Terms and Conditions

When you become a Guest Member of fab.church you agree to abide by our terms and conditions (our rules).

These rules will be updated as required.

Posting Content

  1. Be respectful. Christians have a wide range of beliefs and we are very tolerant, yet posts that are well beyond accepted Christian beliefs or contrary to the gospel of Jesus will be removed.
  2. Do not delete or radically change an original post. If you post something, and people have put time, thought, and effort into answering, it is important you respect their replies and comments. If you want to add information, do so and clearly mark it “edit.”
  3. Do not post personal or commercial adverts, services, spam, or forward circulars from other sources. They will be deleted. Personal ads include any threads that ask people to contact them, or indicate that they are looking for or wanting to network with any type of person. You may use your own blog posts if you wish to do this
  4. Only link to other websites where it is pertinent to the original post.
  5. Quoting and Copyright: If you quote the Bible, please try to remember to reference the passage and the translation. If you cut and paste a quote, please provide a link to the source. If you quote a person or group or article, give credit where credit is due.
  6. Do not question another person’s denomination choice, salvation, gender, sexuality, or life-style preferences. fab.church is a safe space for all.
  7. Hate speech, racism, sexism, or bigotry is not permitted. If you use hate speech you will be immediately removed from the community.
  8. Crude or foul language will not be tolerated, nor will posts or replies that are generally understood to be offensive to Christians, or worded in an inflammatory manner that would generally be considered offensive.


  1. Creativity is where you can post public expressions of worship. These must be original or derivative (citing sources) compositions.
  2. Creativity can be reflections, poetry, photos, and so on — anything produced by you that brings glory, honour, or a focus on God.
  3. You retain the copyright to any Creativity uploaded or added to fab.church. It is and will always remain your content.


  1. FabChats are private posts for the community, a bit like a forum where you can post non-God-focused thoughts, quotes from other sources, reflections, or requests for prayer or support.
  2. Keep replies to FabChats on topic. If you would like to change the topic, start a new FabChat.m Replies that skew a FabChat off-topic might be removed.

Thanks and Prayers

  1. You may post prayers of thanksgiving and intercession. These can be personal or for the others, the church, the community, or world. Bear in mind they can be viewed by the whole community and as such they should be written such that others can pray, “Amen!”


  1. We are developing the delivery of online social and worship gatherings. All Guest Members and Community Members are free to particpate but only Community Members may take part in the leadership.
© fab.church


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