John the Baptist
Luke 1:57-64. Zechariah being made mute was a sign, but towards what did it point?
Luke 1:16-17 – Today, we can meet the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, and it changes everything.
Luke 1:5-7. The story of Liz and Zechariah doesn’t begin with joy but with heartache.
Why was Jesus baptised?
At the beginning of Mark’s gospel we dive straight into the essentials of John the Baptist preparing the way and Jesus’ baptism. Rev Gav explains…
Could Jesus have done it on his own?
Jesus was both fully God and human, therefore did this make him a super-human with no need for any outside support or help?
The Hip-Hop Gospel
The Hip-Hop Gospel is a FREE verse-by-verse rhyming script of the Gospel of Luke. 24 Chapters, 1300 rhyming couplets, and 32000 words of pure genius.
Will we behold the Lamb of God?
John the Baptist calls Jesus The Lamb of God but where did this expression come from and what does it mean?
Why is baptism all about water?
Rev Gav explores why water is an important symbol in creation, history, and why it is used in the ceremony of baptism.
Is it okay to doubt when things go wrong?
What do you do when you give your life to a cause and everything seems to go inexplicably wrong? Can we hold onto hope? Rev…
How can we be ready to meet King Jesus?
Rev Gav reflects on the simple message of John the Baptist to repent, be baptised, and live our lives in a new God-facing direction.
How can we have the right kind of heart?
Before Jesus appeared on the scene there had been 400 years of waiting! How did people stay the course?