How do we drink the cup God gives us?
To drink of God’s cup is to be willing to go where God would have you to go, and be willing to do what God…
What does it mean to fast?
Let us put ourselves out to freely offer acts of service, and without resentment or bitterness, untie and set free those who are bound.
How does God really see us?
God loves you, because God loves you, because God loves you, and God remembers your sins no more. You are truly free.
Luke 5:17-20. We only need to have faith in this rabbi Jesus, and if we seek him, we will find him.
How do we reach perfection?
If you are trying to follow Jesus and you are being told you are a ‘sinner’ and you are being made to feel guilty or…
Should we ignore the sparks of discrimination?
I hope and pray with all my heart that the sparks of discrimination we see today do not become flames that become a raging inferno…
Luke 5:8-11. You may or may not be a follower of Jesus. You may not have let Jesus shine God’s love and mercy into your…
How does God mediate grace to us?
God’s grace is enough, in fact it is more than enough. It is superabundant and it is for you and for all.
Luke 5:6-7. We have a superabundant God, a God who loves us and wants the best for us.
Luke 5:4-5. Sometimes God asks us to do things that seem counter-intuitive, and we need to be ready.
How can we be brave?
We must never stop loving and showing mercy when we encounter injustice and oppression.
Luke 5:1-3. Are we communicating God’s message of love, peace, and reconciliation?