
The core values of are community, orthodoxy, authenticity, inclusivity, positivity, and creativity.

1. Community

We live in an age where social media means ‘my’ media, and where the focus is on the individual, what they post, create, and share on their own social profiles. At we believe that community is as important as the individual and seek to bless each other and the community, putting the needs of others and the community before our own.

2. Orthodoxy

We have a generous orthodoxy. This means is that we accept that Christians have a wide range of experience and beliefs, that we are all on a journey together, that none of us have arrived at the final destination, and that we are all learners. You do not have to agree with the following but you should be aware that the leaders of assert that:

  • God is both one and community — The Holy Trinity — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • God is in the process of redeeming, restoring, and renewing the world.
  • The life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ was and is once and for all creation.
  • It is through the free, selfless gift of Christ that we are sanctified and made holy before God.
  • We are called to be inwardly transformed and empowered to join in with God’s mission in the world though being filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Sin is when we put ourselves first, before God, others, and the world around us.
  • Scripture is the Word of God and should be read contextually and not only literally.

3. Authenticity

Authenticity matters. It is important that we can be our true selves before God and with each other — our highs and lows, our joys and pains, our past and present, and our successes and failures — in a safe, accepting, non-judgmental, and affirming space. We recognise that none of us are perfect and are all works in progress.

4. Inclusivity

We welcome and embrace everyone – especially those that feel as if they are different, don’t have label that adequately describes them, or fit neatly into a box. All that is required is a genuine desire to connect with God and with others as we journey in our Spirituality together.

Although we recognise that Jesus called God ‘Father’ and he himself was a human male, we try to use inclusive language when referring to God.

5. Positivity is a positive space. We don’t mean you can’t be your true self and admit when you’re down, struggling, suffering, or going through a tough time! What we mean is this is a place for building each other up, mutual encouragement, and pastoral support.

6. Creativity

We are created in the image of a creative God, and to be creative is to be human. We welcome and encourage expressions of digital creativity in worship and prayer — through text, graphics, video, music, and sound.

You are welcome to join our community…

No matter who you are or where you are from, you are welcome to join When you first join Fab Church you become a Guest Member which means you can participate in the community with no commitment or expectations. You simply come as you are as our guest.



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