Apr 19

Rev Gav

The Hip-Hop Gospel

Rev Gav’s seminal rhyming version of Luke’s Gospel.

The Hip-Hop Gospel is a FREE verse-by-verse rhyming script of the Gospel of Luke. 24 Chapters, 1300 rhyming couplets, and 32000 words of pure genius.




Chapter 1

Liz and Zechariah

Setting the scene
An angel visits Zechariah
The angel’s message to Zechariah
Elizabeth falls pregnant


An angel visits Mary
Mary visits Elizabeth
Mary sings her song

The Birth of John

John the Baptist is born
The news of John spreads
Zechariah sings his song

Chapter 2

The Nativity

Jesus is born
The Angels Appear to the Shepherds

Growing Up

Simeon prophesies
Anna prophesies
Jesus as a boy

Chapter 3

John the Baptist

Setting the scene
John’s call
John gives a tongue-lashing
John’s Q&A session
John announces the real Messiah
John gets arrested

Baptism and Genealogy

Jesus gets baptised
Jesus’ family tree

Chapter 4

Breaking the Chains

Devil Battle Rap
Jesus battles a demon
Jesus makes a noise
Jesus spreads the word

Chapter 5

Forgiveness of Sins

The first crew members
An eased skin disease
A man, a roof and a miracle
Levi throws a party

Rules and Regulations

Jesus quizzed about fasting

Chapter 6

Rules and Regulations (continued)

Parts: Luke, Crowd, Jesus, Pharisees
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus heals on the Sabbath

The Sermon on the Plain

The choosing of the Apostles
Blessings and Woahs!
Love your enemies
Don’t judge others
Fruit and Foundations

Chapter 7


The faith of a Roman officer
Jesus raises a widow’s son

Bad Attitudes

Jesus and John the Baptist
A forgiven woman

Chapter 8

Sowing the Seeds of Love

The Parable of the Sower
Jesus’ mother and brothers


Jesus calms the storm
Breaking the chains
Two women and two miracles

Chapter 9

The Twelve Disciples

Jesus sends his crew
King Herod’s confused
Feeding the five thousand
Peter’s Declaration about Jesus
The Transfiguration

Taking Sides

A demon-possessed boy
Two sayings
Samaritan opposition
The cost of following Jesus


Chapter 10

The Sending of the Crew

Jesus redeploys his crew
Woes and Woahs!
The return of the crew 
A prayer of thanksgiving

Two Ends of the Spectrum

The good Samaritan
Martha and Mary

Chapter 11

How to Pray

The Lord’s Prayer
Asking for the Spirit
The power source

This Generation

The crowds want a sign
Light and Darkness
The religious elite

Chapter 12

Living out Salvation

Do not fear!
The rich fool
What it’s like in God’s Kingdom?
Be ready!
Jesus causes division
Interpreting the signs
Striking a deal

Chapter 13

Turning to God

A call to repentance
The barren fig tree
Healing on the Sabbath

The Kingdom of God

The mustard seed
The narrow door
Crying over Jerusalem

Chapter 14

Dinner with a Pharisee

Healing on the Sabbath
The great banquet
Being a disciple

Chapter 15


The lost sheep
The lost coin
The lost son

Chapter 16

Money, Money, Money

The crooked manager
The Kingdom of God and the law
A rich dude and Lazarus

Chapter 17


Ten guys healed of leprosy
The coming of The Kingdom

Chapter 18


The determined widow
The pharisee and tax collector
The rich ruler

Seeing Jesus

A prediction about Jesus
A blind beggar

Chapter 19

Seeing Jesus (continued)

The three servants


The Arrival in Jerusalem

Jesus enters Jerusalem
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem
Jesus clears the temple

Chapter 20

Arguing with Authorities

A challenge to authority
The evil farmers
Taxes for Caesar
A discussion about resurrection
Whose son is the Messiah?

Chapter 21

Jesus in the Temple

The widow’s offering
Jesus speaks about the future

Chapter 22

The Last Supper

Bread and Wine
Who’s the greatest?
A prediction about Peter
Purses and Bags

Jesus is Arrested

Jesus prays
Betrayed and Arrested
Peter denies Jesus
Jesus before the Council

Chapter 23

The Death of Jesus

The accusations
Jesus before Herod
Jesus is sentenced
Jesus is crucified
Jesus dies
Jesus is buried

Chapter 24

The Resurrected Jesus

Jesus is resurrected
A couple on the road to Emmaus
Jesus appears to his crew
Jesus ascends to heaven


“Marvellous and original”
St John Donald, MD of United Agents

“Impressive! 10/10!”
Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury

“A masterpiece!”
The Guardian

“Super cool!”
Chris Evans, BBC Radio 2

“Simply awesome! …creative and relevant…”
Mark Russell, CEO Children’s Society

“The man’s a hero – a hero who can rap far better than we could ever dream of…”
The Huffington Post

“Pure genius… stayed close to the story from Luke’s gospel without losing any of its impact”
Julie Etchingham, ITV

“An absolute winner – innovative and exciting”
Paul Carr, Anglican Minister


Chapter 1

The angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah, a priest, and tells him that his wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son. This son will be John the Baptist, who will prepare the way for the Messiah. Gabriel also appears to Mary, a young woman who is engaged to be married to Joseph, and tells her that she will conceive and give birth to a son. This son will be Jesus, the Messiah.

Liz and Zechariah

Parts: Chorus, Luke, Angel, Zechariah, Elizabeth



_ Give it up for the gospel of Luke
Exploding off the page like a tactical nuke


No doubt that people shout about the things that took place 1
Using stories from the people who met Jesus face-to-face 2

To get a perspective, I’ve tried to be objective 3
I’m an effective, reflective, Messiah detective

Now Theo, my mate, you can be certain of the truth 4
Big up your brother Luke, cos I’m a gospel sleuth

Setting the scene

Back when Herod reigned as king of all Judea 5
That’s the southern part of Israel, got to make things crystal clear

A high flier, to admire, of the order of Abiah
Welcome to the stage a Jewish priest called Zechariah

He and Liz were from the priestly line of Aaron, Moses’ brother
Obedient to God, Liz longed to be a mother 6-7

Though they tried for a child, it ended up in tears
To be fair on the pair, they were getting on in years

An angel visits Zechariah

One day in the month, Big Zee was doing his job 8
Serving in the temple with the Temple Mob

Following the laws, for chores, they all drew straws 9
Before they could explore behind the closed doors

It was necessary, to take a bite of the cherry
A turn to burn a joss stick in the inner sanctuary

For Big Zee this was a once in a lifetime opportunity
While outside the temple people prayed in holy unity 10

The angel’s message to Zechariah

And so, alone, he got scared to the bone 11-12
An angel of the Lord appeared in the target zone

Do not fear, you’re gonna have a miracle son 13
Liz is gonna have a baby and the baby’s name is John

God’s heard your prayer, so break out the Cava
It’s time to party cos you’re gonna be a father 14

This child of yours will be a great, great man 15
But he’s got to stay sober with an alcoholic ban

You see, God’s gonna fill him with his Holy Spirit
Before he’s born, he’s gonna be with it

John’s going to be a leader, a spiritual feeder 16
Someone who will help the people in the land who need a

Creed to succeed in turning back to God
With the power of Elijah like a spiritual hot rod 17

He’s gonna blaze a trail for the coming of the Lord
With a message for the people that cannot be ignored

So if you lament a misspent dissent
This’ll represent and present an event to repent

Turning dads to kids, _ and vice versa
That’s a quote from Malachi
He’ll be a precursor

To the one for the rebel, get ready for the bass
Embrace, the grace of this spiritual ace

Zechariah was shaken, he thought he was forsaken 18
He said to the angel
I think you are mistaken

Hold on a mo, I don’t think you get the gist 19
My name is Gabriel and I’m standing in God’s midst

Yes I’m coming at you, with God’s communication
To reservate and hesitate is an aberration 20

Because you refuse, to trust the good news
You’re getting your dues and I’m pulling the fuse

On your power to speak, there is no use in trying
You’re gonna be mute ’til you hear the baby crying

Elizabeth falls pregnant

Back outside the temple the people were waiting 21
Pacing, debating, long anticipating

Then from through the door Zechariah emerged 22
With the urge, on the verge of making a splurge

But there had been a collision, an angelic decision
Making signs with his hands, they knew he’d seen a vision 

But it was time to go, it was end of the show 23
He went back home, he had a seed to sow

There are some things you can do without a translator 24
And Liz became pregnant, a few weeks later

The one conclusion, to hide her profusion
She spent five months hidden, in solitary seclusion


The Lord has done a great thing, my claim to fame 25
He took away my shame, I’m no longer to blame

He’s handed me a waiver, shown me favour
The Lord our God is a holy life-saver


Parts: Luke, Angel, Mary, Elizabeth

An angel visits Mary

Now six months after John was conceived 26
God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth in Galilee

Living there was a lass who was engaged, secure 27
She was a pearl of a girl, who had kept herself pure

Joseph was her man man, bloke’s bloke, real thing
This Joseph was descended straight from David the King

The angel Gabriel appeared in his second debut 28
Yo esteemed woman, the Lord God is with you!

Appearing on the scene to a perplexed teen 29
Mary tried to think of what, the angel could mean

It’s all good Mary 30
the angel told her
Because with God, you have found favour

You’re gonna get preggers and you’re gonna have a son 31
His name will be Jesus, God’s chosen one

He’s gonna be huge, as Lord he will reign 32
He’ll attain and sustain a kingly domain

With merit he’ll inherit old King David’s throne
Over Israel he’ll prevail and in the world he will be known 33

As Son of the Most High, we’re talking true divinity
His Kingdom will stride from here into infinity!

Sorry Mr Angel, I don’t mean to cast doubt 34
I’m a virgin, you know, I thought I ought to point it out

Now let me express, this request, to be blessed 35
The Spirit will fill you, God’s power will be manifest

He’ll be called The Son of God and although you are lowly
Let me say this slowly, your baby will be holy

What’s more, your cousin Liz, as I have foretold 36 
Is going to have a baby even though she is old

People said it couldn’t happen, but she’s six months gone
With God all things are possible. I’ll see you anon 37

May he orchestrate and create, let him lead ahead 38
I’m the Lord’s operator, let it happen as you said

Mary visits Elizabeth

A few days later Mary hurried to Judea 39
To the town in the hills of Liz and Zechariah

Mary found the pad with her heart fast beating 40
She entered the house and gave Lizzy a greeting

As soon as Mary entered the room 41
The child jumped for joy in Elizabeth’s womb

God was willing, the scene was thrilling
With the girlies in the house the Holy Spirit was a-filling

Lizzy gave a shout and cried out to her cousin 42
God has blessed you Mary, above all other women!

Your child is blessed and you’ve come to see 42-43
You’re the mother of my Lord, why do you honour me?

When I heard your voice my baby jumped for joy 44
Surely there’s a blessing on your baby boy

And blessèd are you Mary because you choose to believe 45
To perceive and conceive what only God can achieve

Mary sings her song

I raise my gaze because my soul’s ablaze 46-47
Give it up to my Lord, the Holy God that I praise

For he’s keen and seen between the fat and the lean 48
He caught me, and brought me and made me a queen

In every generation it’ll be confess-ed
Across the world they will call me blessèd

He’s the Mighty One and you know he is holy 49
Look at all the great things he’s done to bestow me

From generation to generation 50
His mercy stretches to those with veneration 

With a mighty arm he’s wowed the crowd 51
He’s disarmed the harm of the loud and proud

He’s knocked off princes from their throne 52
He’s lifted up the humble and crowned the unknown

For the starving, there’s a roast he’s carving 53
The rich go hungry, their rations are halving 

Like an elephant, _ he’ll never forget 54
Whether MP3, diskette or cassette

The message keeps playing, God’s conveying
He’ll keep his promises and there’s no delaying

He’s assisted his agent Is-ra-el
Remembered mercy, Im-man-u-el

To our forebears, _ he made this guarantee 55
To Abraham and his kids for eternity

For a good few months Mary stayed with Liz 56
Before heading back home to do the nativity biz

The Birth of John

Parts: Luke, Friends, Chorus, Elizabeth, Zechariah, Crowd

John the Baptist is born

The oven of love gave up its bun 57
Lizzy gave birth to a baby son

Because of God’s power being allowed to flower 58
Her friends and good buddies threw a baby shower

And as with the custom of Jewish guys 59
On the eighth day they were going to circumcise

To appellate and designate a tag and a title
We’ll call him Zechariah as we think it is vital

But to their surprise, they had to revise 60
No! John is his name
Lizzy had to advise

But you’ve got to be kidding? 61
asked the party crowd
Only family names should be allowed

So they waved to the dad to put them straight 62
To relate, indicate, with a chalk and a slate 63

They were shocked at the block that he wrote upon
Big Zee spelled out
His name is John

The news of John spreads

Straight away, his tongue gave way 64
Zechariah praised God and he started to pray

They were dazed, amazed at his turn of phrase 65
Filled with awe, what they saw, at the way God plays

Like a shock wave, _ from a detonation
This family became a headline sensation

And in the hills of Judea, the people speculated 65-66
Who is this wonder child that God has consecrated?

Zechariah sings his song

With the Holy Spirit, inside, his guide 67
Zechariah stepped up and prophesied

Praise the Lord, the God, of Is-ra-el 68
He rocked up, shocked up and redeemed his people

From the blue line of Dave, our God is stating 69
The one on a mission is mighty liberating

Us from our rivals, they will be deterred 70-71
Through his holy prophets God gave his word 

To remember his promise, his pledge to assure 72
Being merciful to those that came before

He did a deal to win, a great planned grand slam 73
Through a contract he made with Abraham

And so we have been saved from being enslaved 74
Preserved to serve without having to be brave 

For we are edified, verified, amnestied, bona fide 75
For ever and a day we are fully sanctified

And you, my little boy will be the prophet of the Most High 76
Prepare and declare, the way for the big guy

With a message to the massive how to save their soul 77
Forgiving the sin, taken in like a black hole

Because God’s mercy is loving and tender 78
The dawn from heaven is about to render

Light to those in darkness on the edge of mortality 79
Fatality, brutality, we’re talking in-finality

To guide us to the place of peace and vitality
Morality, normality, a holy totality

John grew on becoming spiritually strong 80
The wilderness was where he found he could belong

He stayed until he took up, his position
A ministry to Israel, a holy mission

So that’s the end of Chapter One
The Gospel of Luke has only just begun

Chapter 2

Jesus is born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph. He is placed in a manger because there is no room for them in the inn. Shepherds are visited by angels and told of Jesus’ birth. They go to Bethlehem and find Jesus with Mary and Joseph. They spread the news of Jesus’ birth.

The Nativity

Parts: Luke, Angel, Chorus, Angel Choir, Shepherds

Jesus is born

Back in the day of Caesar Augustus 1
He decreed to proceed with an empirical census

The first while Quirinius was the Syrian nexus 2
To enlist and insist that people get on the next bus 3

Back to the shack where in fact they came from
The empire striking back to boost their income

Cos Joseph was a member of David’s kin 4
He made a steer for Judea and Bethlehem

He went down from the town of Nazareth in Galilee
Taking his fiancée, Mary near delivery 5

And during their stay, nature had its way 6
Put the date in the diary for a King’s birthday

While out in the ballpark she hit home run 7
Cos Mary gave birth to her firstborn son

No hotel, motel, custom baby-changer
She wrapped the baby up and laid him in a manger

The Angels Appear to the Shepherds

Meanwhile, 8-mile, shepherds in the wild style 8
Defending the sheep from night-time hostile

To their surprise, coming from the skies 9
An angel of the Lord did materialise

Like lightning, _ God’s glory was bright’ning
Lit up like day, the angel was fright’ning

Chill out my friends, there’s no need for trepidation 10
I’ve got a message for the world and it’s elation information

Be delighted and excited, the rocket’s been ignited
The party has started and you have been invited

Today In Bethlehem
that’s David’s town 11
A boy has been born who will wear the crown

He’s the saviour and the Lord, there’s no one higher 
God’s anointed One, we’re talking Messiah

But you require a sign from this divine arranger 12
Look for a baby snuggled in a manger

The angel was joined by his heavenly gang 13
Praising God, holy squad, the multitude sang

Angel Choir
Glory to God above time and space 14
Peace to the people that he turns his face!

Then the angels were gone, yes they’d finished their song 15
The shepherds had a chat about the heavenly throng

Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this occasion
The Lord has reported, we need little persuasion

So they hurried to the village to find Joseph and Mary 16
Lying in the feeding trough was the miracle baby

And after what they had seen of the nativity scene 17
They started spilling the beans like a coffee machine

So, undeterred, the shepherds spread the word
The people were amazed at the story that they heard 18

But Mary was smart, kept these things in her heart 19
Pondering and wondering, reliving this part

And with hearts that burned, the shepherds returned 20
Praising holy God for the things that they’d learned

About all they had seen, wonderful things that had been
All working together like an oiled machine

And eight days later he was circumcised 21
Received, preconceived, the name the angel had advised

We use the Greek version of the Hebrew and thus
A name that means salvation from God, Jesus!

Growing Up

Parts: Luke, Simeon, Chorus, Mary, Jesus


Now according to the Law, that came years before 22
If you birthed a baby boy then it made you impure

And so after a time, and so to cleanse the grime
The parents made an offering before the divine

They took their baby to Jerus’lem to present him to the Lord
And made a sacrifice to God at a price they could afford

For in the Law of the Lord it is clearly stated 23
The first boy created, must be dedicated

And so they offered their gift to the Lord above 24
Obeying the law with young pigeons or dove

Simeon prophesies

Now in Jerusalem there was a spirit-filled man 25
Devoted, Simeon hoped to see the rescue plan

Waiting, anticipating for the Christ who’d save the nation
Devout, holding out, for Messianic revelation

Because the Spirit of the Lord had prophesied 26
That the Christ would be espied before he died

And in the Jewish way with J and M that day 27
The spirit took Simeon to the temple to pray

Giving legal consent to pay the spiritual rent
The cool couple arrived and went forward to present

Their child to God as was the law of the land
With Simeon on the ground who could understand

That the moment had arrived, there’d be no more waiting 28
With the child in his arms he praised God stating

Sovereign Lord, I’m at the end of my lease 29
You promised that you’d let your servant die in peace

And before the whole world, you’ve declared your care 30
To share the salvation that you have prepared

For the glory of Israel has been unfurled 31
He’s a spotlight to God for the nations of the world 32

With jaw to the floor, the folks were blown away 33
But Simeon blessed the parents and continued to say 34


Now listen up, Mary, to the truths I’m telling
Your child’s destiny’s to be a full-fat blessing

And although he’s a sign to shine from the divine
I’ve got to make it clear he’ll be a dividing line

For this child represents our nation’s curtain call
The opposition coalition’s heading for a fall

For our inner hearts will be exposed 35
Peeled and revealed, our thoughts disclosed

But by way of a conclusion there’s just one last part
Check this Mary, a sword will pierce your heart

Anna prophesies

Now hanging out in the temple was a prophetess named Anna 36
For the record, her dad was Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher

She was hitched seven years until her husband sadly died
And at eighty-four years old this sorted widow prophesied 37

She was fasting, she was praying, she would one day see the light
No she never left the temple but she worshipped day and night

And to her surprise, before her very eyes 38
She saw, Simeon with Mary and her two belovéd guys

She gave thanks and praised God, she was ‘Anna FM’
Transmitting the saving plan for Jer-u-sa-lem

To all who were waiting for the coming of the Lord
Like a walking human podcast, that could not be ignored

And when J and M done praying and were finally through 39
Fulfilling the law, as Jewish parents do

They travelled home to Nazareth, back to Galilee
That’s the northern part of Israel where Jesus’ home would be

And Jesus grew to manhood knowing God was all around 40
Grace enveloping, developing, healthy wise and sound

Jesus as a boy

Now parents took perennial, Passover party trip 41
Jerus’lem was the place, being central it was hip

Hop party time to celebrate the Exodus scene
With Jesus twelve years old the clan achieved the routine 42

But when the party departed and the journey home started 43
Jesus stayed behind, confined, defined, unknowingly parted

From the rellies on the inbound crowd, on the ground 44
A whole day later, he was nowhere to be found

Concerned they yearned, the mum and dad returned 45
Searching in Jerusalem, no stone unturned

And after three days
now there’s a biblical phrase 46
They found him in the temple court and they had to reappraise

For he was sitting among the teachers making quite an impression
A profession of expression, as he listened and he questioned

And everyone who heard him was astounded at his knowledge 47
Like a lecturer in college, his parents were astonished 48

Mary took the floor
Why did you do this to us Son?
Your dad and I were worried and we wondered where you’d gone

Why were you searching, please start chilling? 49
Didn’t you know in my dad’s dwelling that I’d be on the billing?

Mum and dad were mystified, they were baffled, they were thrown 50
But obedient to his parents they went to Nazareth back home 51

And Mary tucked these things away in her heart about her son
Jesus grew in wisdom and esteem with God and everyone 52

Chapter 3

John the Baptist begins preaching in the wilderness of Judea. He calls people to repent of their sins and be baptized. He also identifies Jesus as the Messiah.

John the Baptist

Parts: Luke, John, Tax Peeps, Soldiers, Crowd, Chorus

Setting the scene

I’m serious, when Tiberius reigned his fifteenth year 1
Ruling rover Rome while Pontius Pilate ruled Judea

Herod Antipas was governor of Galilee, Perea
While Philip his bro ruled Trachonitis, Iturea

They ruled a quarter of the kingdom, it was a tetrarchy
And Lysanias
whoever he was
governed Abileenee

The high priests of the moment were Caiaphas and Annas 2
God had a chat with John in the wild sand savannas

This John of the wilds was Zechariah’s son
You can read all about it back in Luke Chapter One

John journeyed ‘round the Jordan with a message for the nation 3
Preaching admission for sin to the Jewish population

Like a spiritual dust cart emptying bins
Washing in the river the forgiveness of sins

A desire to acquire from this baptism supplier
Check out these words of John from the prophet Isaiah 4

John’s call

Time to express an address from the wilderness
Shouting out from the desert with flow finesse

Get yourself ready for the coming of the Regent
Clear the street with red carpet treatment

Mountains will be flattened and the valleys plugged 5
He’ll straighten the curves and level up the rough

Cos it’s time to sit up and check out the situation
A cosmic equation of equalisation

A revelation to the nation and the wider population 6
People, are you ready for total God salvation?

John gives a tongue-lashing

As the crowds came to dowse and make their vows 7
John rocked the house with the whys and hows

You bunch of snakes, the quake’s about to break
Who informed and warned you to make your escape?

You’ve gotta prove that you’ve moved in your thoughts and actions
Retracted your infractions with God attractions

So don’t give each other spam with ‘Abraham’s our man’ 8
Cos from these very stones God can raise his gang

For the axe is ready at the root of the oak 9
No fruit, no dice, wanna go up in smoke?

John’s Q&A session

The crowd plied and cried 10
Give us a bright side, a guide?
To provide, John replied, a freestyle to be applied

If you’ve got two tops, drop to the bareback bloke 11
No joke, you got food, give it up to the broke

Then even tax collectors came to inspect and wet 12
Their heads with respect asking
Tax Peeps
What’s the effect?

Don’t collect unchecked, to increase your stash 13
Or command or demand additional cash

And in a flash some soldiers asked 14
What should be our intent?
Don’t extort, make false report, and be content with your rent

John announces the real Messiah

The Jewish sect expected the Messiah and suspected 15
John the B, so they inspected, checked if dots connected

Someone’s surely coming who’s more powerful than I 16
And the straps of his sandals I’m unworthy to untie*

For I baptise with water but his authority is higher
This Messiah purifier will baptise with Spirit and with fire

With his winnowing fork he’ll split the chaff from the wheat 17
Cleaning up the floor, keeping grain that’s good to eat

Storing good stuff in his barn, gathering up what remains
Burning up the useless chaff with his never-ending flames

* or ‘the laces of his sneakers’

John gets arrested

And with scores of warns and cautions John broadcast to the Jews 18
Proclaiming, name-and-shaming, narrating the good news

But the truth was hard to hear for a certain head of state 19
For a spate of crime from Herod, John just couldn’t wipe the slate

John criticized, advised this Antipas not to throw away his life
But he’d hooked up with Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife

To the tetrarch’s list of deeds, with no admission of contrition 20
He locked up John in prison, a final duff decision

Baptism and Genealogy

Parts: Luke, God, Chorus

Jesus gets baptised

Now as the populace were plunged, Jesus came to be baptised 21
And as he prayed, big surprise, God opened up the skies

With a heavenly voice the Spirit dropped like a dove 22
Get this, you’re my joy and my son whom I love

Jesus’ family tree

Now Jesus was near thirty when he launched his ministry 23
Identity in ancestry, God’s genealogy

Let’s start with Jesus, son of Joseph, who had a father Heli
Son of Matthat begat by Levi, son of Melki, son of Jannai 24

Son of Joseph, who was son of Mattathias number one 24-25
Son of Amos, son of Nahum, son of Esli, Naggai’s son

Then an addy daddy Maath from Mattathias number two 26
Son of Semein, son of Josech
we’re a fifth of the way through

Joda, Joanan, Rhesa then old Zerubbabel is the daddy 26-27
Then there’s Shealtiel, son of Neri, son of Melki, son of Addi 27-28

Cosam an’ Elmadam, with Er, Joshua and Eliezer 28-29
Jorim, Matthat, son of Levi, son of Simeon and then Judah 29-30

Son of Joseph, son of Jonam, Eliakim and Melea 30-31
Son of Menna and Mattatha
now we’re getting into gear

Son of Nathan, son of David, son of Jesse, Obed’s son 31-32
Son of Boaz, son of Salmon known as ‘Sala’ of Nahshon

Son of Amminadab, then Admin, son of Arni known as Ram 33
Son of Hezron, Perez, Judah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham 33-34

Son of Terah, son of Nahor, son of Serug, Reu’s the dad 34-35
Son of Peleg, Eber, Shelah, Cainan, son of Arphaxad

Son of Shem, son of Noah, son of Lamech, Methuseleh 36-37
Enoch, Jared, Mahalalel, son of Kenan
nearly there

And with a final flourish, we name this holy squad
Son of Enosh, Seth, and Adam, who was the son of God 38

Chapter 4

Jesus is tempted by the devil in the wilderness for 40 days. He resists the devil’s temptations and returns to Galilee in the power of the Spirit. He begins his public ministry by preaching in the synagogue in Nazareth.

Breaking the Chains

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Devil, Moses, Crowd, Demon

Devil Battle Rap

With the Spirit inside, his guide to a ride 1
and a stride into the desert leaving the Jordan to one side

He was led by the Spirit to a new address
It was time to progress to the wilderness

Where for forty days he was tested with nothing there to eat 2
Satan tempting to the end he was starving but not beat

And underfed the devil pled and tried to get inside his head 3
If you’re really God’s own Son then tell this stone to morph to bread

Forgetting his gastronomy, no autonomy in God’s economy
From chapter eight verse three, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 4

It is written in the Bible
You cannot live on bread alone
So the devil elevated, relocated, Jesus shown 5

In an instant every empire of the world was his to see
Speak of the Devil, 6
All authority’s been given unto me

All the splendour in the world is at my whim to give away
Give me your devotion and it’s yours. Hey what d’ya say? 7

Jesus cited Deuteronomy chapter six thirteen 8
It is written
Worship the Lord your God and serve only him

Then the devil led ahead one-hundred-forty b.p.m. 9
To the top of the temple in Jerusalem

Throw yourself from here if you’re really God’s son
For it is written, 10
spitting a lyric from Psalm ninety-one

He will command and demand his angels lend a hand 
If you trip-hop tumble they will help you stand 11

From chapter six sixteen of Deuteronomy Jesus fessed 12
It is said
Do not put the Lord your God to the test

And when the tempting was complete the devil took a retreat 13
Until he could make a break the snake took a back seat


Jesus went again to Galilee in Spirit with authority 14
News commentary was broadcast throughout the whole locality

With greatest debut rating, population commentating 15
Jesus preaching and his teaching, synagogic educating

He took a trip trekking back to the town where he’d been 16
To his boyhood beginnings native Nazarene

The Synagogue on Saturday was Jesus routine
And on the Sabbath took a path to the worshipping scene

Standing up to read and given the green light
J was handed the tome from which to recite 17

To depict from the manuscript he began to unroll
And finding Isaiah sixty-one he read from the scroll

The Spirit of the Lord is my core guarantor 18
I’m ordained to proclaim super news to the poor

Yes, I’m shouting out to announce a shift in situation
We’re talking emancipation; a hostage liberation

The blind will see, the oppressed go free
I’m announcing the year of God’s loving decree 19

Then he spooled the scroll and after making his stand 20
He gave it back to the man who was waiting on hand

Every gaze in the place was fixed and fascinated
And with everyone’s attention, this Jesus plainly stated 20-21

Take note that today you’ve tuned in to hear
God’s word is fulfilled right now and right here

Jesus words were laced with grace and the people were amazed 22
And they praised his word plays and his turns-of-phrase

But this posed a problem
What’s going on?
They asked
Isn’t this bloke old Joseph’s son?

Go ahead and pull this saying right off’ve the shelf 23
Hit me up with the quote ‘Doctor, heal yourself!’

You learned of the good turns I performed in Capernaum
Yet you yearn to discern whether I will recur them

But listen up to the truth and let me break it down 24
No prophet is acknowledged in their hometown

Let me narrate to you a story from the time of Elijah 25
A story about a prophet and a needy outsider

There were very many widows living in that terrain
When for forty-two months they didn’t see a drop of rain

And during this widespread famine Elijah only went to one 26
a Zarephath widow in the land of Sidon

Or check out this story from the time of Elisha 27
Another starring a prophet and a needy outsider

There were many in Israel with skin disease
How many were healed? Just one of these

A foreigner, a stranger, an outside alien
This Syrian went by the name of Nay-a-man

And taking offence the church people were incensed 28
They jumped out of their seats their intent to dispense 29

And they commenced to drive Jesus right out of the town
Up the city hill to edge of cliff to cast his ass* down

And take down this preacher without further delay
But Jesus walked through the crowd and went on his way 30

* Or ‘butt’

Jesus battles a demon

Then Jesus tripped down to the town of Capernaum 31
Communicating, educating helping them learn some

In the synagogue each Sabbath in the Galilee vicinity
Speaking with authority, stunning with philosophy 32

One time in church he was pressed and addressed 33
By a guy with a spirit who was demon possessed

The man began bawling at the top of his voice
Go away J of Naz, are you starting on us? 34

Have you come to call us out and escalate the confrontation?
Will you spit a holy rhyme and dictate a termination?

I know who you are, you’re God’s holy chosen one
Anointed and appointed phonic phaser set to stun

As the people looked on Jesus spoke his command 35
Keep your mouth shut and bail out of the man

Then the demon slammed the man bam into the ground
Pitch and ditch the body downed, but the bro was safe and sound

And amazed at the raid, liberated people stated 36
Check out the perfect power that his words have propagated

Even ‘taminated spirits make a break at his command!
And the noise about Jesus could be heard across the land 37

Jesus makes a noise

Now Jesus left the synagogue an’ blazed up to Simon’s pad 38
Simon’s spouses’ mom was laid up full of fever feeling bad

And praying for a miracle they asked Jesus for aid
For this totally corona’d* lady, J bent over where she laid 39

* Or ‘ebolaed’

He rebuked the raging fever and berated it abated
No longer sedated, sister rising on them waited

And at sunset people led to Jesus all the diseased 40
And laying on his hands they were pleased to be freed

And many spirits were purged at J’s command 41
You’re the Son of God
cos he was the main man

With a plan, this Messiah verbalised his demand
To exorcise and chastise with a censorship ban

Jesus spreads the word

At first light, wanting privacy and seeking isolation 42
Jesus hit the road to find a calm location

And invading his space in that solitary place
The people supplicated that he stay on the case

Now listen up 43
Jesus stated
to the message being related
This record’s going diamond multi-platinum gold-plated

Gotta preach the good news, God’s kingdom education
I’m an ambassador from God to the wider population

Heaven sent to proclaim a message that’s crystal clearLuke
So Jesus kept on preaching in the temples of Judea 44

Chapter 5

Jesus calls his first disciples, Peter, Andrew, James, and John, while they are fishing on the Sea of Galilee. He heals a man with leprosy and forgives a sinful woman. He also teaches the people about the kingdom of God.

Forgiveness of Sins

Parts: Luke, Chorus, Jesus, Simon, Guy, Pharisees, Crowd

The first crew members

J was standing on the shore by the Lake of Gennesaret 1
That’s the Sea of Galilee, next stage of the story set

Where peeps were crowding around, tuning in to God’s word
So Jesus came up with a plan to be heard

He spied, dock tied, two boats of fishing guys 2
Who were rinsing their nets, got in the boat that was Si’s 2-3

He asked Simon, push the boat a little way from the beach
And Jesus sitting down on the deck began to teach

And when he had finished speaking, he turned to Si and said 4
Go deep, you’re gonna catch, drop your nets to the lake bed

Si replied 5
With due respect we’ve night-sweated the nets
But cos it’s you I’ll play roulette and heaven hedge my bets

Then on the drop they couldn’t stop, ‘cause the net’s about to pop 6
So they called to their mates to help land the fishy crop 7

They rowed over in their boat and filled the vessels to the brink
To the point where they might sink and end up in the drink

And when Simon Pete perceived, he fell at Jesus’ knees 8
Lord, I am a sinful man! Get yourself away from me

For he and his gang were enthralled by the haul 9
Representing all-in-all, the biggest net trawl

This included Simon’s buddies, a fish fraternity 10
Naming claiming James and John, the two sons of Zebedee

Then Jesus said to Simon
There’s no need to be fearful
You once fished for fish, here on in you fish for people

So they heaved their boats back onto the beach, a 11
Sign left behind, consigned to follow the teacher

An eased skin disease

While J was in town he met a skin-diseased guy 12
Seeing J he bowed down and begged the rabbi to reply


Lord, if you’re inclined, have a mind to heal would you possibly
Cleanse my anomaly with Godly dermatology?

J set about, reached out laying hands on the man 13
Be cured for sure, for your wish is my command

And the decay was allayed straight away, no delay
But J gave the man an order that he had to obey 14

Look, it’s best not to fess about this healing skin scene
Go to the priest, make your peace and show him that you’re made clean

And make the offering that Moses ordered as a confirmation
To indicate and demonstrate your healing restoration

Yet despite J’s instruction to keep his lips tight 15
The scoop about J spread faster than light

So that people crowded in to hear J speak and be healed
But Jesus oft withdrew to pray alone and concealed 16

A man, a roof and a miracle

One day in the week while J was upskilling 17
Some Pharisees and a bunch of law pros were near chilling

They’d raced from every place in the close vicinity
From Jerus’lem and Judea and the whole of Galilee

And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to the max
To heal the sick and lame with miraculous acts

When some guys pad arrived with a paralysed friend 18
With a plan to depend on rabbi Jesus to mend

By laying matey on his mat on the floor at J’s feet
But they couldn’t get near cos the crowd was too deep 19

So they climbed up on the roof and began to remove
Roofing tiles to make a hole big enough to get through

And then they lowered their friend right down through the gap
Into the crowd, touching down on all but Jesus’ lap

And when Jesus saw their faith through the lengths they’d striven 20
He said
Listen up, young guy, your sins are forgiven

But the Pharisees and legal hot shots began to mutter 21
Who is this crazy person? Are we dealing with a nutter?

Cos you don’t pronounce forgiveness with your actions or your gob
You see, it’s blasphemous to go around doing God’s job!

But J knew what they were thinking so he turned around and asked 22
Why are you harbouring these thoughts in your minds and your hearts?

Tell me, of these two things, which is easier to say 23
‘Your sins are forgiven’ or ‘Get up and walk away’?

But I want you to know that I, the Son of Man 24
Have authority on earth to grant the command

And forgive the offences of a sinner just ‘like that’
So he turned to the paralysed man on the mat

Pick up your bed rug and turn to face the grace
Because it’s time to head back and return to home base

And in front of the crowd and the juridical squad 25
He jumped up, grabbed his mat and went home praising God

The crowd Lord-applauded, they were blown away 26
We’re filled with awe and wonder at the events we’ve seen today

Levi throws a party

Collecting at a kiosk, was a guy called Levi 27
And as J split from the town, he spied the tax guy

Put your files away, get up and follow me
So Levi dropped the lot, became a J groupie 28

Some time later Levi threw a phat fest 29
At his res with J behest as the honorary guest

He’d invited every member of the Inland Revenue
And as they partied J was subject to a legal review

For the Pharisees and law advisers filed a complaint 30
With J’s disciples about his blatant, shameful lack of constraint

Why acquaint with the tainted, tax collectors, and crims?
It’s not the well that need a medic but those sick in their sins 31

And why do I hang with the broken and spent?
I’ve not come to call the godly but bid sinners repent 32

Rules and Regulations

Parts: Luke, Crowd, Jesus, Pharisees

Jesus quizzed about fasting

Some people popped a question to Jesus and asked 33
We’ve noticed that disciples often pray and fast

The Pharisees and John the Baptist’s have this way of thinking 34
So how come your disciples keep on eating and drinking?

To provide an answer J replied with a question
Do wedding guests fast at the marriage reception

While hanging out with the groom? Here me say, no way!
But you know that someday he’ll be taken away 35

From the guests and when this happens then it’s fasting time
Then J told a parable about some cloth and some wine 36

Look, no one rips a strip out of a hip new dress
To attach as a patch on some old used threads

For they’ll have shredded new threads so they can’t be worn
And the patch won’t match from the dress that is torn

And no one fills skins that are old with new wine 37
When they’re fresh from the vine, no the two won’t combine

You see, the skin will split, consigned to decline
You’ll fill to spill, that’s the bottom line

You see you gotta know how and where to begin 38
And assign fresh wine to an unused skin

And after they’ve necked down a vintage cru 39
They say
The older is better, we don’t want the new!

Chapter 6

Jesus chooses his 12 apostles and gives the Sermon on the Plain, in which he teaches his followers about the importance of love, mercy, and forgiveness. He also tells them to be good to their enemies and to not judge others.

Rules and Regulations (continued)

Parts: Luke, Crowd, Jesus, Pharisees

Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

One Sabbath Jesus walked through a field of wheat 1
His disciples picked and rubbed the grain, _ began to eat

But some Pharisees were gawping, eyeballing like a hawk 2
It’s the Sabbath, don’t you know that you are breaking the law?

J replied, being spied, taken aside, to chide 3
Haven’t you read in the Bible, how David gratified

And satisfied his need for food by stepping inside 4
The temple with his mates, he took the bread and supplied

Himself and his buddies until they’d eaten enough
Of the bread that only priests can scoff – the consecrated stuff

Then with a final strike of the ball he scored
The Son of Man is the Sabbath Lord 5

Jesus heals on the Sabbath

One Sabbath in the synagogue, J was teaching 6
There was a man with a right hand, withered, misshapen

And the pharisees and lawyers were heavy, hardcore 7
Ready to indict if Jesus breached the law

You see, healing on the Sabbath broke the code of the land 
For healing was work and working was banned

So they baited and waited to see if Jesus would comply
But Jesus knew their thoughts so he called to the guy 8

Brother, come on down and stand tall, be proud
So the man came forward and Jesus said to the crowd 8-9

Let me ask you a question about the Sabbath regulation
Is it legal to do evil, good, destruction or salvation?

And catching the eye of them one by one 10
And whilst holding their gaze he said to the man

Hold out your hand, unconcealed, revealed
The man abided, complied, and his hand was healed!

But the pharisees and lawyers blew their tops in disgust 11
How to deal with J, they had a lot to discuss

The Sermon on the Plain

Parts: Luke, Jesus

The choosing of the Apostles

Soon after J climbed up a mountain to pray 12
Interfacing with God until the following day

And when the morning finally broke he called together his crew 13
And chose the twelve that he labeled as apostles too

There was Simon renamed Peter and his brother Andrew 14
Also James, John, Philip and Bartholomew, 

There was Matthew, Thomas n’ James, Alphaeus’s son 15
And the guy they called The Zealot whose name was Simon

There was Judas son of James, and Ju Iscariot who later 16
Was the Judas that became a back-stabber and a traitor

Blessings and Woahs!

J dismounted from the mound and stood down on flat ground 17
With a dozen disciples, surrounded by a crowd

Of followers and friends that flooded in to hear
Appearing from Jerus’lem and the whole of Judea

They made a steer from as far as Tyre and Si-don
Ripping up the miles from the north coast region

To listen to his diction and be cured of affliction 18
All the impure spirits given notice of eviction

And the people tried to touch him cos his power radiated 19
Dissipated to the masses, ailing satisfied and sated

And fixing his disciples in his direct line of sight 20
with a set of blessèd teaching J began to recite

Blessèd are you who find yourselves poor
For the Kingdom of God and of Heaven is yours

And blessèd are you who are food deprived 21
You’ll be gratified and satisfied and well supplied

And blessèd are you who are crying out your eyes
You’re gonna laugh hard with a five-mile wide smile

And blessèd are you when people reject 22
When they eject, unchecked, lip with disrespect

And slam your name down bam without giving a damn*
Cos you follow J.C., me, the Son of Man

Let’s get the party started, turn up the hi-fi 23
Cos you’ve won the prize so wave your hands up high

For likewise, God’s prophets were slated 
They were burned and spurned, predecessors denigrated

So watch your back if you’ve got it made 24
You’ve received your ease and your bill’s been paid

And watch your back if you’re well supplied 25
You’ll be half-starved, bread-barred, food deprived

And watch your back if you’re smiling wide
For there’s a slide to ride, gonna cry your eyes

And watch your back when you’re lionized 26
For the forebears treated false prophets likewise

Love your enemies

Yes it’s time to get down with the message I’m bringing 27
Turn your ears to hear this def record I’m spinning

Love your enemies credibly and give them your best
To the haters do good and let your cursers be blessed 27-28

I say today you gotta pray for the crew that mistreat you
For the cheaters and deceiters that defeat and beat you

So if someone throws a blow to the side of your head 29
Learn to turn the other cheek and switch your sides instead

And if someone takes your coat or your jacket or sweater
Don’t withhold your shirt cos giving is better

Give to everyone who asks and if they take your stuff 30
Don’t demand it back or rebuff or get tough

You see it’s time to break through and taking up my cue
Do to others as you’d have them do to you 31

You see, if you love those who love you back 32
Why do you warrant a reward and get a badge on your cap?

Cos there’s no due credit where respect is reimbursed
Even sinners love those who love them first

And doing good stuff that’s tit for tat 33
There’s no respect you can bet cos even sinners do that

And if you lend hard dough to those that settle up 34
Know it’s no big deal, know there’s no prize cup

Because sinners lend to sinners and have this pull
Let me lyric from Rakim, ‘They’re getting paid in full’

Love your enemy with clemency, the other side 35
Lend and spend without depending on a gift in kind

Then your prize will be great, you’ll be a child of God
He is kind to the thankless and the wicked and the flawed

Be compassionate and merciful, merciful compassionate 36
Just like your father is, smashing it, don’t ration it

* V22. Damn can be replaced with ‘ham’.

Don’t judge others

And do not judge and you won’t be judged 37
Don’t nudge or budge or hold a life-long grudge

Don’t offend, reprehend with the word or the pen
You can depend my friend and you won’t be condemned

Just live and forgive and you’ll be forgiv’n
Give and live and to you it’ll be giv’n 38

You’ll get a good portion, packed in with excess
The amount you give will shape your repossess

Can the blind lead the blind 39
J began to explain
Won’t they both fall in a ditch, pit, gutter, or drain?

The pupil’s not more primo, perfect than the preacher 40
But the trainee who is is trained will become like the teacher

And why check out the dust in your brother’s eye 41
When there’s a collision with your vision that you deny

How can you say to your brother, ‘I’ll get the speck for you’ 42
When you can’t see past the plank in your field of view

First take the beam from your peeper, plaster saint
Then you’ll have the clarity to wash the dust from your mate

Fruit and Foundations

A top tree can’t create feral fruit 43
and a wack tree can’t produce a crop that’s good

And you know the type of tree by the fruit that it makes 44
You don’t pick figs from thorns or check brambles for grapes

Cos a perf person’s heart imparts A-list things 45
Whereas a prob person’s heart imparts hack happenings

If your heart is bad then your words go south
You see what’s in your heart comes out of your mouth

Why call me, “Lord, Lord!” and don’t obey what I say? 46
If someone comes, listens, acts, let me show you how they play 47

They’re like a builder digging deep, laying a foundation on stone 48
It’ll stay safe in the zone, when the floods swamp the home

But if you hear and don’t act, you’re like a house with no foundation 49
When the floods sweep down we’re talking flow disintegration

Chapter 7

Jesus heals a centurion’s servant, raises a widow’s son from the dead, and forgives a sinful woman. He also responds to John the Baptist’s questions about his identity and ministry.


Parts: Luke, Elders, Roman, Jesus, Crowd

The faith of a Roman officer

When Jesus finished speaking words to crowds that concern them 1
He made some tracks to head back, to return to Capernaum

There was a Roman Centurion with a slave to save 2
He had a servant who was sick, quick heading for the grave

So when the trooper got wind about Jesus he elected 3
To send some leading elders who were Jewish, respected

To ask J to come and heal their friend’s laid up slave
They went to plead on their knees that J would come to their aid 4

If there’s a person on the planet owed help, it’s this dude
For he built our synagogue and he’s a friend of the Jews 5

So J journeyed with the crew but they were intercepted 6
For the trooper sent a message with some mates that objected

Lord, don’t trouble yourself to make moves to my manor
For I’m not worthy, undeserving of such a great honour

I’d meet you face to face if I deserved to be seen 7
But say the word and my servant will be healed and made clean

I’m savvy cos I’m under the command of my chief 8
And have the respect and command of my soldiers beneath

I say, ‘go,’ and they go, or ‘come,’ and they come
And if I ask my servants, ‘do this’ then it’s done

When Jesus heard the message he was blown away 9
And to the crowd that was following he turned to say

Listen up! Check out this guy of the Roman persuasion
I’ve not encountered such great faith in the whole Jewish nation

And when the officer’s friends tracked back to the hood 10
They found the servant who was floored, full restored and made good

Jesus raises a widow’s son

Soon after J blazed with his disciples to Nain 11
He was tracked by a pack, by a mega human train

And as they gained on the place the loco had to terminate 12
Because a tragic grave wake was breaking on through the gate

A dust-bitten young guy was a widow’s only son
A huge crowd from the town was keeping her strong

When the Lord saw the widow and her tear-filled eyes 13
Compassion filled his heart and he told her
Don’t cry!

He came close to the coffin and laid hands on the shroud 14
The bearers stopped in their tracks as Jesus said out loud

Young guy, listen up, for it’s time to arise!
The lost boy sat up and began to vocalise 15

Then J gave him back to mum who was watching and waiting
The peeps were filled with awe and they praised God stating

A great prophet has arisen from the population 16
And today God’s dropped and popped in on the nation

And the news about J spread throughout all Judea 17
Stardate three zero to the final frontier

Bad Attitudes

Parts: Luke, Duo, Jesus, Malachi, Kids, Simon, Guests

Jesus and John the Baptist

John the Baptist had disciples who would hear and collate 18
About Jesus, keeping John narrated, bang up-to-date

So John requested an assessment made by two of his gang
To locate and find Jesus and to question the man 19

To ask, give it to us straight, are you the Messiah, the One?
Or should we wait, anticipate another guy to come along?

They navigated to Jesus and interrogated 20
John the Baptist instigated so that doubt’s eliminated

Please give it to us straight, are you the Messiah, the One?
Or should we wait, anticipate another guy to come along?

Now J was all-out healing many people at the time 21
Lurgies, bugs and demons, bringing sight to the blind

So when the evaluating duo came to J he plainly stated
Go back to John the B with all the claims corroborated 22

Lame walking, deaf hearing, skin healing of disease
The dead are raised to life and the blinded can see

Good News is being preached to the people in need
Tell him, blessèd are those who aren’t offended by me 23

Then when the couple left J, he public spoke about John 24
You went to the wild wastes to scan what kind of a man?

Did you find a weedy guy, hot and cold and thin skinned
A weak reed in the marshes swayed by ev’ry breath of wind?

Or were you banking on a man glammed up in bling? 25
No, dressers to impress live in palaces for kings!

Or is it an old school prophet you were looking for? 26
Yes he’s an old school prophet but a whole lot more

For when you read in Malachi chapter three verse one 27
The Bible’s chattin’ about our best buddy, our John

Check this, before you come I’ve sent my messenger ahead
He will prep the path before you and the trackway that you tread

Listen up, of all the people in the world there isn’t one 28
Single person ever lived that’s greater than my buddy John 

When the people heard J speak, everyone gave him the nod 29
Even the tax guys agreed the righteous way was with God

They’d been baptised by John but some refused to be done 29-30
The pharisees and law degrees had rejected God’s plan

But Jesus hadn’t finished his communication 31
With what can I compare this current generation?

They’re like kids playing in the park heart-carping to their friends 32
You didn’t dance to our happy songs or cry at our laments

And because he didn’t spend time eating bread and drinking wine 33
You whine that John is demonised, you undermine, malign

And then there’s me, here I am, yes, the Son of Man
I came eating and drinking on the other hand

And you say I’m a dustbin and a boozer, an alcohol abuser 34
And a friend of tax collectors, offenders and losers

But wisdom by her children is entirely justified 35
i.e. shown to be right when people follow and abide

A forgiven woman

Now Jesus was invited by a Pharisee to eat 36
So he travelled to the pad and sat down in his seat

A street woman got wise about the meal with the master 37
With an alabaster perfume pot she took it to the pastor

And then kneeling on the floor behind the boss began to weep 38
So she hair-wiped, kissed, and then perfumed his feet

Then the pharisee host scoping the scene unfold 39
If he was a prophet he would clock who has hold

And what kind of hussy’s uninvited to the dinner
He would know he’s being handled by a woman and a sinner

Simon, listen up, you gotta get this in your head 40
In your ear, you gotta hear
And then Si replied and said

Go ahead, tell me Teacher, make it simple and plain
So J regaled with a tale and began to explain 41

Two people owed cash to a certain moneylender
With one owing more than ten times the legal tender

Being strapped for cash their reserves had been plundered
Neither had the notes to pay their fifty or five hundred 42

So the lender being kind signed and settled the score
Tell me, which of these two debtors now will love him more?

I guess the one with the bigger debt cancelled and erased 43
You got it my friend
and to the woman he faced 44

Yo Simon, see this woman on the floor of your home
Since I entered let’s remember all things that were done

You didn’t give me water, to get my feet fair
Yet she washed them with her tears and wiped them dry with her hair

You didn’t greet me with kiss but take a look at the floor 45
This woman’s kissed my feet since I stepped through the door

You didn’t oil my head to make me feel at home 46
But she’s smothered my feet in kicking eau de cologne

Listen up cos she’s been giving me so much love 47
Her many sins are forgiven, yes her love is enough

But petit pardoned people only love a little smidgen
And then turning to the woman said 48
Your sins are forgiven

The gathered guests began to goss about the things 49
Who’s this bloke that goes around town forgiving people’s sins?

Then Jesus, once again, said to the woman, on her knees 50
Your faith in me has saved you, now go and live in peace

Chapter 8

Jesus travels through Galilee, preaching and healing the sick. He is accompanied by his disciples and a group of women who have been healed by him. Jesus calms a storm at sea, casts out demons, and tells parables about the kingdom of God.

Sowing the Seeds of Love

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Random Person, Isaiah


Soon after his supper with Si the pharisee 1
Jesus toured the towns and boroughs in the near vicinity

Proclaiming good news of the Kingdom of God
Jesus took along the Twelve that made up half of his squad

For there were women who’d been healed of evil fiends and diseases 2
Like Mary from Magdala who’d been freed from seven demons

And Herod’s honcho, Chuza’s wife, her name was Joanna 3
And a heap of peeps that tagged along including Susanna

They gave aid to sustain, maintain the life and ministry
Of Jesus and disciples as they worked in Galilee

Now a large pack of people from the neighbouring towns 4
Surrounded J, so with a parable he began to expound

The Parable of the Sower

A farmer went to field to sow his seed in the ground 5
And as he scattered around check out the things that went down

Some fell along the track as it was being transferred
And it was trodden down flat and eaten up by the birds

Some fell on rocky ground and when the little plants sprouted 6
They withered and died, defied, drooped, and droughted

Some fell among thorns that began to impede 7
And as the young plants grew they got choked by the weeds

But some they fell well on good soil and grew strong 8
Producing a crop a hundred times that was sown

Then he finished the pitch and spoke up with a quote
You got ears to hear, listen up and take note

Puzzled and perplexed, about the parable’s gist 9
Confused, bemused, the Twelve called him to assist

You’re given access to the classified Kingdom of God 10
I teach pictures so the scriptures are fulfilled and made good

Let me quote from Isaiah chapter six verse nine
They look and don’t see, hear, they don’t understand

This brain ache parable I’ve brought and taught 11
Let me explain and make plain my train of thought

The seed is God’s word and those on the track 11-12
Hear the word, crushing bird, devil takes it back

From their hearts that are lying on a road that is paved
They won’t believe and be saved and remain enslaved

And those on the rocky ground receive with elation 13
But no roots on their boots there’s no firm foundation

They don’t stay in the game or make the climb
When the going gets tough they call it quits at half time

And the seed in the thorns are those that take note 14
But their lungs are choked with a rank tobacco smoke

Life’s pleasures, and their riches and their worries envelop
It stunts their growth and they don’t develop

But the seed on good soil represents the crew 15
Who are keeping it real and whose hearts are true

The message hit home that had been conferred
They produce huge crop from the word that they heard

You see, no one lights a lamp then sticks it under a bowl 16
Or a bed, no instead they put it up on a pole

So that everyone that enters in can see the light
Like stuff will be displayed that was out of sight 17

For there is nothing under wraps that won’t be revealed
There’s nothing on earth that will stay concealed

Therefore make sure, listen, lend an ear 18
For more will be given to the buddies that hear

But to those who tuned out, at the end of the day
Even the stuff they love will be taken away

Jesus’ mother and brothers

J’s mother and brothers came round, inbound 19
Found they couldn’t gain ground through the gridlocked crowd

So someone collared J in the fray and explained 20
Your ma and bro want in to exchange, engage

J answered and proposed 21
My Ma and bros are thoseWho transpose God’s prose to life scenarios


Parts: Luke, Crew, Jesus, Demon, Peter, Messenger

Jesus calms the storm

Now one day Jesus hailed to his crew and spake 22
Let’s take a quick break to the far side of the lake

So they boarded a boat, released the handbrake
And as they sailed, navigated, J couldn’t stay awake 23

Then a gale gathered force and the boat was inundated
Saturated, grave danger, nearly swamped, suffocated

So the crew woke J and they resuscitated 24
Lord we’re going down, Davy Jones incarcerated

J got up and upbraided, the storm was castigated
Squall evaporated, wild wind and waves abated

Tell me, where’s your faith? 25
J interrogated
The crew were amazed, afraid, a bit intimidated

But they venerated J
What kinda guy holds sway?
Even the wind and the waves listen up and obey

Breaking the chains

They voyaged to the region of the Gerasene scene 26
Situated on the flipside of the lake from Galilee

Stepping out on dry ground, J was rapidly found 27
By a demon-dommed guy from the neighbouring town

He was homeless and naked and for ages enslaved
With a boneyard living in the graves, depraved

Laying eyes on J, he bayed and fell at his feet 28
Son of the Most High I’m on my knees

You here to hurt and torment and deliver misery?
Jesus, Son of God, what do you want with me?

But Jesus had already dished and issued his command 29
Demand the unclean fiend to come on out of the man

You see, for day after day the dirty demon had restrained
Detained and contained even when he was chained

Both hand and foot and kept under guard
He’d busted his shackles, been banished and barred

To the back of beyond beneath a pirate flag
So, J asked the man 30
Tell me, what’s your tag?

Filled with untold demons, a military division
The guy replied
My name is Legion

And the demons begged Jesus, they were looping on repeat 31
Not to hurl them to the underworld, abyss or pit

A huge swathe of swine were on the hillside feeding 32
The demons beseeched, entreated Jesus, pleading

To let them enter the pigs and for J to assent
So he gave the green light and agreed to consent

So when the demons man-departed, they were pig inbound 33
The herd hurtled down the hillside to the lake and were drowned

When the swine minders spied and eyed the drowning herd 34
They sped to spread the news and views of what occurred

And when the locals heard the word they journeyed out to see 35
And reaching Jesus, found the guy who’d been clean set free

His marbles intact, rest, dressed and complete
Mine-swept of the pests, blessed, sat at J’s feet

But the neighbours were freaked, not reassured
As the witnesses spoke of how the guy had been cured 36

Then the peeps that were rooted in the Gerasene region 37
Way quaking, leaf-shaking, prayed Jesus to leave them

So J got in the boat and as he prepped to get going 38
The once-oppressed guy try applied to go with him

But Jesus sent him packing, the demon-battle won 39
Go on back to your shack and publicise what God’s done

So the man returned home, affirmed and attested
As he bigged-up God just as Jesus requested

Two women and two miracles

Returning over the lake J reconnected 40
And was welcomed by the crowd as he was soon expected

Then a man named Jairus, synagogue M.D. 41
Fell flat at J’s feet and dished his heartfelt plea

For J to come to his pad, for his daughter was bad 41-42
She was twelve years young, her life fading fast

So J agreed to proceed, to intercede her need
He pressed through the crowd with haste and speed

Now a hemorrhagic woman had been filled with tears 43
She was bleeding, needing healing for a dozen years

And coming from behind she touched the edge of J’s cloak 44
And on the spot the bleeding stopped, flow blocked and choked

J stopped in his tracks and he turned and asked 45
Who touched my cloak, gained and made contact?

But no one confessed and Peter professed
Boss, the crowd’s jam-packed, crammed, wedged and pressed

But Jesus persisted, insisted and stated 46
Someone touched my cloak, healing power radiated

And knowing she was gonna be discovered, disclosed 47
The sister fell at his feet, all shaking and exposed

And in front of them all, she opened up and spilled the beans
Explaining why she touched him, straight away made clean

Then Jesus responded, to explain and to tell 48
Daughter, go in peace, your faith has made you well

But while J was mid-flow, a messenger showed 49
He’d rolled in and arrived from Jairus’ home and abode

With a deadly payload for the synagogue head
The bomb exploded, dealt a blow, when the messenger said


Don’t trouble the teacher, time to stop what you started
Your daughter is dead, deceased and departed

But hearing the word, J held Jairus, appealing 50
Don’t fear, trust in me, for it’s time for a healing

When they finally made the journey out to Jairus’s pad 51
Only Pete, John and James and the girl’s mum and dad

Were permitted by Jesus to follow inside
And while the inner peeps cried, J testified 52

Don’t cry, dry your eyes, for it’s time to revive
This girl is just sleeping, not dead but alive

The crowd jeered and sneered for they knew she had died 53
But J got alongside, held her hand and replied 54

My child, wake up, it’s time to arise
Straight away, then and there, she popped open her eyes 55

Her life flooded back and she got to her feet
Then Jesus told the crowd to get her something to eat

Her parents were bowled, made up and surprised 56
But J pressed to keep the circumstances classified

Chapter 9

Jesus sends out his disciples to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick before being transfigured before Peter, James, and John. Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy then teaches his disciples about the cost of discipleship.

The Twelve Disciples

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Herod, Crew, Peter, God

Jesus sends his crew

Then J summoned the dozen and commissioned his command 1
So diseases could be eased and every demon shackle bound

And so anointed and appointed they were sent to present 2
The Kingdom of God, to heal the sick and J said 2-3

Leave your luggage behind and travel lighter than light
No cane, eats, or cash, no duty free on the flight

No spare underwear, coat, tunic, or gown
Oh, and stay in one house until it’s time to leave town 4

And wherever you are shunned, when you take the back gate 5
Shake the dirt from your treads and leave the town to their fate

So the crew, on cue, travelled on through 6
The towns easing ills and declaring the good news

King Herod’s confused

Now king Herod the head honcho had his ear to the ground 7
He was confusion thrown by theories doing the rounds

Sounds like J was John the Baptist who’d been raised from the dead
Or a rising ancient prophet like Elijah was instead? 8

Now I had John the Baptist decapitated 9
Muted, executed, we’re talking X-rated

So who’s this swaggering and holding sway
So Herod set about trying to Facetime J

Feeding the five thousand

When they returned to J the apostles spilled the beans 10
Explaining how they’d smashed it and all that they’d achieved

So gathering the gang J decided they should meet
In the city of Bethsaida for a classified retreat

But when the masses ascertained and laid plain their location 11
J welcomed entertained the pursuing congregation 

Narrating and orating about the Kingdom of God
And healing all the people that were needing to be cured

But the twelve were getting twitchy, it was late in the day 12
So concerned they yearned for J to
Send the crowds away

Yes they need to get some food so a crisis is averted
Diverted to the towns cos this place we’re in’s deserted

But J alerted now asserted turned and said to his crew 13
It’s time to serve some supper cos the catering’s down to you

Right, unless we go buy take-out, getting shedloads for the droves
All we have to eat tonight are two fishes and five loaves

Not including kids and women in the multitudes
Gathered in that place were about five thousand blokey dudes 14

Bunch them up in fifties and get them sitting on the ground
So the the gang, obeying J, got the people hunkered down 15

And then taking the two fishes and five loaves of bread 16
J looked up to heaven, blessed it, broke it, and he shared

The food to his crew who provided and supplied
Until each person in the crowd was plied, sated, satisfied 17

And when they’d finally finished they had twelve doggie bags to go
Of broken bits and pieces, of crumbs and fins and bone

Peter’s Declaration about Jesus

One time when J was praying alone 18
With only his crew in the stone throw zone

He asked
Who do the masses make me out to be?
The gang replied, multiple choice, with a one, two, three 19

Now some say Elijah or John the B instead
Yet others that an ancient prophet has risen from the dead

But tell me who do you guess and fess that I am? 20
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, God’s Anointed One

Then gravely J commanded them to keep it under wraps 21
The Son of Man will suffer, now listen to the facts

He’ll be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes 22
Life commuted, executed, but on the third day he will rise

If anyone wants to join my gang and be a groupie 23
Then deny yourself, grab your cross and come and follow me 

For if you want to save your life then first you’ll have to lose it 24
And those who lose their life for me, for my sake, yes they’ll save it

For how do you profit if you gain the whole world 25
If you discard yourself and are binned, and hurled

And if you’re ashamed of me, the things I say and do 26
Then the Son of Man too will be ashamed of you

When he comes in both his own and his father’s glory
And the holy angels, I’m telling you surely

That there are some stood here that won’t die or demise 27
Before they scope God’s Kingdom with their very own eyes

The Transfiguration

Now about eight days after J had his say 28
He took Peter and John up a mountain to pray

And during his prayers he went super luma bright 29
Face transformed, clothes dazzling white

Then the duo spied J engaging two other guys 30
It was Moses and Elijah, and they were also glorified 30-31

They were talking about the date J would break and take his leave
And all his deeds in Jerusalem that he would yet achieve

Now Peter and his mates, though dead on their feet 32
Were wired enough to witness this midnight meet

With a radiating J and the couple bright as day
Just as they were leaving, Peter turned and said to J 33


Hey Boss it’s way great that we’re hanging out together
Let us make three tents for you, and for Moses and Elijah

But Pete wasn’t clued in, he didn’t know what he was saying
And as he spoke a cloud descended, a fog blanket overlaying 34

Then the duo from the crew were terrified and cowed
When a voice spoke aloud from the shroud of the cloud 35

This is my Son who is precious and anointed
Hang on to every word, for he’s beloved and appointed

And once the voice had spoken they found J on his own 36
The crew kept it to themselves keeping secret what was shown

Taking Sides

Parts: Luke, Dad, Jesus, John, James, Bod 1, Bod 2, Bod 3

A demon-possessed boy

The next day they came down from the mount 37
And faced a great crowd when they heard a guy shout 37-38


Yo Teacher, I beseech ya, take look at my son
He’s my only child, yes I only have one

For the the kid has a spirit which takes control 39
It twists him and turns him and begins to maul

Mouth foaming he screams, it won’t leave him alone
I begged your crew to free him, they said it couldn’t be done 40

You twisted, faithless people, how long must I bear 41
To live with you and stay, now bring your son over here   

But even on his way the demon held sway 42
Splay slaying the kid who was shaking where he lay

But today was D-day, the dirty demon obeyed
J kicked out the spirit and gave the kid some first aid

Now allayed and restored as he healed the lad
J conveyed and transported, gave him back to his dad

And while the groupies were gawping at the greatness of God 43
All astounded and amazed, J said to his squad

Get this into your head about the the Son of Man 44
He’ll be betrayed and back-stabbed into human hands

But the gang didn’t click cos the meaning was masked 45
They couldn’t receive or perceive and were too afraid to ask

Two sayings

Now among J’s crew egos got a bit inflated 46
When an argie broke out about who was top-rated

But J knew what they were thinking, what was going thru their minds 47
And he took a small child and placed her by his side

If you welcome this kid in my name then you extend a 48
Welcome to me and a welcome to my sender

Yes ya really wanna know which one of you is a beast?
If you wanna be the greatest then you’ve gotta be the least

Then John followed on and began to explain 49
We saw this guy casting out, bashing demons in your name

He didn’t follow like us, he wasn’t part of the scene
So we insisted he desisted and we tried to intervene

Hey don’t try and stop him or turn the tide 50
For whoever’s not against you is on your side

Samaritan opposition

When the time was getting close for J to depart 51
Jerus’lem was the place where he’d set his heart 

He sent messengers ahead to a town which was Samaritan 52
To get things ready but the residents were having none 52-53

Of anything to do with it, no welcoming committee
Cos J was heading for Jerusalem, the holy city 

When James and John saw what was going on 54
They said
Lord shall we punish with a heavenly bomb?

Demand and command like the prophet Elijah
Call an airstrike and light up with fire

But J spun on his heels and turned and said 55
Hold on, slow down, try not to lose your head

You don’t know which spirit has bewitched your sanity
The Son of Man didn’t land to destroy humanity

But he came to save and bring emancipation
Then the gang moved on, next destination 56

The cost of following Jesus

Now a bod piped up while they were going with the flow 57
Bod 1
I will follow you J wherever you will go

Foxes have holes, birds have their nests 58
But the Son of Man doesn’t even have a bed to rest

To a second bod he fessed 59
Come, follow me 
Bod 2
I would but dad’s funeral is where I gotta be

Let the dead bury their own, but you instead 60
Go proclaim the K.O.G. 
Then a third bod said

Bod 3
I will follow you Lord, but before I go ahead 61
Gotta say bye to my fam back at the homestead

He said
Peeps that are back-looking over their shoulder 62
Don’t fit the mould to be a Kingdom shareholder

Chapter 10

Jesus sends out 70 disciples to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick. He teaches them to love their enemies and to do good to those who hate them. Jesus then tells the parable of the Good Samaritan, which teaches us that our neighbour is anyone in need, regardless of their race, religion, or social status. Jesus also teaches us to pray for our enemies.


The Sending of the Crew

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Crew

Jesus redeploys his crew

Now J doubled up and redeployed his crew 1
Propelling out pairs up to seventy-two

We’re talking thirty six channels in ste-re-o
Broadcast to the places he intended to go

There are heaps of crops but the workers are scant 2
So ask the owner of the land to send more hands

And you’d better get going, it’s time to hit the track 3
Grasp you’re sent like lambs to a wild wolf pack

Don’t stop to say hi, you gotta choose to refuse 4
No carry-on luggage, no wallet, no shoes

And when you enter a crib you say “Peace to this place!” 5
And whoever agrees will get a gallon of grace 6

But if they don’t want the spoils, excess going spare
You’ll get your peace back that they don’t want to share

And stay put in one home, no flirting or flitting
Hitting up other dwellings, it’s a single house sitting

And eat what’s before you when the table is laid 7
For the wayfaring worker deserves to get paid

And when you enter a town and the inhabitants welcome 8
Eat what you’re given, heal the sick, and tell them 8-9

“The Kingdom of God’s appeared for you right here
Dished up on a plate, yes it’s clear that it’s near”

But if you enter a town and the shoulder is cold 10
Take to the streets and let this message be told

“As a protest against your rejection of us 11
We’re shaking off the crud and the dirty town dust

We’re wiping our feet of the mud that’s clinged on
Behold you gotta hear the deal about God’s own Kingdom

It’s here right now” and on the day it goes down
Listen up, better Sodom than to be in that town 12

Woes and Woahs!

Chorazin, woe! Bethsaida, woe! 13
Should have switched your direction way long ago

If instead of your towns the cool deeds had been done
In the twin med cities of Tyre and Sidon

They’d have way back lamented, confessions vented
Sitting in ashes and rags, repented

But on the judgment day, we’re talking Terminator 14
A better fate for them than Chorazin, Bethsaida

And what about Capern-a-um, you want to know? 15
Promoted up to heaven? No, I don’t think so!

To the heart of Hades is where you’ll be hurled
You’ll be making your base in the underworld

Whoever listens to you without dissention 16
Is listening to me and paying attention

But whoever scorns you and severs the connection
It’s me that they are shunning with their flat rejection

And if they blackball me, crop, chop, and stopping
The one who sent me is the one they’re dropping 

The return of the crew

The seventy-two returned full of joy, contented 17
Lord, in your name even demons relented!

I watched Satan fall from heaven like a lightning strike 18
You’ll win the rap battle when you pick up the mike 19

Like, nothing can harm you, do whatever it takes
Yes, you have my permission to crush scorpions and snakes

But don’t be all pumped that the spirits are relenting 20
Rejoice that your names are written in heaven

A prayer of thanksgiving

Now, J was elated in the Spirit of God 21
And right now, right there, he began to pray on the spot

I give it up to you Lord, Dad of heaven and earth
Cos you’ve hidden these things from those that have worth

Like the fully-fledged, brainiacademicly bright
No, you revealed it to babies and it’s pleasing in your sight

It’s all been handed over, the world’s apparel 22
From the Father to me, block, lock, stock and barrel

And no one knows the Son apart from the Dad
And no one knows the Father except for the Lad

Unless the Son selects and is so disposed
To disclose his Dad to the those he chose

Then turning to his crew J said privately 23
Blessèd are the eyes that see what you see!

For I’m telling you, right, that heaps of prophets and kings 24
Longed to see what you see but missed out on these things

To catch a glimpse or give ear to this heavenly din
To hear what you hear but they couldn’t tune in

Two Ends of the Spectrum

Parts: Luke, Expert, Jesus, Samaritan, Martha

The good Samaritan

One time a professor set Jesus to the test 25
On a quest the pious expert in the holy law expressed

Life eternal is my aim and I wanna inherit
Yo Teacher, I beseech ya, tell me how can I get it?

Moses wrote the law for you to decode 26
What do you make of his Mosaic and the Torah moral code?

With Deuteronomy six _ and verse five 27
Leviticus chapter nineteen, the man replied

Love your neighbour as yourself and give God your all
Love the Lord with all your might, mind, heart and soul

You’re bang on my son and you’ve got it in one 28
Do this and you will live and the race will be won

But for self-validation of the Moses’ equation 29
He asked
Who is my neighbour?
And here’s Jesus’ narration 30

A Jewish Joe was heading from Jerusalem to Jericho,
He was jumped and mugged and the gang began to throw

And hose blows to his head, they stripped Joe of his clothes
Left him comatose by the side of the road

A priest happened to be passing the man that was beat 31
He steered clear and adhered to the far side of the street

A Levite, temple helper, also happened to pass by 32
But he too made the move to elude the fallen guy

But a despised Samaritan who was passing on through 33
Saw the man and with compassion, he knew just what to do

So going to the aid of a life on the line 34
He dressed the wounds, soothed the bruises, with oil and wine

To a hotel on his donkey, he helped the man ride
Where he tended to his needs and sat by his bedside

Next day he paid for aid, for the man to stay 35
With a couple of silver coins, that’s about a day’s wage

And for a chat he took the keeper of the inn to one side 
Whatever he needs, you’ve got to provide

I’ll reimburse from my purse as you nurse the lad
And when I return, I’ll pick up the tab

I ask you which of the trio was a neighbour to the man 36
that fell into the hands of the murderous gang?

The one who showed him mercy and came to his aid 37
In a word, now you’ve heard, time to go and do the same

Martha and Mary

Now, as J travelled on with his motley crew 38
He entered a village, instead of passing on through

A woman named Martha who graced that place
Embraced and welcomed him in to her living space

She had a sister called Mary who sat before J 39
At his feet, tuning in to what her Lord had to say

But Martha was distracted with stacks of tasks 40
So the foot rushed woman flagged J and she asked

Can’t you see I’m backward bending, Lord, do you give a damn?
Please command my sis to stand so she’ll lend me a hand

But the Lord replied in kind by repeating her name 41
Martha, Martha, you play a fair game

But you’re acting all distracted, knickers in a firm twist
With all the pilings on your plate, it’s a never ending list

And if you ditch all that’s redundant there’s just one thing left 42
Mary chose the better part and now she’ll never be bereft

Chapter 11

Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray, and he gives them the Lord’s Prayer. He also teaches them about the importance of persistent prayer. Jesus casts out a demon from a boy, and he rebukes the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. Jesus also teaches his disciples about the importance of forgiveness.

How to Pray

Parts: Luke, Disciple, Jesus, You, Friend, Crowds, Evil Spirit, Woman

The Lord’s Prayer

Now J was praying in a certain location 1
And when through, a crew member asked for information

Like John taught his band, Lord teach us to pray
So J relayed, conveyed, 2
Okay, when you pray, say

Heavenly Father, yes your name is sacred 3
Send your Holy Spirit so we’re consecrated

Today and the next, supply our daily bread
And acquit our sins as we remit the debt 4

Of those that are hating on us and committing
Crimes, we’re defined by the mercy we’re emitting

And may we not stretch, snap, or come undone
Being tempted, but delivered from the evil one

Asking for the Spirit

Okay, suppose you chose to go and see a mate 5-6
It’s late, midnight, you ring the bell and state

A buddy’s arrived and the fridge is bare
Friend, do you have three loaves to spare?

But you hear a voice coming from deep within 7
You’re kidding me right cos we’ve all turned in

My kids are asleep and the door is locked
I’m not getting you dit, I can’t believe you knocked!

Listen up, even though he’s a mate and refuses 8
Because the pal’s pushy, he relents and chooses

To jump out of bed and get whatever he needs
So listen up, tune in, pay attention and heed 9

If you ask you’ll get and if you seek you’ll find
Knock and the door will swing open wide 

For askers get and will find if scoping 10
And if anyone knocks the door will open

Is there anyone here, if your kid makes a wish 11
That would give her a snake if she asks for a fish?

Or would give her a stone if she asks for bread? 12
Or a scorpion sting if she asks for an egg?

So if you know good gifting even though you are bad 13
How much more will your heavenly Dad

Give you the Holy Spirit? There’s legit, one task
Simply, open your mouth or heart. Just ask!

The power source

Now one day J delivered a demon that was mute 14
And when he had finally given the boot to the brute

The silent guy spoke and the crowds were astounded
But some of them dissed and hollered and hounded 15

It’s by the king of the demons that he has the clout
With Beel-Z-Bub’s power he can cast them out

Others tested and pled for a sign from heaven 16
But he knew what they were thinking and he turned and said to them 17

A city that divides with two sides at war
Will become a bombed-out rubble, homes flattened to the floor

So if Satan self splits and against himself pits 18
With a blitz his knit kingdom will be shattered into bits

Cos you say I deem deliver by Beel-Z-Bul
And if Beel-Z-Bul’s my boss, let me ask you this in full 19

Under what jurisdiction do your brothers cast them out?
So let them be the judge so there won’t be any doubt 

But if I’m casting out demons by God’s mandate 20
Then guess what, the K.O.G.’s crash landed on your plate

When a tough guy’s weaponised, protecting his vault 21
Then his stash is kept safe from any kind of assault

But if a stronger guy attacks, overpowers, takes him out 22
Nabs the ammo in which he trusted and takes away his clout

The tough guy will be beaten, his belongings put asunder
And the stronger guy will parcel up and divvie up his plunder 

You see whoever’s not with me against me stands 23
And whoever’s not uniting on my side disbands

Understand if you can that when a spirit’s unclean 24
And it leaves a geezer no longer to be seen

It wanders in dry wastelands looking for a place
And it says to itself when it can’t find a base

Evil Spirit
I’ll head back to the shack from where I came
And returning it learns that the house is fair game 25

Cos it’s ship-shape, tidied and sparkling clean
So the spirit goes collects seven others more mean 26

And they enter the person, embedded, immersed
And now the person’s final state is worse than the first

Now while J was saying these words to the crowd 27
A woman raised her voice to be heard clear and loud

The woman that begot you is blessèd, preferred!
No, blessèd are those that hear and obey God’s word! 28

This Generation

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Scribe

The crowds want a sign

When the crowds were getting bigger J began a narration 29
This aberration population is an evil generation

Protesting and proclaiming, it asks to be thrown a
bone but I’m denying all but the sign of Jonah

For in the same way Jonah was a pointer for the clan 30
Of Nin-e-veh city, so the Son of Man

Will indicate and relate, like does a clock have hands?
Yes, for this generation he’s a marker in the sand

On judgment day, the Sheba Queen 31
That’s the Queen of the South will come on the scene

When she rises and flies with this generation
She’ll stand against them with condemnation

You see way back then she was backwards bent
Intent from the ends of the earth she went

To listen and hear to Solomon’s wisdom
Now here’s a bigger fish and you whistle and hum?

Even the Nineveh peeps will rise again 32
And on judgement day they’ll also condemn

This generation because of what they heard
They changed their ways when Jonah stirred the word

And now someone to a greater extent is sent
But you refuse to listen, to hear, and repent

Light and Darkness

When you flick your bedside switch you don’t downplay 33
Try to slide it under pillows and hide the light away

You want your perfect pad to be a tomb of gloom?
No, you keep your lamp up high so it super lumes your room

In the same way for your body, your eyesight is the light 34
And when your eye is healthy your body’s super bright

But if your eye’s unhealthy then your bod is turned to night
Is the lume in you true darkness? You gotta check that it is right 35

And when you’re blazed with light rays with no shadows being cast 36
Then you’ll shine with luminescence that will never be surpassed  

The religious elite

While J was full-on phrasing a Pharisee asked J to dine 37
So Jesus went on in and to the table to recline

The Pharisee was floored cos surely J was versed 38
In the Pharisaic rulebook, gotta wash your hands first

You wash and wipe the outside of your beaker and your dish 39
But inner Pharisees are full of greed and wickedness

You fools, don’t you know the one who formed your outer skin 40
Also made you on the inside, who you are, deep down within

It’s not vital how vivid are your cups and your platters
You see it’s not just your outer appearance that matters

So provide for the poor from what is inside you 41
And you’ll be clean all over, yes, as good as new

So to the Pharisee throng here’s woah number one 42
You set aside a tithe, just a teeny, tiny sum

Of the herbs from your plot but you to choose to ignore
The love of God and God’s justice, the eternal law

Now sure, you should tithe and freely give, no strings
But not at the expense of more important things

So to the Pharisee crew here’s woah number two 43
Gonna mention the attention that’s lavished on you

In the synagogue meets you love the honorific seats
And respect from peeps and the marketplace greets

So to the clan Pharisee here’s woah number three 44
And when I say woe, I mean a sorrowful decree

You’re like unmarked graves lying in the ground
People walking over, blind, wandering around 

Now, one of the scribes, an expert in the law 45
Knew the rules and regulations, didn’t like what he saw

What he heard from J and he’d had enough
Teach, you breach us too when you say this stuff

To you tribe of scribes here’s woah number one 46
Let’s talk about the burdens that weigh a cool tonne

That you heap on peeps, they’re too much to bear
Crushing, do you help? No you just don’t care

And to you scribes and lawyers here’s woah number two 47
Let’s talk about the tombs you construct, construe

Mausoleums for the prophets that you birth and build
For the very same prophets your ancestors killed

By turning out these tombs you approve and agree 48
To be accessories to murder for your forebear’s deeds

For it’s admitting in God’s Wisdom written that he will 49
“Send them prophets and apostles they will burn and kill”

Therefore the blame’s been laid on this generation 50
For the popping of the prophets since the world’s foundation

You’re charged with the massacres of Abel to Zee 51
Zechariah tween the altar and sanctuary

And everyone between that was deep-sixed dead
This generation’s dubbed and it’s on your head

And if you think I’m done and finished my eulogy* 52
Yo, scribes and lawyers here’s woah number three

You’ve removed key details from the people you teach
And by not entering yourselves you now impeach

Each hindering and hampering you make a back rod
Impeding peeps from entering the Kingdom of God

While J was vacating the place, the Scribes and Pharisees 53
Were hostile, wringing, giving the third degree

Wishing J would trip and misstate to self incriminate 54
They baited, laid in wait, hoping for a checkmate

* Feel free to swap ‘eulogy’ with ‘obloquy’ or ‘delivery’.

Chapter 12

Jesus teaches his disciples about the dangers of hypocrisy and greed, and encourages them to be content with what they have and to trust in God. He also teaches them about the importance of being prepared for the day of judgment.

Living out Salvation

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Chorus, Bystander, Rich Girl, God, Peter

Do not fear!

Thousands were gathered and the swelling crowd grew 1
Tripping over each other, J first turned to his crew

Beware the yeast of the Pharisees, what makes them tick
Is holiness hypocrisy, they lay it on thick

Click a time is coming up when the lid’ll be lifted 2
No secrets are hid and the truth’ll be gifted

What you’ve said in the dark’ll be heard in the light
Shouting out by day what’s whispered at night

What you murmur and purr behind doors shut closed 3
Will be taken to the rooftops, blow-horned, exposed

Listen up dear friends, don’t fear a core 4
Who can kill the body and can do no more

But you really wanna know who to respect and revere? 5
The holy God in heaven, he’s the one to fear!

For when you’re dead and gone, he has authority
To cast you to Gehenna, a kind of purgatory

The Valley of Hinnom where judgement’s made
A place of reckoning where debts are paid

Now don’t five sparrows fetch a couple of cents? 6
Yet God won’t forget and’ll come to their defence

He’ll remember each one, so don’t be misled
He’s numbered and counted every hair on your head! 7

So no need to fear, now mark my words
You’re worth way much more than a flock of birds!

Whoever in public, plain gives me the nod 8
The Son of Man will applaud before the angels of God

But if they decry me, chide, lay me aside 9
Before God’s angels they will be denied

Dis the Son of Man and you’ll be forgiven 10
Blaspheme the Holy Spirit and a wedge’ll be driven

And when they bring you to the synagogue authorities 11
And rulers, don’t stress about how you will appease

Or how to convey, for without delay 12
The Holy Spirit will direct what shot to play

The rich fool

Someone in the crowd asked J to tell him straight 13
Yo Teach, tell my bro to share the family estate

Mate, who made me jury over you and your need? 14
Be aware and on guard against every kind of greed 15

You see, life isn’t measured by the stuff in your possession
And to make his point clear he bold told them this lesson 16

There was this uber-rich girl with a prime stack of land
Which cropped such a lot that she had to expand

And she thought to herself
Rich Girl
Now what am I to do 17
I’ve done run out of room to store this boom that I grew

I know, I’ll flatten my barns and build sheds high and wide 18
Provide a place to store my bounty and my other goods inside

And I will say to myself, “You done good, my friend 19
You got cash in the bank and hot dollars to spend

With no bottom line it’s time to recline
Fine dine, drink and chill cos the party’s at mine

But God said to the girl 20
You complete and utter clutz!
Cos tonight you’re gonna peg it, yes you’re gonna bite the dust

And all the stuff you hoarded, self-rewarded, tell me straight
Mate, declare who will share and inherit your estate?

So this is how it plays for those that wrap a tight wad 21
Storing riches for themselves but aren’t rich towards God

What it’s like in God’s Kingdom?

J said to his crew 22
Hey, let me tell you
Not to stress about your life and the duties that you do

What you’ll eat, about your body, or how you will appear
For life is more than food and the body more than gear 23

Now think about the birds, they don’t sow, or tend, or reap 24
They don’t have barns for storage yet they’re tended in God’s keep

And if they’re fed and watered from the storehouse here on earth
How much more than the birds are your precious lives worth?

Can any of you by worrying add an hour to your life 25
Or add a single inch to stature, by some magic grow your height

So if you’re powerless to ply such a simple thing as that 26
Why worry about all else and where the rest of life is at?

Fact check how flowers grow, they don’t toil or spin or weave 27
Yet Solomon in his splendour wasn’t decked as one of these

So if God rigs out the grass that grows in fields today 28
But tomorrow is hacked down and burned or turned to hay

How much more will God equip, fix, fit and kit you out?
Oh you of little faith, don’t give up or ever doubt!

So back out of backward bending for your drinks and for your eats 29
Cold sweating, stressing out, heart palpitating beats

It’s the nations of the world that hanker after all this stuff 30
But your Dad knows what you need and he’ll ensure you have enough

So stay focused, take your aim and keep God’s Kingdom in your view 31
And all the things we’ve talked about will be given unto you

Do not fear my dear friends, get alarmed or agitated 32
For giving you the Kingdom leaves your Father God elated

So donate, liquidate, sell your kit, and give away 33
To the destitute, the needy, the hard up waif and stray

And make yourself some wallets or purses that won’t wear
A treasure banked in heaven that’ll never need repair

A vault which can’t be raided, disintegrated, safe with me  
For where your treasure can be found your heart will also be 34

Be ready!

Get ready, dress for action, switch on your house lights 35
Let me cite a short ditty spitting who you should be like

Mimic servs who are alert and are yearning to discern 36
A certain knock at the door which signals the return

Of their boss who’s been attending on wedding shore leave 36
Standing by the front door primed, ready to receive

And as they eagerly wait, it’ll be good for their sake 37
I tell you, bless’d are the servants who are discovered awake

Cos when he comes, apron tied, the boss’ll stay on his feet
Yes he’ll meet their needs and sit them down to eat

Whether crack of dawn or we’re talking crazy late 38
The servs will be blessed if they’re found in fit state

Or take a homeowner who wouldn’t dare leave 39
If he knew the very time to expect the thief

In the same way prepare, get ready, make a plan 40
For the blindside surprise arrival of the Son of Man

Pete asked 41
Lord, the story you just communicated
Is it only for us or to be Google translated?

Tell me who’s the boss who serves the ruler of all 42
Who’s anointed and appointed to run the payroll

Overseeing the servants and keeping in line
Making sure they’re all fed at the appointed time?

My, blessèd is that servant if he’s not found shirking 43
If when the ruler arrives she finds him hard working

I’m telling you straight, she will delegate 44
And let the servant be in charge of the whole estate

But there are three other options, as J explains
How the servant could perform in the whole ball game

If the serv says to himself, “She’s long gone, delayed”
And back behind betrays and strays and plays

Begins beating other servants, eating, drinking, getting drunk
Won’t the ruler return with a hard slam dunk 46

Unannounced and unexpected, the serv will be corrected
He’ll be sliced and diced, and with the traitors be ejected

Or if the servant clearly knows what the ruler is tasking 47
But is lazy, unprepared and doesn’t do what she’s asking

He’ll get a beating for not behaving doing the things he oughta
He’ll be named and shamed and blown out the water

But finally, number three, the serv that has no clue 48
No notion of the duties he’s been asked to do

If he crosses a line and should be beaten quite rightly
He’ll be wrist slapped and only punished quite lightly

For whoever’s given stacks, big gains will be desired
And whoever’s trusted much, big returns will be required 

Jesus causes division

I came to bring fire to the earth and ignite 49
And how I wish it was burning and already alight

And there’s a bold baptism that I keep my eyes on 50
For my baptism date is on the horizon

And until it’s accomplished I’m under duress
I confess that till it’s finished I’m feeling the stress

Do you think, for a second, I’m bringing peace to earth 51
No, division is the child that I bring to birth

Splitting five atoms, a nuked family 52
Three against two and two against three

Mum against daughter and dad against lad 53
Lass against mum and son against dad

Drawing sword straws against the fam in-laws
Micah seven verse six talks of relative wars*

Interpreting the signs

As well as these things, J said to the crowds 54
When you look to the west and see dark’ning clouds

You say, straight away, “Hey, it’s going to rain”
And you’re right, yes it does, cos it’s nose face plain

You say, “It’s gonna be hot” when the south wind blows 55 
And you’re right, yes it does, like a plain face nose

You hypocrites! You can’t piece it all together 56
The signs of the times but you can forecast the weather?

Striking a deal

And why can’t you judge for yourselves what’s right 57
Using lame excuses to defend your plight

You go with your accuser before a magistrate 58
But you should settle your case before it gets too late

You may be dragged before a judge who will discern and hail
A guard who will throw your sorry butt in jail

And you’ll never be released until you’ve paid the fine 59
We’re talking every last lepton, cent, penny and dime 

* The next verse in the book of the prophet Micah says, “But as for me, the Lord will be my help. I’ll wait for the God who will save me. My God will hear me.”

Chapter 13

Jesus teaches about the importance of repentance and faith, and he tells several parables to illustrate his points. He also heals a woman on the Sabbath, and he confronts the religious leaders for their hypocrisy.

Turning to God

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Chorus, Owner, Gardener, Leader

A call to repentance

About this time some came to J and said 1
That Pilate had some Galileans gunned down dead

Offering at the temple they’d paid the price
As Pilate mixed their blood with their sacrifice

Do you think those Galileans suffered on this day 2
Because they were sinners in any worse way

Than anyone else? No, to zero extent 2-3
But you too will perish unless you truly repent

Or what about the eighteen that were tragically killed 4
When the tower of Siloam toppled and spilled

Is everyone else living in Jerusalem
Any worse a sinner or offender than them

No way! Not a chance, you’d be way off grid 5
Unless you repent you’ll go the way they did

The barren fig tree

Then Jesus related this relevant parable 6
About a failing fig tree, all alluding allegorical

A guy grew a fig tree in his vineyard plot
And each time he arrived to visit he tried to spot

A single fruit on the tree but he failed to see one
So he gathered his gardener to tell him he’s done 7

Now check this out! I’ve been coming for three years
Looking for fruit, time to get the shears

Cos it’s clear that this tree is a barren dead loss
Cut it down, chop and lop, it’s a waste of compost

Sir, leave it alone for just one more year 8
I’ll dig it over, fertilise, and hope that figs appear

And if we get figs, well, we’re on to a winner 9
But if it doesn’t bear fruit I’ll be the first axe swinger

Healing on the Sabbath

Now J was preaching, teaching on the sabbath, seventh day 10
In the Jewish synagogue when a woman came his way 10-11

She’d been crippled by a spirit,  years – ten plus eight 11
She was bent over double, couldn’t stand up straight

When J perceived her problem, he called her to his side 12
Dear woman you’re unbound from the plight that’s got you tied

Then he reached out and touched her and with no delays 13
She stood up straight, and began God’s praise

But the synagogue leader was under a cloud 14
He was hacked, mad, hopping, kept saying to the crowd

It’s a six day week for doing work and no play
Come get healed then, not on the Sabbath Day!

But the Lord spoke up, and answered with this flow 15
You bunch of hypocrites! As your actions clearly show

On the Sabbath don’t you do this, now, concentrate and think
Don’t you take your ox or donkey, untie them, let them drink?

So this Abraham’s daughter oughta be set free 16
For eighteen long years been under lock and key

Enslaved by Satan, body held at bay
So shouldn’t she be released on the Sabbath day?

And when J had finished speaking his rivals were shame faced 17
But the crowds were elated at the wonders Jesus aced

The Kingdom of God

Parts: Jesus, Luke, Someone, Pharisees

The mustard seed

Now how to relate God’s kingdom, with something to compare? 18
It’s like a mini mustard seed which was planted with great care 19

Garden sown it grew into a massive tree and housed
The birds that came and nested in its branches and its boughs


How else to relate God’s Kingdom, what light can I shed? 20
It’s like the yeast a person uses when baking making bread 21

Mixing pinches into flour power stirring to and fro
It permeates the bowlful, prize rising up the dough

The narrow door

J was heading for Jerus’lem, his final destination 22
Going, rhymes flowing, sowing vocal narration

Making town after town, when this question was laid
Lord, will only a handful of people be saved? 23

You gotta go all out, take the narrow door 24
Cos many will shoot but they’ll fail to score

For there’s a sure time coming when the homeowner stands 25
Shuts the door and then you’re caught left wringing your hands

You’re stuck outside, banging, making a fuss
Imploring, “Lord, Lord, open up the door for us!”

Then from inside you’ll hear this reply and blow
“Where you come from, I just don’t know.”

But you’ll argue, “Hey, we had drinks and eats 26
Hanging out together, you taught in our streets.”

Then he’ll tell them again, “Look, I’m making it clear 27
Criminal offenders get out of here

I just don’t know you or where you’re from!”
And with that the homeowner was said and done

With cold tears splashing and old teeth gnashing 28
Your whole life around you smashing and crashing

Don’t you think you might just give a God damn
When you see Jake, Isaac, and Abraham

And all the prophets safely stowed in the K. O. G.
But yourselves cast away, ditched, all at sea

Then from north to south, from west to east 29
Many people will come to God’s Kingdom and feast

So about some people, and since you asked 30
The last will be first and the first will be last

Crying over Jerusalem

Some Pharisees arrived right then and said 31
Get away from here. Herod wants you dead

(Pfft) Go and inform that fox from me
I’m casting out demons and the blind can see 32

For today and tomorrow it’s what I’m called to be
Until I attain my aims on day number three

Yes, today and tomorrow and the very next day 33
Gotta stay on course, I’ve gotta make my way

For there’s no chance that a prophet of God can be killed
Outside of Jerus’lem no blood can be spilled

Oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem 34
The ‘city of peace’ how you like to condemn

Stoning God’s messengers and madly hell bent
On killing the prophets and those who are sent

How often I was craving to convene your kids
Like a mother hen protects her chicks under her wings

But no, you wouldn’t let me, you refused, rejected
And now reflect your house is a ruin neglected  35

Check this, you won’t see me till the day you claim
“Blessèd is the one who comes in the Lord’s name!”

Chapter 14

Jesus teaches about the importance of humility, hospitality, and discipleship. He also tells several parables to illustrate his points. He heals a man on the Sabbath, and he confronts the religious leaders for their hypocrisy.

Dinner with a Pharisee

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Host, Pharisee, Servant, Guest 1, Guest 2, Guest 3

Healing on the Sabbath

It was a Sabbath, rest day, when Jesus went to see 1
And eat in the house of an esteemed Pharisee

They monitored his moves, would he be named and shamed?
When before him was a man whose limbs were inflamed 2

Jesus quizzed the Pharisees and the legal hotshots 3
Is it prop to drop a healing on the Sabbath or not?

But they remained quiet so J prayed and laid 4
Hands on the man who gained an upgrade

He was healed, out-classed, his body recast
And as he got his leave pass, Jesus turned and asked 4-5

If one of you has a child or a donkey or bull
That trips and slips into a well that’s full

Even on a Sabbath don’t you save them straight away?
The guests were struck dumb and had nothing to say 6

Then he googled how the gathered guests picked the best seats 7
At the table so with a parable he began to speak

When you’re invited to a wedding reception to eat 8
You don’t take the top table or the bride or groom’s seat

Because you know what will happen if you stake your claim 9
The host of the wedding will be forced to explain

On your bike buddy, you’re in the wrong place!
You’ll have to move further back with egg on your face

But when you’re invited to dine take the lowest position 10
So when the host comes by he’ll make it his mission

Hey, good friend, why you sitting over there?
Move up here and sit your butt in this chair!

For this space is reserved for the best of the best
You’ll be respected and elected in the eyes of the guests

For if you big yourself up then you’ll be brought down 11
But if you hug the ground then you’ll be renowned

Then Jesus turned his radar to the host of the night 12
When you give a lunch or dinner who do you invite?

Not your friends, rellies, sisters or the self money made
For they’ll invite you back and you’ll be fully repaid

But on your party invite you know who to name 13
Write the poor, crippled, blind, sick, broken and lame

For at the resurrection fest, accounts will be redressed 14
Though they can’t settle up your life will be blessed

The great banquet

When a table guest heard, he gave Jesus the nod 15
He said,
Blessed are the feasters in the kingdom of God

J replied with a parabolic story with a twist
A guy prepped for a party with a mega guest list 16

And when the date arrived he sent his servant to comply
Saying 17
Get blinged up for it’s time to stop by

But each one made excuses 18
Guest 1
Yeh, please excuse me!
I’ve just bought a field that I’ve gotta go see

Guest 2
And I’ve bought twelve bulls you see I’ve got to be excused 19
I’m en-route to check ‘em out, invitation’s refused

Guest 3
And I won’t be there to make it cos I just got wed 20
It just wouldn’t be right to leave the marital bed

When the servant returned to report to his boss 21
The master of the house began to get cross

Quickly go to town, to the gutters and streets
Bring in the crippled and the poor, blind, lame and weak

Sir, let me tell you, that you’re order’s complete 22
But there’s available space and too much to eat

Then go out to the country to the lanes and tracks 23
Compel the people to follow that my home will be packed

And let me make it clear that none of those on the list 24
Will get to relish the taste of my banqueting feast

Being a disciple

Now Jesus was surrounded as he travelled around 25
And wheeling round to the crowd he began to expound

If you make your way to me not hating your mother 26
Or your dad or your partner or your sister or brother

If you don’t hate your husband and you don’t hate your wife
You’re not my disciple if you don’t hate your life

Is a disciple of mine what you want to be? 27
Then grab your own cross and follow me

Suppose one of you wants to build a block of flats 28
Don’t you sit and figure out if you have enough cash?

For if you lay the foundation and make a start 29
And the funds run dry you’ll get ripped apart

They’ll say, ‘Check this girl who messed up, couldn’t finish the block 30
Of banging flats, she’s wack and a laughing stock’

Or what if a head of state’s about to wage war 31
With a king and do battle to settle up the score

Before he goes to combat with his troops on the ground
Doesn’t he sit down and count if he can take the crown

With ten thousand men would it be unwise
To take on an army that is twice the size

For if he can’t win doesn’t he commission a mission 32
To make a submission with a peace petition

For in the same way you wanna be a contender 33
You can’t be discipled if you don’t surrender

Salt tangs good but if it loses its taste 34
How can it be replaced? It’s fated food waste 34-35

It’s no good for soil or the recycling bin
You got ears to hear? Listen up and tune in

Chapter 15

Jesus tells three parables about the joy of finding what was lost: a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. These parables teach that God is always willing to forgive those who repent and return to him.


Parts:  Luke, Pharisees, Jesus, Shepherd, Chorus, Woman, Prodigal, Father, Servant, Brother

The lost sheep

Now the income tax rackers and the real wrong trackers 1
Face-to-faced J to become Godly life hackers

But the backers of the holy law, scribes and pharisees 2
Were displeased, ill at ease, they were spitting their cheese


He’s not dotting i’s and t’s, hanging out with these
Sleaze bags and chowing down with under class wannabees

So Jesus related and narrated, power parablated 3
about a shepherd and a sheep that got separated

Suppose you got a hundred odd sheep in your care 4
And one goes missing to who knows where

Don’t you dump the ninety nine in the wilderness
And don’t rest in your search till you complete your quest?

And when your sheep is found and the air horn’s blown 5
Don’t you throw it on your shoulders and you carry it home? 

And when you arrive at your pad don’t you get your friends round 6
Party with me cos my sheep has been found!

So listen up, likewise, there’s a party in heaven 7
Over one single sinner whose heart is repenting 

Than ninety-nine peeps that don’t need to backpedal
Cos they’re on the right path staying true and level

The lost coin

Or suppose a lass has ten coins, each worth a ton 8
In Greek they’re called a Drachma
and she loses one

Won’t she flick the light switch and do a house search
Persevering till the merch is back in her purse?

And when the coin is located, she calls round her mates 9
I found my lost coin, it’s time to celebrate!

In the same way, likewise, there is angel delight 10
Over one sorry sinner that now sees the light

The lost son

To drive home the vital point that J was teaching 11
He regaled with a tale so they’d catch the meaning

There was a guy with two sons and the younger one fessed 11-12
And pressed a request to be blessed with a bequest

Dad, I claim my inheritance before you go and snuff it
Time to credit my account before you finally kick the bucket

So with parental assent the father’s wealth was allocated
Segregated, separated, bank balances updated

But a few days later the younger brother made his exit 13
Jumped ship, split the joint and he took a road trip

And losing track of reality in a distant locality
He blew all his cash on decadent depravity

Then with a famine in the nation and his pocket deprivation 14
This degraded prodigal son was in grave danger of starvation

So he hired himself out to a hog stock breeder 15
And was field assigned as a pig swine feeder

Looking down at the grub he longed to have his fill 16
To taste a drop of the slop and stuff his face with swill

But no-one gave food to this hungry human wreck
When the prodigal finally crashed with a reality check 17

My thoughts are consumed by my dad’s recruits
How many have a profusion of food unused

And here I am in this position having major malnutrition
A condition of attrition heading for the mortician

I’m on a mission of contrition; yes I’ve made a decision
To head back to dad and submit my admission 18

“Against you and heaven I’ve made my transgression
Listen up to my confession cos I’ve learned my lesson

Please give me a job and do what needs to be done 19
Cos let’s face it I’m not worthy to be called your son”

So the Prodigal arose and trekked back to dad’s place 20
While he was still a long way from touching home base

His dad saw him coming and was filled with compassion
He raced to his son and embraced and kissed him

Dad, against you and heaven I’ve made my transgression 21
Listen up to my confession cos I’ve learned my lesson

Please make me a servant and do what needs to be done
Cos let’s face it I’m not worthy to be called your son

But to his son’s surprise and with a sparkle in his eyes
Dad issued an order for his servants to comply 22

The best threads in the spread and get him dressed with speed
Get a ring for his finger and some kicks for his feet

And get down on the farm cos tonight we’re having beef 23
It’s time to start the party and live it up with a feast

This dead son of mine has risen outta the ground 24
In a word – he was lost but now he’s found

Now back at the ranch the party raged on
While out in the fields was the eldest son 25

And as he neared home he could hear the wheels of steel
So he called one of the staff and asked what’s the big deal? 26

Your brother’s come home and your dad’s gone to town 27
Throwing a bash, he’s got him back, on track, he’s safe and sound

The older brother amped and refused to go inside 28
So dad went out to plead but in anger he replied

Hey! For all these years I’ve been a slave for you 29
There’s never been a job that I’ve refused to do

In all that time I pined, designed to hang out with my mates
But you never gave me mutton so that I could celebrate

Let me underline, remind you that this so-called son of yours 30
Has blown his whole inheritance on hookers and on whores*

And now he comes back and makes a sadass entry
And you prepare a roast and throw the party of the century

My dear, dear son, you’re mine and all I have is yours 31
But we had to celebrate and be happy because 32

This dead brother of yours has risen outta the ground
In a word – he was lost but now he’s found

* ‘hookers and whores’ can be replaced with ‘deplorable tours’!

Chapter 16

Jesus teaches his disciples about the importance of using money wisely and not being greedy. He tells them the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, which teaches that those who are rich in this life may be poor in the next life, and those who are poor in this life may be rich in the next life.

Money, Money, Money

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Boss, Manager, 1st Debtor, 2nd Debtor, Rich Man, Abraham

The crooked manager

Then J said to his crew 1
A boss had a Number Two
Who was accused of wasting cash and the charges were true

So the boss dragged him in 2
What’s this that’s transpired?
Show me ledgers and accounts, cos you’re gonna be fired!

Hired now retired, the guy’s plan had backfired
He said to himself 3
Now I wonder what’s required?

Since I’ve been pink-slipped, I’ve made this deduction
I’m too proud to beg and I’m not cut out for construction

Now I’ve got it, bulb lit, yes a mission and ambition 4
So my buddies will embrace me when I’m sacked from my position

Then inviting all the peeps that had to pay a debt of dough 5
One by one he asked them
So how much do you owe?

1st Debtor
A hundred jugs of olive oil 6
Well sit yourself down quickly
Take your bill, I’m halving it, and making it now fifty

Swiftly moving to the next he asked 7
Now, what’s your debt like lately?
2nd Debtor
A hundred tonnes of wheat
My friend, take this, four fifths is eighty

Now the boss tribbed and bigged up this double-dealing dude 8
Because, like a fox, his number two had been shrewd

You see the kids of today are more savvy, streetwise
Than the children of the light, the so-called spiritual guys

So get in with the gang, no hanging around 9
Make mates with your cash and use the stuff on the ground

Win them over with your baggage that’ll one day be gone
So they’ll meet you and they’ll greet you to an everlasting home

There’s a well-known saying and it goes as such 10
Whoever’s faithful with the small things can be trusted with much

That whoever’s crooked with the small things will be crooked with the big
If you can’t ride a bike then you can’t drive the rig

So if you’ve wasted worldly stuff which is pitched in ditches 11
Who then will entrust to you with Holy God’s true riches?

And if you’ve been a let down with someone else’s dues 12
Tell me, who’s gonna give you what belongs to you?

There’s no way a slave or servant can begin to obey 13
Two captains and comply with the commands they both say

Cos they’ll be torn apart loving one and not the other
Serving the sister and resenting the brother

So here’s a public broadcast message for your spiritual health
You can’t serve God while at the same time serve wealth

The Kingdom of God and the law

The Pharisees, you see, were pleased with their fees 14
And as they listened to J, they started to tease

But J responded with a heartfelt, ready reply 15
Though God knows your hearts, still you justify

Your words and your actions before your squad
But what’s honoured by humans is an A-bomb to God

You see the law and the prophets were in effect till John came 16
And since then the good news of God’s kingdom’s been proclaimed

And people present to the new nerve center
Repent and consent, they’re encouraged to enter

But it’s easier for earth and for heaven to be popped 17
Than for a line in a letter of the law to be dropped

Like hitching a Barbie who’s split from her Ken 18
Or divorcing your bride and bewedding again

Either way there’s no grey, yes you gotta obey
To stray from the law’s considered playing away

A rich dude and Lazarus

There was a fat cat guy who was loaded to the nines 19
Fine threads, he was fed the best food and wine

While outside his back gate lay thin broke Lazarus 20
His skin was lathered in filth and grime and pus

Man halved, and starved, if just a crumb could be found 21
Falling from the fat cat’s table to the ground

Deplored, ignored, when it rained it poured
Even stray dogs picked and licked his sores

Then the poor guy pegged it and was angel led 22
Ahead, to Abe’s side, he was grateful dead

While ditto fat cat travelled six feet under
Pained in Hades he began to wonder 23

Looking up he saw Abe with Laz by his side
So he decided to call out and began to cry

Rich Man
Yo! Yo! Father Abe you gotta hear my plea
Please send your buddy Laz and have mercy on me

These flames are burning, I’m the worst kinda cursed
Please get him wet his finger, let him quench my thirst

But Abraham replied 25
Child, play what was recorded
Don’t you remember your life and how you were rewarded

And likewise how Laz received sheets of beats
Now you’re picking up the pain while he rests in peace

And besides there’s a chasm that is far and wide 26
A fixed distance so great, an impassable divide

So we can’t take a ride from here to there
Or vice versa, no hearse, no there’s no air fare

Rich Man
Then I beg of you father send him to my dad’s pad 27
To my five other bros that need him bad 28

To inform and warn so they won’t end up here
They have Moses and the Prophets who have made it clear 29

Let them hear
Rich Man
You don’t get it, if you send someone that’s died 30

They will surely lament, repent and abide
If they won’t hear what old Mo and the prophets have said 31
How will they be swayed if someone rises from the dead?

Chapter 17

Jesus teaches about the importance of forgiveness, faith, and being prepared for the day of judgment. He also tells several parables to illustrate his points. He heals 10 lepers, and he confronts the religious leaders for their hypocrisy.


Parts: Luke, Jesus, Apostles, Boss, Lepers, Survivor, Pharisees, Crew


J related to his crew, on one occasion 1
When it comes to sin there will always be temptation

But woe to the one that’s doing the abusing
Leading others astray with their wooing and seducing

You’d be better off noosed to a concrete block 2
Time to sleep with the fishes and be tossed off a dock

Than cause one precious person to slip and trip
So watch out for yourself, now you’d better get a grip 3

If another brother sins, then you gotta let ‘em know
But if the bro laments, repents, then you gotta let it go

And even if they dis you like seven times a day 4
If they turn and ask forgiveness then you must play and obey


The apostles collaring J posed a simple demand 5
Please give us all a demo how our faith can expand

With a mustard seed faith you could say to this tree 6
Mr Mulberry, uproot and plant yourself in the sea

And guess what would happen? It would have to obey!
With an itty-bitty faith it would do what you say

When coming in from tilling fields or herding the sheep 7
Does the boss ask the worker
Come and eat with me?

No way! 8
He will say
Hustle, rustle up my meat
And pinny down your backside and serve me while I eat

And when I’ve had my fill and I recline, adjourn
Then fix yourself some grub and make and take your turn

And does the boss thank the worker for getting paid her wage? 9
Er, no, I don’t think so, therefore in the same way 9-10

When you obey my commands then make this proclamation
We’re undeserving, happy serving, and we’ve met our obligation

Ten guys healed of leprosy

Now as J foot floored towards Jerusalem 11-12
He connected, intersected with ten infected men

When at a village on the sill between Samaria and Galilee
They stood, social distancing, blacklisted with a leprosy

Crying out 13
Master J have mercy on us!
J looked them in the eye
Mates take the next bus

Hustle butts to the priests and present your appeal 14
And being sent, as they went, they were cleansed and healed 

Then one of the guys, when he saw that he was cured 15
Made his way back to J shouting
Praise to the Lord!

This Samaritan guy fell down at J’s feet 16
With an attitude of gratitude for his healing receipt

J said to the man
I thought I treated ten men in the line
Then, if you don’t mind me asking, pray where’s the other nine?

Has no-one else turned up to glory God but you a foreigner? 18
In that case get on up, your faith has saved and healed ya! 19

The coming of The Kingdom

One time the Pharisees paid a visit to J 20
Tell us, when will the Kingdom of God have its day?

Hey you really wanna know when the K.O.G.’s expected?
It’s not a rat to be dissected and can’t be metal detected

Reject your suspect speculations and wild declarations
Taking aims and making claims about precise locations

Saying, “Here it is” or “It’s over there” 21
For the K.O.G.’s within you – it’s an internal affair

Then to his crew he turned 22
One day you’ll yearn to learn
Desperate to hear about the Son of Man’s return 

And discern and get word but you won’t be eye-balling
Don’t fall for the fraud when the crowds come calling 23

Bawling, “Yo! There he is!” or “Here’s the Son of Man!”
Don’t chase the scam clan cos they’re feeding you Spam

For when the S.O.M. comes in a blink filled eye 24
Like lightning striking, lighting up the sky

But first the Son of Man must be skewered and burned 25
Peer used and abused, overturned and spurned

But when the Son of Man returns it’ll be game over 26
Like in the days of Noah, we’re talking supernova

You see way back then the people were lascivious 27
Partying and hitching, frivolous, oblivious

Right up to the moment when the waters inundated
Noah boat vacated while the rest were devastated

Or remember the world in the time of Lot 28
They were busy in the city and the people forgot

They were agrifying, cultifying, full-on fortifying 
They were gratifying, satisfying, buying and supplying

Until the morning when Lot left that city called Sodom 29
When sulphur burning fire hammered down from heaven

To annihilate, obliterate, decimate, eradicate
The city of Sodom met a terrible fate

Yep it’ll be business as usual right up to the day 30
When the Son of Man’s unveiled and his splendour’s displayed

And when it happens if you happen to be on the top deck 31
Don’t go down to pack or take a rain check

And if you’re out and about don’t head back to your house
Read the story, kinda gory of Lot’s salt pillar spouse 32

If you hold tight to your life then it’s gonna get waived 33
If you surrender your life then it’s gonna get saved

On that night a snug couple will be sleeping in bed 34
Bam! One will stay put while the other one’s led

And two girls at the bakery working the grains 35
Sifting flour till one’s claimed while the other one remains

Two bros will be hoeing, mowing, raking the hay 36
One will be taken while the other one stays

Lord, where will this happen? 37
The disciples cried
J replied
Wanna know when a carcass is nearby?

Then look for the vultures where they gather and appear
For these indicating signs depict the end will be near

Chapter 18

Jesus teaches about the importance of humility, faith, and perseverance. He also tells several parables to illustrate his points. He heals a blind man, and he confronts the religious leaders for their hypocrisy.


Parts: Luke, Jesus, Widow, Judge, Pharisee, Tax Guy, Ruler, Crowds, Peter, Beggar

The determined widow

Then J regaled with a tale about their need to always pray 1
About never losing heart or grave caving on the way

Saying 2
Down in a town was a judge, a crown council
Who ejected Big G and disrespected the people

But in that city was a widow who was keeping it real 3
She was bugging the judge and lyric spitting her appeal

Hey you, listen up, are you gonna hear my plea?
I want justice from this dude who’s been hating on me

But each time she presented justice was prevented 4
The judge refused to listen but then he finally relented

Even though I don’t fear God and I couldn’t give a crap*
(to himself)
She’s getting on my nerves and giving me a face slap 5

Yapping on about her case and my ass* is busted
I’m gonna get rid of this woman and grant this widow her justice

Now listen up and listen good to this malignant magistrate 6
Won’t God, who is good, help those who remonstrate 7

And state their case, day and night when his chosen ones are praying
Granting justice to his crew, being quick with no delaying 8 

But here’s the thing, tail sting. Will faith on earth be found
When the Son of Man comes and plants his feet firm on the ground?

* V4. ‘Crap’ may be replaced with ‘nap’, ‘ass’ may be replaced with ‘bum’

The pharisee and tax collector

Now to some peeps who were looking out for Number One 9
Smug in their own greatness, looking down upon

And squashing others, pushing down, and treading on their heads
J shared with them this parable, he spoke to them and said

One day, two praying guys climbed to the temple to plea 10
One a tax collector and one a pharisee

The latter stood alone and was interceding like this
Thank God I’m not obscene, and it’s not a near miss 11

Cos I’m not like other people, I ain’t a cheat adulterator
Or an S.O.B. dog or like this wanton tax collector

You see I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all my income 12
But the tax guy at a distance wouldn’t dare look up to heaven 13

He was kicking himself and was beating his chest
Tax Guy
Holy God have mercy, I confess my life is messed

Now listen up, this guy went home and he was sanctified 14
Whereas the Pharisee missed as his pitch had gone wide

For if you big yourself up then you’ll be demoted
But if you humble yourself then you’ll be promoted


Now people brought their kids for a touch from holy J 15
But when his crew observed, they sternly turned the kids away

But J called them over and gave a royal decree 16
Let the little children come to me

You see, making a date should never be outlawed
For these mini peeps belong to the Kingdom of God

And let me tell you a truth about the K.O.G. thing 17
If you don’t receive it like a child then you will never get in

The rich ruler

A certain ruler asked J 18
Eternal life’s my aim
Good Teach, how to gain, yes you gotta explain?

Jesus said to the guy 19
Why do you call me good?
Cos no one is good, only God, understood?

Let’s get under your hood before we go for a drive
About the ten commandments, do you know these five? 20

Don’t lie, rob, or kill, that’s the first three down
And respect your folks and don’t screw* around

The guy replied 21
Since I left my mother’s side
I’ve kept all these laws just as you have described

And as he testified, J said 22
You’re lacking in one thing
Come and follow me, but first you gotta hear the sting

Sell up all you own, every single possession
Give the proceeds to the poor to store your treasure in heaven

But when the guy heard this he moaned and groaned 23
For he was loaded to the gills with all the stuff that he owned

And then J looked him in the eye 24
Yep, you’re right, it’s kinda tough
To get in the K.O.G. when you’re flush with prime stuff

For it’s simpler for a camel to go through a needle’s eye 25
Than to get in God’s Kingdom for a super rich guy

Then who can be saved? 26
Asked the groupie gathered squad
What’s impossible for humans is possible with God 27

Then Peter took the floor 28
Hey J give us our due
We left our homes behind, assigned to come and follow you

Then turning to his crew J said 29
No matter what you left
Let me tell you the truth, no you won’t be long bereft

Whether houses or spouses, folks, kids, sis or bros
If you left them for God’s Kingdom sake then this is how it goes

We’re talking life in all its fullness, both in this age and the next 30
You’ll get the bonus of a lifetime, the ultimate paycheck

* ‘screw’ may be replaced with ‘sleep’, ‘play’, or ‘fool’.

Seeing Jesus

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Beggar

A prediction about Jesus

Summoning the dozen for a seminar he said to them 31
You gotta know guys, we’re heading for Jerusalem

When everything penned about the Son of Man
By the prophets will happen according to the plan

For he’ll be delivered and dispatched to the Gentile mob 32
Who will lambast and blast, they will spit and gob

Before he’s lashed and thrashed, killed and slain 33
But on day three, yes he’ll rise again

But the crew remained clueless, the hidden truth missed 34
Bemused and confused, no they didn’t get the gist

A blind beggar

As J and his crew approached Jericho 35
A blind begger begged begging by the edge of the road

And hearing the parade that was passing on through 36
He asked
What’s going down, what’s all the to do?

So concerning the commotion they told him why 37
Yo dude! J of Nazareth is passing on by

And so the guy found his voice and he yelled and shouted 38
Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David!

Those blocking the view told the guy to wind it in 39
But the beggar cranked it up and made a terrible din

Yo! Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!
Then J stopped in his tracks when he heard the man’s plea 40

He demanded and commanded for the man to be brought
And then he set about asking what it was the man sought

Tell me how can I help, what can I do for you? 41
May I regain my sight, Lord take the long view

Your faith has saved you, receive your sight 42
Straight away, no delay, with his vision made right

The guy venerated God and followed J with restoration 43
And all who surveyed praised and gave God their adoration

Chapter 19

Jesus enters Jerusalem and is welcomed as a king. He cleanses the temple and teaches in the courts. He also tells the parable of the minas, which teaches us about the importance of faithfulness and stewardship.

Seeing Jesus (continued)


Parts: Luke, Jesus, Crowd, Zacchaeus (Zach), Chorus, King, Subjects, Employee 1, Employee 2, Employee 3

J entered Jericho and was passing through the place 1
Where a chap, Zach, lived, he was a total disgrace 2

Base, despised, pint-sized in the region and the sector
He was the lowest of the low, we’re talking loaded tax collector

In effect, neck stretched, Zach was trying to capture 3
A glimpse of J passing but was short of stature

Scratch that, the crowds towered, and unable to see
Zach full ahead sped and climbed a sycamore tree 4

At a place J would pass as he forged ahead
And when J got to the spot he looked up and said 5

Zach, buddy, what? You up there making a nest? 6
Get your butt down quick cos I’m gonna be your guest

Excited, Zach alighted at the speed of light
He was hyped and invited J to stay for the night

But the ongogglers griped about this gathering for dinner 7
J’s gone to be the lodger of a spinner and a sinner

But Zach stood before the Lord 8
Yeah, I get it, I’ve been greedy
So I’m splitting half of all I own to bless the poor and needy

And if I’ve tricked and nicked and claimed and made a false account
Then I’ll recompense and pay them back, four times the first amount

Wow! Today, right now, God’s salvation has come 9
Cos this brother’s also demoed that he’s Abraham’s son

Like Abe he had a faith and he counted the cost
For the Son of Man came to seek and save the wayward lost 10

The three servants

The crowds stood around and were listening to J 11
Debating postulating as they figured, tried to weigh

Play the odds of God’s Kingdom coming fully in one go
Straight away, no delay, and besides, J was close

To the city of Jerus’lem, his final destination
So he countered with a parable, a fitting illustration

Now a noble man travelled to a distant domain 12
To have himself kinged, on return the king would reign

But before heading off he summoned ten of his work guys 13
Delegated, designated, money business enterprise

He gave them each a lump of gold, a mission which to earn
Invest it, make it work for me, you accrue till I return 

But his hating subjects envoy sent, the message they were stating 14
We don’t want this dude to be our king, no way he’s legislating!

Then when the boss returned, now appointed as the king 15
He summoned those employees to see what they would bring

The asset gain they’d gone and made, a golden profit weigh-in
The first stepped up, came forth, reported, sorted, speaking, saying  16

Employee 1
Check it Boss, I took your gold, ten times is what I made
Nice work! Great job! My trusty, loyal aide 17

Cos you’ve gone and done good with insignificant realities
You’re gonna take charge and govern ten municipalities

Then the second staff member, stepped up and took the floor 18
Employee 2
Hey Boss, I took your gold and made it five times more

The boss replied
Likewise, over five towns you will reign 19
Then the last came, explained 20
Employee 3
Um, I thought I would retain

Your original gold, Lord, it’s here, safe and sound
I wrapped it in a cloth and kept it buried in the ground

T.B.F. I was afraid cos you’re a hard ass peep 21
You don’t credit but but withdraw, don’t sow but sure do reap

You piece of (beep)! By your own words you’ll be tried and truly damned 22
For you knew I was a tough guy and a hard ass man

Withdrawing what I didn’t save, the balance in the bank
Harvesting the produce grown from someone else’s plants

Why din’t you stuff it in the bank, get some interest on account 23
Then when I got back here, could’ve cashed the whole amount

Then he turned to the crowd, the bystanders standing by
Take the lump of gold from this stupid, useless guy 24

And give it to the first one, the one who made the ton
But boss, he’s got already, tenfold more than anyone! 25

Listen up, to those who have, even more will be donated 26
But for those that show for nothing, what they have will be abated

And as for haters, lowlife traitors who didn’t want me king 27
Bring them here for execution for the axe is gonna swing


The Arrival in Jerusalem

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Owners, Crew, Crowd, Pharisees, Isaiah, Jeremiah

Jesus enters Jerusalem

When J had finished speaking he began his stratagem 28
Intention bent on heading for Jerusalem

Drawing near to the towns of Bethany, Bethphage 29
By the Mount of Olives hill he was ready to engage

Sending two of his crew as a forward delegation
In the village up ahead, there’s a donkey metro station 30

And as you enter the town you’ll see a young colt tied
Never ridden, let it loose and bring it here to my side

And if questions arise why you’re freeing the cord 31
I authorise, “This neddy is needed by the Lord”

So the crew went ahead and found it just as J had told 32
And as they untied the colt its owners asked and polled 33

Hey fellas, mind explaining why you’re taking it away?
The Lord needs this little donkey, there’s nothing else to say 34

Then returning to J, they threw their coats on its back 35
And Jesus climbed aboard and headed down the track 

And as the donkey journeyed on with its precious payload 36
People stripped their outer coats and spread them down on the road

And as he hacked down the track leading down the Olive Mount 37
The multitude and masses, gathered crowd began to shout

Praising God for the miracle works that they’d seen
Singing out with joy, their voices setting the scene

Heavenly peace and prize glory is what we proclaim 38
Yo! Blessèd is the King coming in the Lord’s name!

But some pharisees jeered, calling J from the crowd 39
Hey! Turn your crew down, for their music’s way too loud!

They’re allowed to vocalise, sing praises, and shout  40
For if I put them on mute these stone walls will cry out

Jesus weeps over Jerusalem

As J approached the city he cried, began to weep 41
To Jerus’lem spread before him it was time for him to speak

How I wish you’d only clocked all the things that bring you peace 42
But now you cannot see them, vision hidden, sight will cease

To be sure the days are looming when your enemies will attack 43
They’ll scale your city walls, surround you front and back

They’ll hem you in from every side with choking busting trouble
Then pulverise you to the ground and crush you into rubble 44

Your buildings and your children will be ruined, ravaged, wrecked
Not a single stone within your walls will stand, be left erect

And you really wanna know what’ll cause your final fall?
Cos you didn’t diagnose, discern when God came, paid a call

Jesus clears the temple

J entered temple courts to where merchant sellers sitting 45
Then evicted, drove them out saying
Listen, it is written 46

My house, my home, will be a sanctuary of prayer
But you’ve twisted, tilt and turned it to a thieving villains’ lair

J was quoting from Isaiah fifty-six verse seven
And the prophet Jeremiah chapter seven verse eleven

And from then and every day, J was in the temple teaching 47
But the chief priest, scribes, leaders didn’t stop seeking

A way to kill J, but all actions were deferred 48
For the mainline masses were hanging on to every word

Chapter 20

Jesus continues to teach in the temple, and he is challenged by the religious leaders. He tells them several parables, including the parable of the tenants, which teaches us about the importance of faithfulness and obedience. He also answers their questions about paying taxes to Caesar and the resurrection of the dead.

Arguing with Authorities

Parts: Luke, Boffs, Jesus, Owner, Farmers, Crowd, Psalmist, Spies, Sadducees, Scribes, David

A challenge to authority

One day, in the Temple, as Jesus was teaching 1
Spieling the Good News to the people and preaching

He was badgered by a bunch of demanding boffs 2
The chief priests, core elders, and religious law profs

Tell us, who gave you the full weight of seniority?
You’re doing these things by exactly what authority?

Okay, fair play, let’s put a question to you 3
About John and his baptism, who gave him his due? 4

Was his license divine or was it from humanity?
An origin from earth or a heaven sent reality?

Frustrated, they debated, heads together, contemplated 5
Weighing  ‘a’ or ‘b’, each choice evaluated

Well, if we say ‘from heaven’ then he’s gonna ask why
We didn’t tune in and believe the prophet guy

And if we say human then we’re gonna get stoned 6
Cos the people have John as a prophet enthroned

So the boffs finally answered that they didn’t have a clue 7
If you won’t tell me then I won’t tell you! 8

The evil farmers

J began to relate and narrate a farming parable 9
A guy sowed a vineyard on land which was arable

Renting out to tenant farmers to tend and cultivate
While the owner went abroad till a far off future date

And when the harvest time arrived, it was time to get cashing 10
Collect his portion of the crop, his fair share and ration

So he sent a servant to the tenants but punches were landed
He came to harm on the farm and went away empty handed

So he sent another servant who was brutally assaulted 11
Kicked out, unrewarded after being insulted 

Undeterred he sent a third time lucky to the fray 12
They oppressed and messed him up, sent him packing on his way

Then the owner of the yard said 13
What will cause effect?
If I send my precious son, p’haps they’ll show him some respect?

But when the tenants saw the son, they talked it over saying 14
Isn’t he the heir? We’ve got a better plan than paying

If we slay him, bump him off, his inheritance we’ll get
So they threw him out the vineyard and carried out their threat 15

Now how d’ya suppose the owner of the vineyard’s gonna act
When he hears about the son and how the farmers had him whacked?

Fact check he’ll come and send those farmers to a sticky end 16
And hand the vineyard over to some others to attend

When the peeps perceived the parable that Jesus finished rapping
They said
Heaven above forbid that such a thing would ever happen! 

But J looked them in the eye 17
Psalm a hundred and eighteen
Tell me, what does this bit from verse twenty-two mean?

The stone the builders spurned is now the cornerstone
Trip over it you’ll shatter, boulder crushing target zone 18

When the teachers of the law and the chief priests clocked 19
That the parable was pointed, it was them being knocked

They planned to reign and chain J but the odds were stacked
Backing down cos they dreaded how the people would react

Taxes for Caesar

To keep a close eye, the chief leaders sent spies 20
Posing as legitimised blessings in disguise

Trying to slip, trip J with a slick trick question
So he’d violate the law with a legal contravention

A dissension like this would come to the attention
Of the governor’s tyranny and lead to a detention

Yo! Teacher we know that you preach and teach 21
Only what’s right and that you don’t impeach

Or defer to anyone, you’re glued to God’s true way
So the empire tax – should we pay and obey? 22

But J saw straight through their devious deception 23
Right back at them, he posed this question

Show me a denarius, Roman silver minted 24
Whose head is in the centre, round the edge whose name is printed?

Caesar Augustus, the emperor, top dog’s
Then give to Caesar what’s Caesar’s, and to God what’s God’s 25

Blown away by J’s reply, the spies were silent, tongue-tied 26
They couldn’t trip him up in public, however hard they tried

A discussion about resurrection

Some religious leader types called Sadducees 27
Were ill-at-ease, saying nobody’s

Gonna rise from the dead, no it just ain’t true
So they came to J with a sly trick Q


Teacher, Moses wrote down in one of his skits 28
That if a guy pops his clogs and leaves his wife and no kids

Then his bro takes his place and has a claim to stake
Getting hitched and raising kids for his brother’s name’s sake

Now suppose there’s seven bro’s and the eldest’s on the case 29
But he croaks with no kids so the second takes his place 29-30

Then a third, and so it goes, until all seven drop dead 31
No kids, story ends with the widow’s death bed 31-32

Since she had seven hubbies, please answer our plea 33
On the resurrection day, whose wife will she be?

Those who live in the here and now 34
Get hitched, wed together with a marital vow 

But those considered worthy of the coming age 35
Who get dead-resurrected, roll on the next stage

No they won’t get hitched nor wed to one another
Cos they won’t need to marry, be a father or a mother

They’ll be like angels and will no longer die 36
Being resurrection kids, kin of the Big Guy

But as you mention Moses did you know that he showed 37
That the dead are raised – Burning Bush episode

In Exodus three verse six he claim makes
That the Lord’s still the God of Abe, Isaac, and Jake

They’re all alive to God, just as Moses said 38
God’s the God of the living and not of the dead

Some law teachers said 39
Teach, we like what you say!
And then no-one dared ask him more questions that day 40

Whose son is the Messiah?

How can it be said that Christ is David’s son? 41
For Dave himself says in Psalm one-ten verse one 42

The Lord said to mine, “Sit at my right hand 43 
Until I make your enemies your firm foot stand”

So how can he be his son if Dave calls him Lord? 44
Then he said to his crew in front of the horde 45

Beware of the Scribes who parade in long robes 46
Loving attention they get when they strike a pose

The respect they get being greeted in the streets
In the synagogue meetings, banquing honorific seats

They devour widow’s houses, recite showy long prayers 47
They’ll get a greater condemnation for their putting on their airs

Chapter 21

Jesus predicts the destruction of Jerusalem and his second coming. He tells his disciples to be prepared for these events, and he encourages them to remain faithful. He also tells them about the signs of the end times, and he warns them not to be deceived.

Jesus in the Temple

Parts: Luke, Jesus, People

The widow’s offering

As J looked up he saw the rich making offerings 1
To the temple treasury ringing up the cash cha chings

He also saw a widow, she was poor but heeding rites 2
Flipping in two little coins, called leptons, tiny mites

Yo! Check out this poor widow and see what she has done 3
Truly she has offered, given more than anyone

The rich gave from their wealth, from abundance they were giving 4
Yet she gave from her poverty all she had for living

Jesus speaks about the future

Some were talking about the temple and giving it the nod 5
how it was decked with stunning stones and gifts to honour God

Yes, this edifice you’re looking at, its days are more than numbered 6
Not a single stone left intact – flattened, nuked, and plundered

Teacher, when will this go down, the forecast be fulfilled 7
And will we get a warning that the trigger will be pulled?

Watch out! Don’t be duped by countless coming in my name 8
Claiming, “Look it’s me! The time is now!” Don’t play their bogus game

Same, when you hear of wars and insurrections do not fear 9
Cos first these things must happen fore end credits will appear

For kingdom will bust kingdom, and nations start to fight 10
Fanning the flames of conflict there’ll be famines, plagues, and plight 11

Right, monster quakes will ravage as the ground beneath us stirs 11
There’ll be dread events, great heaven signs, but before all this occurs 11-12

They’ll trap you and rack you, bringing down the hammer 12
Hand you over to the synagogues and put you in the slammer

Haul your ass before the courts and all because of me
Before governors and kings you’ll get to make my plea 12-13

And when you’re in the witness stand don’t stress about defence 14
For I’ll give you wisdom and the words as soon as you commence 15

With a sense of inspiration that’s divine and heaven picked
Your foes will fail to argue, inept to contradict

Kicked and backstabbed by parents, brothers, rellies, mates 16
Betrayed, parking your backsides outside the pearly gates

Mass haters gonna hate cos you carry my name 17
But not a hair on your head will burn up in the flame 18

Through pursuing your goals, staying at the controls 19
You’re gonna win life and you’re gonna gain your souls

Then finally, when you see and hear from eye witness sources 20
Jerusalem surrounded by hard, armed, violent forces

Of course you’ll know the time of crisis, final hour has come
To escape the desolation you gotta turn and run 21

For your lives to the hills if you’re living in Judea
And if you’re living in the city get the hell out of there

And if you’re living in the burbs don’t head for the town
For these punishment days play scripts written down 22

No words can convey or profess or express 23
For expecting, nursing mums the level of distress

For the land will be afflicted and God’s wrath will be inflicted
Reprimanding, retribution as this people are convicted

They’ll be floored by the sword, slaughtered, wasted, and slain 24
Exiled to the nations, taken captive, put in chains

Until their appointed time is up there’ll be an occupation
The foreigners, the Gentiles, will trample this location

Yes the city will be ransacked, Jerus’lem overrun
There’ll be signs in sky and heaven, in the stars, and moon, and sun 25

And on the earth there will be turmoil tween the differing nations
The seas will churn, the waves will crash with cruel reverberations

Shaking powers of the heavens, some on earth will faint 26
From foreboding fear of what’s to come, the world’s forbidding fate

Then they’ll see the the Son of Man arriving, coming in a cloud 27
With power and great glory, time to stand out from the crowd 27-28

So lift your heads, buckle up, it’s time to start the engine
When you see all this, get into gear, your redemption’s gonna happen

Then J rapped a parable, a lyric about trees 29
Take the fig, for example, when a tree sprouts leaves 29-30

You can see for yourselves that summer will appear
Likewise, surmise that God’s kingdom is near 31

Listen up to the truth, this gen won’t expire 32
Until all these things have happened right down to the wire

Higher Heaven and lower earth may eventually pass away 33
But my words will never perish, no they’re here for good to stay

So give regard, be on guard that your hearts are not oppressed 34
With life’s worries, getting drunk, giving, living to excess

So that day doesn’t sneak up and catch you by surprise
Like a trap, snapping down on everyone alive 35

Stay alert the whole time and pray you hack and tolerate 36
Having the strength to resist and make your great escape

From all that will transpire, prevail, and land
That before the Son of Man you’re giving props and stand

Now, during every day J was in the temple preaching 37
Spending nights on Olive Mount, heading there each evening

And all the peeps would get up, early morning leaving
Heading for the temple to listen to him teaching

Chapter 22

Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples, and he institutes the Lord’s Supper. He also predicts his betrayal and death, and he prays to God in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The Last Supper

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Pete, Jon, Crew, Chorus, Isaiah


Passover was approaching with unleavened bread, no yeast 1
A reminder of the Exodus from Egypt, party feast

The chief priests and teachers of the law were ascertaining 2
Whether J could be slain with impolitical campaigning

Arranging to exterminate, eradicate this faction
Afraid attack with action, cause a public bad reaction

Then Satan jumped in Judas, skewed, deluded crew informer 3
Colluded and concluded to betray the good reformer

His name was Iscariot, one twelfth of J’s band
With temple guard commanders and chief priests Judas planned 4

To take down and hand over the Lord Jesus to be killed
They were thrilled and willed that Judas’ pockets would be filled 5

With immunity, impunity, agreed to seek an opportunity 6
To then surrender J surreptitious of community


The day of Unleavened Bread arrived 7
And the Passover lamb had to be supplied

So J relayed a couple on a mutton meat mission 8
You gotta prep the Pesah so now go and make provision

Pete and Jon
Where do you intend to send your assembling committee? 9
See, you’ll meet a guy, when you go into the city 10

He clasps an ice bag and it’s him you gotta tag
And back track to a house, to the owner wave a flag 11

Say, “The Rabbi has a Q he’d like to put to you
Where’s the guest suite to eat the Pesah with his crew?”

He’ll lead you upstairs to a decked and ready room 12
And that’s the place you’ll prep the eats we’re gonna consume

So the couple came across the pad exactly as he said 13
And they prepped the Pesah dinner, lamb, sides, and wine and bread

Bread and Wine

Now at Passover time, J and his crew reclined 14
I’ve been keen to feed on this food and dine

Before I have to suffer, a last Pesah with my squad 15
Stilled till it’s fulfilled in the Kingdom of God 16

And post giving God thanks he took the fine wine cup  17
Please share it all out, dole and divvy all up

Note, from this point on I won’t drink from the vine 18
Until the K.O.G comes and I’ve crossed the finish line

Then he reached across the table and took a loaf of bread
Thanking God the bloke broke it into pieces to be fed

I’m giving you my body and this is from me 19
Copy this when you gather in my fond memory

Likewise, after supper, he held the cup in view 20
This cup’s the new deal, it’s my blood that’s shed for you

But note, my back-stabber, yep, the one who will disable 21
Is sat right here and his hand is on the table

For the Son of Man’ll rise as scripture has conveyed 22
But woe, going down, is one who has betrayed

Then the crew began to ask themselves, to blame, defame, assign 23
Which one of them would dare commit this shameful heinous crime

Who’s the greatest?

Then the crew began debating about who’d be the greatest 24
But J stated on what basis they be rated as straightest

You see, presidents and kings want you under their thumb 25
Lording over peeps with vain titles home-spun

But don’t follow that road, if you want your props increased 26
Then you’ve got to be subordinate, the lowest and the least

So, the diner or the server, which of them’s the greater? 27
It’s the client of course, but I came to you as waiter

You’re the crew who stood by me through thick and thin 28
All smiles in my trials, no you didn’t give in

So a kingdom I confer to you, a holy dominion 29
Just as my Dad passed me the keys to the kingdom

So you can eat and drink with me, in my kingdom, sit on thrones 30
Judging, ruling over Israel’s dozen tribal zones

A prediction about Peter

Simon, Simon, listen! Satan’s demanded and obtained 31
To sieve and sift you all like a sifter sifting grain

But Si I’ve prayed like crazy that your faith won’t fail you 32
And when you’re back on track, gotta reinforce the crew

Lord you know I’m die-hard, dedicated, and driven 33
I’ll follow you to prison if death penalty is given

I’m telling you, Pete, fore the cock crows today 34
You’ll have disowned me three times, a denial triple play

Purses and Bags

Now when I sent you out without a wallet, bag, or shoes 35
Did you want for anything or have anything to lose?

But if you’ve got a bag or wallet, time to put it into service 36
And if you’re swordless, sell your coat, get the cash and purchase

Listen up! For what is writ’ll be fulfilled in me 37
And J began to quote from Isaiah fifty three

They considered his kind to be a criminal mind
See what’s being defined is what the prophet outlined

Hey, J, check it out, we have two swords  38
It’s enough, it’ll do 
This is the word of the Lord

Jesus is Arrested

Parts: Luke, Jesus, Girl, Pete, Bystander 1, Bystander 2, Guards, Council, Crew

Jesus prays

J went, as his wont, up to the Olive Mount 39
And his crew followed on with a full head count

Then they reached the final target and his destination 40
Time to pray that you don’t slip trip into temptation

Then J decamped, withdrew about a stone’s throw away 41
And getting on his knees he knelt down to pray

Father if you’re willing take this burden and this ton 42
So heavy, not mine but your will it must be done

Then did a heavenly angel come to his aid? 43
The more tormented he got, the harder he prayed 44

And did his sweat trickle down like great drops of blood
Falling on the floor and drilling down in the mud?

When he rose from praying he found his crew fast asleep 45
They were spent, shot, and weary, bone tired with grief

Hey, why you sleeping? Gotta get up and pray 46
That the heavy times of trial won’t come and bar your way

Betrayed and Arrested

While he was still speaking crashed an armed flash mob 47
Led by Judas, crew imposter, who scored an inside job

As a pointer to the posse he went to J with a kiss
Judas, you betraying the Son of Man like this? 48

When his crew saw them coming, they asked the Lord about the hordes 49
Should we fight’n strike’m down with our weapons and our swords?

Then a crew drew a blade and slashed the high priest’s slave 50
Slicing, dicing, barbing with a right ear shave

Cut it out, back down, pack it in, a disgrace! 51
And he took the servant’s ear and spliced it back in place

Then J addressed the posse of bosses and chief priests 52
The gang who’d come to grab him with the temple police

Have you come in riot gear as if I were a bandit
Even though we met each day, I’m trying to understand it? 53

You didn’t bust me in the temple but this is your hour
As the nighttime shadows shroud the darkness wielding its power

Peter denies Jesus

Then grabbing, nabbing J they led him away 54
Hoiked him to the house of the high padre

Pete tail chased the gang and the hard armed guard
To where they kindled fire in the centre of his yard 55

And as they sat themselves around Pete grabbed himself a seat
When he heard a staring servant girl in the firelight bleat 56

Hey! This guy sitting here is one of J’s crew!
But Pete denied it  57
Woman, know him? What? I haven’t got a clue!

A little later on another guy was heard to say 58
Bystander 1
You’re defo J’s crew!
Man! I’m telling you no way!

Then about an hour later yet another insisted 59
Bystander 2
This guy’s a Galilean, so he’s surely enlisted?

Blacklisted, persisted, Peter resisted 
It’s a bucket load of bull, what you’re saying, it’s twisted! 60

But he choked as he spoke when he heard a cock crow
The Lord caught his gaze and Pete’s shame began to grow 61

Remembering J’s lyric and his visionary rhymes
“Before the cock crows you’ll disown me three times”

Peter was distraught, his heart an implosion 62
He staggered outside, overcome with emotion

Jesus before the Council

Now J’s guards began to goad and rough him up good 63
Pounding him with questions, head covered in a hood 64

Go ahead prophet prophesy! Which one of us is hitting?
Unremitting, lip splitting, with vicious insults spitting 65

Then at dawn and first light J was led before the leaders 66
Public council, both chief priests, elders and the law teachers

If you’re the Messiah just tell us! 67
No, you won’t believe it’s true
And you wouldn’t answer me if I asked the Q to you 68

But from now the Son of Man will be seated to the right 69
Of God the Lord almighty, of all power and all might

Are you, then, the Son of God? 70
You say that I am he
We’ve heard it from his lips, what further intel do we need? 71

Chapter 23

Jesus is arrested, tried, and crucified. He dies on the cross, but he is resurrected three days later. His death and resurrection are the central events of Christianity, and they offer hope and salvation to all who believe in him.

The Death of Jesus

Parts: Luke, Accusers, Pilate, Jesus, Crowd, Leaders, Soldiers, Criminal 1, Criminal 2, Centurion

The accusations

Then the full assembly stood and led J to Pontious Pilate 1
Where they abused and accused, began to slam and freestyle it   2

This guy’s been subverting and perverting our nation
Aiming for cessation of your Roman taxation

He calls himself Messiah, an anointed king
Are you the king of the Jews? 3
You’re spitting that’s my thing

Then Pilate lip-proclaimed to the chief priests and masses 4
There’s no basis to your claims to make final judgment passes

They were screeching 5
But he’s been teaching over all Judea
Lighting fires and stirring peeps from Galilee right up to here!

Jesus before Herod

When Pilate tuned his dial to what they were decreeing
He asked them if the guy was a full-blown Galilean 6

And when detected J was subject under Herod’s crown 7
He passed the buck to Antipas who happ’d to be in town

Now H was down with meeting J and pulled an inward smile
Sweet to meet and greet the guy, he’d been waiting for a while 8

The headlines he’d been heeding r.e. J had made him pine
And he hoped to see him pull a perfect miracle, a sign

While the scribes and priestly leaders stood blazing, griping by 9
Herod put the screws on J who dried up, gave no reply

Then Herod with his soldiers slammed, slated and berated 11
Aggravated they had J dressed up and decorated

In a first rate robe J was packed, returned to sender
Reconciling Pilate, Herod, proper bromance mender 12

Jesus is sentenced

Then Pilate had the chief priests, leaders, peeps gathered 13
You accuse this rabbi rebel of being a biohazard 14

I’ve analysed the guy before your very eyes
And found no grounds for you to chastise

And neither did Herod who had him extradited 15
Back to us, so no excuse for execution to be cited

So I’ve decided to have him flogged and let him go 16
You see he was obliged to provide a fest clemency show 17

The crowd began to shout, to cuss and to fuss
Take Jesus away and release Barabbas to us! 18

Now Barabbas was in detention in the house of correction 19
Indicted for murder and for inciting insurrection

But Pilate wanted J to have a sentence suspension 20
So he repeated his appeal, but they yelled their dissention  21

Crucify! Crucify! Crucify and die!
For the third time Pilate asked the people  22

What crime has he committed? There’s no proof for execution
Therefore I’ll have him flogged and freed, the fitting, right solution

But the crowd persisted shouting he be crucified 23
And J’s appeal was denied as their tempest turned the tide 

So Pilate voiced his verdict that their writ should be granted 24
He showed favour, signed a waiver, for the name they had chanted 25

And Barabbas rebel killer took a deep, long breath
As J was handed over and condemned to certain death

Jesus is crucified

As J was led away, they seized Simon of Cyrene* 26
On a visit from the country and arriving on the scene he

Was bagged to tag J and carry his cross
While the crowds followed on distraught at the loss 27

While trailing and wailing the girls were breast-beating
Meeting their eyes J started entreating 28

Daughters of Jerus’lem, don’t cry for me
but weep for yourselves and the kid on your knee

See the days are surely coming when your hearts will pour 29
‘Blessèd are the barren and the wombs that never bore

And blessed are the breasts that never nursed’
Then from Hosea ten, eight J quoted this verse

‘They’re shouting to the mountains, “Now fall on our head” 30
And hurling to the hills, “Kill and bury us dead”’

For if they do these deeds when the tree is fed and watered 31
What d’ya think’ll happen when the tree is scorched and tortured

Now, two convicted crims were ditto led in chains away 32
To be muted, executed, nailed alongside J

When they pulled up to the place called Golgotha or The Skull 33
With the crims hung each side it was a three way cull

And as J was crucified, he prayed, crying out and spewing
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they’re doing 34

And they cast dice for his clothing to be spliced and divided
And as the multitude viewed the chief leaders derided 35

He saved others, let this brother save himself and be done
If he’s truly Christ, Messiah and God’s Holy Chosen One!

Then the soldiers also mocked and offered J some sour wine 36
Hey, if you’re truly the Jewish King throw yourself a life line 37

For a sign aligned above him spread the headline news 38
The guy hanging here is the King of the Jews

Bemused a trussed crim began to troll and cuss 39
Criminal 1
If you’re the Cat A Christ then save yourself and us!

But the other blasted back 40
Criminal 2
So you don’t fear God
Since you ditto found guilty and face the firing squad?

For we’re getting our dues and now we’re taking the heat 41
But this guy right here has a clean rap sheet

When you come to your kingdom, J, remember my plea 42
Hey, today you’ll truly be in Paradise with me

* V26. Cyrene is pronounced ‘sy-ree-nee’.

Jesus dies

Jesus hung on the cross like a wicked common criminal
Populace subliminal, wrecking the original

From noon to three the light was suspended 44
Obscurity of territory, the darkness descended

And when the light was doused, living under a cloud 45 
There was a rip top to bottom of the temple shroud

You see, in the inner sanctum a certain curtain divided
The holy place of God and where the Jewish priest presided

And as Jesus was indicted, human wrong had been righted
The cleft curtain was a symbol God and humans reunited

And in that second he submitted, with a cry he emitted 46
Father, into your hands my spirit is committed!

Reciting the writing from Psalm thirty-one verse five
Crucified, denied a life, with exhalation Jesus died

The Roman sentry soldier witnessing the situation 47
This execution super-v gave God his adoration

And from an officer’s position, he made the bold admission
Surely this man was above the law’s suspicion?

Then the crowds came together to scope the crucifixion 48
Beating breasts, they confessed their distress and their conviction

Before heading back home broken-hearted, devastated
The only ones remaining were Jesus’ friends and those related 49

These included all the women who had traced from Galilee
Now they observed at a distance, abandoned and bereaved

Jesus is buried

Now a sweet bro named Jo who didn’t go with the flow 50
Part of the Jewish high commission who were running the show

He came from the neighbourhood of Arimathea 51
And was waiting for the Kingdom of God to appear

In Judea it was clear that he didn’t consent
With the bent of the religious establishment

He made an appointment with Pilate, Roman military police 52
Now the prisoner was deceased to secure the body for release

And Joseph took the body from the cross to the grave 53
He wrapped it in linen and he laid it in a cave

It was an unused plot, a new womb of a room 
This hole in carved rock became Jesus Christ’s tomb

It was the Day of Preparation late on a Friday 54
The Sabbath, day of rest, was only hours away

And when his body was removed the Godly girls gave chase 55
Yes these Galilean women Google-mapped his resting place

With a plan to anoint the body, no mortuary or ice 56
To suffice the girls went home to prepare the perfumed spice

But when they’d finally finished Saturday had now begun 57
So they rested, law requested till the Sabbath day was done

Chapter 24

Jesus is resurrected from the dead and appears to his disciples. He teaches them about the kingdom of God and commissions them to go and make disciples of all nations. He then ascends into heaven.

The Resurrected Jesus

Parts: Luke, Dazzlers, Jesus, Cleopas, Crew, Couple

Jesus is resurrected

First day, Sunday, the week had just begun, they 1
Went to the tomb where the spent, broken body lay

Morning, yawning, new light was dawning
Spices were primed, and the women were mourning

And when they arrived at the tomb the stone was rolled away 2
And going inside to where Jesus’ body lay 3

They were surprised to find that in that resting place
A pile of used linen and an empty parking space

Vexed and perplexed, not understanding why 4
Eye blink and two guys in blinding clothes were standing by

The girls were cold-sweating, setting faces to the ground 5
Why are you looking for the living where the living can’t be found?

He’s not hanging with the has-beens or coffin locked in prison
For the one you are seeking is resurrected, he is risen!

Think back what he told you while hanging out in Galilee 6
How the Son of Man would end up in sinners custody 7

He’d be crucified and put to death by hanging on a tree
And how he’d rise again, guessing when? On this day number three

Then remembering what J said they headed back to the room 8-9
To tell the eleven crew and all the others about the tomb

Briefing the apostles, among the other women 10
Was Joanna, Mary, Jimmy’s mum, and Mary Magdalene

But the story they related was unsubstantiated 11
The apostles didn’t buy it, sounded iffy, fabricated

But Peter jumped up and ran full speed to the cave
Headed for the tomb and stooped, looking in the grave

He saw the fabric wrappings, flapping, lying on their own 12
Blown away at what had happened, shaking, headed for his home

A couple on the road to Emmaus

Two of J’s crew were on the road the same day 13
They were tripping to Emmaus, seven miles away

Six zero stadia in the late p.m.
An 11K hike from Jerusalem

Immersed, they conversed, and traversed to the town 14
Hammering and yammering about the things that went down

And as they walked and talked, Jesus drew alongside 15
God decided to hide, the guys’eyes didn’t recognise 16

Disguised, J plied with a Q to the two 17
You’re talking deep as you walk, why don’t you give me a clue?

They stopped in their tracks with their faces downcast
Then at last, the bro whose tag was Cleopas asked 18

You’re clearly not a fandom, are you the only random
Stranger in the land who missed the memorandum?

‘Bout the things that went down these past few days?
What things? 19
Jesus posed to the highway strays

About Jesus of Naz, he was a prophet and a preacher
An A1 weapon-grade works and word teacher

Reaching the peeps, God’s honour conveyed
Our chief leaders and priests back-stabbed and betrayed 20

A sham trial, a charade, his appeal denied
J was sentenced to death, he was crucified

No word of a lie, it was our hearts’ desire 21
Every prior hope was pinned on him being the Messiah

We required the so-called ‘One’ to bring us total liberation
To redeem and rescue Israel, to deliver our salvation

But since it all took place, it’s now been three days
But listen up and appraise how our sisters amazed 22

With a paramount account which left us totally phased
They trail-blazed to the tomb at the first light rays

But J’s body wasn’t there, it was absent without leave 23
So they returned with a tale we find hard to believe

They had a vision from an angel and the message she was giving
Was a message that was simple, it was Jesus is living

Our buddies ran to the tomb where the women had been 24
Yep, the body was gone but J was nowhere to be seen

How thick-brained you are and super slow of heart 25
Not believing all the memos that the prophets did impart!

Is it not predicted in the scripture and the story 26
That the Messiah would expire before arriving at his glory?

Then beginning with Moses and the prophets he related 27
Indicated how the scripture to himself it correlated

Then approaching near the village and their final destination 28
J made a move to press ahead, a trip continuation

But they begged and bid him stay 29
Why don’t you crash at ours tonight
For the sun is all for setting and you’re almost out of light?

We’re running out of hours, and the day is almost done
So Jesus took the offer and he headed to their home

Now, sitting at the table and looking forward to be fed 30
Jesus blessed, gave thanks, broke, and began to share the bread

And with a mega lightbulb moment, the couple saw the light 31
They clocked who was before them then J vanished from their sight

They said to each other 32
Our hearts within us burned
While we conversed on the road and had the holy word confirmed

Straight away they up and legged it, headed back into the town 33
And in Jerus’lem they found their buddies bolted in and hunkered down

The disciples, they were saying 34
Listen up, you know it’s true!
The Lord has really risen, appeared to Simon Peter too!

Then the couple from Emmaus told the gang how it played out 35
How Jesus had appeared to them and left them in no doubt

They told them how he journeyed and all the things he said
And how they knew that it was him when he broke and shared the bread

Jesus appears to his crew

While the crew were still chewing, right from out of the blue 36
Jesus stood among them saying
Hey, peace be with you

They were startled, terrified, thought they were seeing a ghost 37
Why frightened, doubts rising, did you think I was toast? 38

Check my hands and my feet, you can touch me, see it’s me 39
Ghosts don’t have flesh and bones, an elbow or a knee!

And when he’d finished speaking he showed his hands and feet 40
While they O.M.Gd and disbelieved 41
There something here to eat?

So they passed a piece of fish to J and spied him while they waited 42
And then when ‘pleted eating J turned to them and stated 43

Remember what I said was gonna happen, get the picture? 44
Moses, prophets, psalms – the stuff about me writ in scripture

How it had to go down, what was written went as planned
Then J opened up their minds to help them understand 45

It was penned that Christ would suffer, duffed up, roughed up, tears shed  46
Then boom! The third day he would rise up from the dead

And that starting with Jerus’lem to every nation this proclaim 47
There’s repentance and forgiveness of all sin in Jesus’ name

Now I’m sending what my Father pledged, you’ll see and testify 48-49
Stay city put, till pimped with power coming from on high 49

Jesus ascends to heaven

Then J led his crew to Bethany and raising hands he blessed them 50
And as he blessed, he backed away, transmogrified to heaven 51

Praising J, they double-backed to Jerusalem and then 52
Elated, non-stop temple hung, blessing God. Amen! 52-53

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