are we tempted to sin and what is the purpose of sin? What effect does sinning have and how can we avoid it?
Will we behold the Lamb of God?
John the Baptist calls Jesus The Lamb of God but where did this expression come from and what does it mean?