What does it mean that The Word became flesh?
The whole gospel of John itself is the prologue to a much bigger story — one being written by ourselves in the world.
Do science and religion agree?
Some Christians believe in a literal six-day creation. Should the account in Genesis be treated like a modern scientific account or is there another way?
Encountering God
Long Read. During Hurricane Ernesto, Rev Gav reflected on how we encounter God in and through each other.
What’s love got to do with it?
A religious teacher called Nicodemus tried to comprehend God’s rescue plan for humanity, and Jesus closed with these words (paraphrased), “Mate, it’s all about love.”
Where can God be found?
When thinking about God there is this ancient concept that God is ‘in’ everything. This week Rev Gav explores what this means for us.
If there is a God, why does he allow suffering?
Rev Gav was recently asked why God allows suffering, and so he decided to gather his thoughts into one single Insight.
Why is baptism all about water?
Rev Gav explores why water is an important symbol in creation, history, and why it is used in the ceremony of baptism.
The Glue Course
GLUE is a short, seven-week course that explores something theologians call the Grand Meta-narrative. This is a posh way of saying the ‘overarching story’ or…