Luke 1:35-37. God did not leave Mary alone, and neither does God leave us on our own.
Luke 1:34-35. Why would Luke include the bit about the virgin birth, potentially throwing a spanner in the works?
How can we have faithfulness and trust?
In this reflection from Rev Gav on Luke 2.22-40, we encounter two special envoys from God, Simeon and Anna, and learn how God speaks through…
How can I experience inner joy?
Mary, filled with joy from the Holy Spirit bursts into song, literally magnifying (or amplifying) the Lord. Rev Gav explores how we too can experience…
Could Jesus have done it on his own?
Jesus was both fully God and human, therefore did this make him a super-human with no need for any outside support or help?
The Hip-Hop Gospel
The Hip-Hop Gospel is a FREE verse-by-verse rhyming script of the Gospel of Luke. 24 Chapters, 1300 rhyming couplets, and 32000 words of pure genius.
Does God speak to us in dreams?
Joseph encountered an angel in a dream and it impacted the lives of Mary, Jesus, and all of us forever.
How do we gain a right perspective?
How can we focus on Jesus in a world filled with distractions and anxieties?
Can I find God in the mundane?
The story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, is about an extraordinary God coming to a very ordinary young girl.